Alguma bibliografia, por ordem cronológica
1904 Basdevant, Jules,Les Fondateurs du Droit International
1906 Bruno, José Pereira Sampaio Portugal e a Guerra das Nações
1907 Meinecke, Friedrich, Weltburgertum und National Staat
1914 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, O Problema Colonial e as Tendências da Colonização Portuguesa
1915 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, Estudo sobre a Conferência de Berlim de 1885
1918 Bloch, Ernst Geist der Utopie
1918 Keyserling, Hermann von, L'Avenir de l'Europe
1918 Spengler, Oswald, Untergang des Abendlandes. Umrisse einer Morphologie der Weltgeschichte
1919 Lange, C. F. , Histoire de l’Internationalisme
1919 Ruyssen, Théodore, Les Sources Doctrinales de l’Internationalisme
1920 Ruyssen, Théodore, De la Guerre au Droit
1921 Laski, Harold Joseph, The Foundations of Sovereignity
1923 Gasset, José Ortega Y, El Tema de Nuestro
1923 Redslob, Robert, Histoire des Grands Principes du Droit des Gens
1924 Tagore, Rabindranath, Nationalisme
1925 Spykman, Nicholas J., Social Theory of Georg Simmel
1926 Keyserling, Hermann von, Le Monde qui nait
1928 Keyserling, Hermann von, Das Spectrum Europas
1929 Cortesão, Jaime, Os Factores Democráticos da Formação de Portugal
1929 Gillouin, René, Le Destin de l'Occident
1929 Kohn, Hans, A History of Nationalism in the East
1929 Myrdal, Gunnar, The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory
1929 Sturzo, Luigi, The International Community and the Right of War
1930 Herriot, Édouard, Europe, Paris
1930 Redslob, Robert, Le Principe des Nationalités
1931 Gasset, José Ortega Y, La Rebelión de las Masas
1931 Spengler, Oswald, Der Mensch und die Technik. Bertrag zu einer Philosophie des Lebens
1931 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, Greek Commonwealth
1931 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, The Study of International Relations. An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford in 20 February 1931
1932 Cambray, P. G., The Game of Politics. A Study of the Principles of British Political Strategy
1933 Benda, Julien Discours à la Nation Européenne
1933 Aron, Robert, La Révolution Nécéssaire(com Dandieu, Armand)
1933 Mitrany, David, The Progress of International Government
1933 Spengler, Oswald, Jhare der Entscheidung. Deutschland und die Weltgeschichtliche Entwicklung
1933 Spykman, Nicholas J., “Methods of Approach to the Study of International Politics
1934 Keyserling, Hermann von, La Révolution Mondiale et la Responsabilité de l'Esprit
1934 Reynold, Gonzague de, L'Europe Tragique
1934 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, A Study of History
1935 Aron, Raymond, La Sociologie Allemande Contemporaine
1935 Siegfried, André, La Crise de l'Europe
1936 Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de, Raízes do Brasil,
1936 Maritain, Jacques, L’Humanisme Intégral
1936 Reynold, Gonzague de, Le Portugal
1936 Russell, Frank M., Theories of International Relations
1936 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, O Problema das Fronteiras. Conspecto Geral
1937 Ludendorf, Erich, A Guerra Total
1937 Redslob, Robert, Le Principe du Droit des Gens
1937 Robbins, Lionel, Economic Planning and International Order
1938 Friedrich, Carl J., Foreign Policy in the Making. The Search for a New Balance of
1939 Carr, Edward Hallet, The Twenty Years Crisis.1919 1939. An Introduction to the Study of International Relations
1939 Delos, Joseph Thomas, Vitoria et Suarez. Contribution des Théologiens au Droit International Moderne(com Louis Le Fur e Robert Jacquin)
1939 Waciorski, J., Le Terrorisme Politique
1939 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, The League of Nations and the Rule of Law1918 1935
1939 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, The University Teaching of International Relations
1940 Burnham, James, The Managerial Revolution
1940 Carr, Edward Hallet, International Relations since the Peace Treaties
1941 Carr, Edward Hallet, The Future of International Government
1941 Carr, Edward Hallet, The Future of Nations. Independence or Interdependence?
1941 Hazard, Paul, La Crisis de la Conciencia Europea
1941 Reynold, Gonzague de, Qu'est ce que l'Europe?,
1941 Schwarzenberger, Georg, Power Politics. A Study of International Society
1942 Alves, Paulo Durão, A Comunidade Internacional
1942 Spykman, Nicholas J., America's Strategy in World Politics. The United States and the Balance of Power
1942 Wright, Quincy, A Study of War,
1943 Burnham, James, The Machiavellians. Defenders of Freedom
1943 Kelsen, Hans ,Peace Through Law
1943 Reynold, Gonzague de, La Formation de l'Europe
1944 Adler, Mortimer J., How to think about War and Peace
1944 Carr, Edward Hallet, Conditions of Peace
1944 Delos, Joseph Thomas, La Nation
1944 Eaton, Howard O., Federation. The Coming Structure of World Government
1944 Mitrany, David, A Working Peace System. An Argument for the Functional Development of International Organization
1944 Mitrany, David, The Road to Security
1944 Morgenstern, Oskar / Von Neumann, Janos,Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
1944 Polanyi, Karl, The Great Transformation. The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
1944 Röpke, Wilhelm, Civitas Humana,
1944 Spykman, Nicholas J., The Geography of Peace
1945 Amoudruz, Madeleine, Proudhon et l'Europe
1945 Carr, Edward Hallet, Democracy in International Affairs
1945 Dumont Wilden, L., L'Évolution de l'Esprit Européen
1945 Franca, Padre Leonel, A Crise do Mundo Moderno
1945 Freyre, Gilberto ,Sociologia, 2
1945 Hembeden, S. J., Plans for World Peace Through Six Centuries
1945 Hirschman, Albert O., National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade
1945 Ledermann, Lászlo, Les Précurseurs de l’Organisation Internationale
1945 Röpke, Wilhelm, La Communauté Internationale
1946 Brodie, Bernard The Absolute Weapon
1946 Castro, Josué de ,Geografia da Fome
1946 Ellul, Jacques, Fondement Théologique du Droit
1946 Kohn, Hans, The Idea of Nationalism. A Study in its Origins and Background
1946 Morgenthau, Hans J., Man versus Power Politics
1946 Rain, Pierre, Organisation de la Paix en Europe
1946 Rougemont, Denis de, Politique de la Personne
1946 Wight, Martin, Power Politics,
1947 Carr, Edward Hallet, International Relations between the Two World Wars 1919 1939
1947 Lippmann, Walter, The Cold War. A Study in U. S. Foreign Policy
1947 Röpke, Wilhelm, La Crisis Social del Nuestro Tiempo
1947 Rougemont, Denis de, L’Attitude Fédéraliste
1948 Aron, Robert, Principes du Fédéralisme(com Marc, Alexandre)
1948 Freyre, Gilberto, Guerra, Paz e Ciência
1948 Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics Among Nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace
1948 Rougemont, Denis de, L'Europe en Jeu
1948 Siegfried, André, A Propos de l'Organization de l'Europe
1948 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Civilization on Trial
1948 Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics, C
1948 Wright, Quincy, The World Community
1949 Alves, Paulo Durão, A Filosofia Política de Suarez
1949 Boyd, Andrew Western Union. A Study of the Trend towards European Unity
1949 Hutchins, Robert M., St. Thomas and the World State
1949 Maritain, Jacques, Man and the State
1949 Morley, Felix, The Power in the People
1949 Nef, John U., La Route de la Guerre Totale
1949 Prebisch, Raul, El Desarrollo Económico de América Latina y sus Principales Problemas
1949 Renouvin, Pierre, L’Idée de Fédération Européenne dans la Pensée Politique du XXème Siècle
1949 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, As Questões Coloniais
1950 Bonnefous, Édouard L'Idée Européenne et sa Réalisation
1950 Carr, Edward Hallet, Studies on Revolution
1950 Curcio, Carlo, Nazione. Europa. Umanità. Saggi sulla Storia dell'Idea di Nazione e dell Principio di Nazionalità in Italia
1950 Debré, Michel, Projet d'un Pacte pour une Union des États Européens
1950 Delos, Joseph Thomas, La Societé Internationale et les Principes de Droit Publique
1950 Duclos, Pierre, L'Évolution des Rapports Politiques Depuis 1750
1950 Kohn, Hans, The Twentieth Century. A Mid Way Account of the Western World
1950 Ledermann, Lászlo, Fédération Internationale. Idées d’Hier. Possibilités de Demain
1950 Morgenthau, Hans J., Principles of International Politics. Selected Readings(com Thompson, Kenneth W.)
1950 Philip, Olivier, Le Problème de l'Union Européenne
1950 Siegfried, André, L'Âme des Peuples
1950 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, Fundamentos de Derecho Internacional Público
1951 Arendt, Hannah, O Sistema Totalitário
1951 Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, Social Choice and Individual Values
1951 Bouthoul, Gaston Les Guerres. Élements de Polémologie
1951 Carr, Edward Hallet, A Story of Soviet Russia
1951 Carr, Edward Hallet, The New Society
1951 Castro, Josué de ,Geopolítica da Fome
1951 Falk, Richard A., This Endagered Planet. Prospects and Proposals for Human Survival
1951 Herz, John H. , Political Realism and Political Idealism. A Study in Theories and Realities(com Carter, Gwendolen Margaret)
1951 Kennan, George Frost, American Diplomacy. 1900 1950
1951 Morgenthau, Hans J., In Defense of National Interest. A Critical Study of American Foreign Policy
1952 Ashby, W. Ross, Design for a Brain. The Origin of Adaptative Behaviour
1952 Castelo-Branco, Humberto, A Estratégia,
1952 Galbraith, John Kenneth, American Capitalism, the Concept of Countervailing Power
1952 Levi Strauss, Claude, Race et Histoire
1952 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, Oliveira Martins e a Política Colonial
1952 Tchakhotine, Serguei, Le Viol des Foules par la Propagande Politique
1952 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, The World and the West
1952 Voyenne, Bernard, Petite Histoire de l'Idée Européenne
1952 Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics and Society. The Human Use of Human Beeings,
1953 Contamine, Henry, L'Europe est Derrière Nous
1953 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Nationalism and Social Communication. An Inquiry into the Foundation of Nationality
1953 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, Histoire Diplomatique de 1918 à nos Jours
1953 Renouvin, Pierre, Histoire des Relations Internationales
1953 Strauss, leo ,–Droit Naturel et Histoire
1954 Bloch, Ernst Das Prinzip Höffnung
1954 Bowie, Robert R. Studies in Federalism
1954 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Political Community at the International Level(com W. J. Foltz)
1954 Ellul, Jacques, La Technique ou l’Enjeu du Siècle
1954 Gramsci, Antonio, Quaderni del Carcere1929 1935 L'Ordine Nuovo 1919 1920
1954 Kennan, George Frost, Realities of American Foreign Policy
1954 Manning, C. A. W., The University Teaching of Social Sciences. International Relations
1954 Perroux, François, L’Europe sans Rivages
1954 Puharré, André, Les Projets d'Organisation Européenne d'après le Grand Dessein de Henri IV et de Sully
1954 Redslob, Robert, Le Problème de la Paix
1954 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Guerre et Civilization
1954 Waltz, Kenneth N., Man, the State and the State System in Theories of the Causes of War
1955 Brierly, James L. The Law of the Nations. An Introduction to the International Law
1955 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, Le Phénomène Humain
1955 Claude, Inis Lothar, National Minorities and International Problem
1955 Dias, António Jorge ,Os Elementos Fundamentais da Cultura Portuguesa
1955 Gullick, Edward, Europe’s Classical Balance of Power
1955 Harrison, Horace V., The Study of International Relations
1955 Kohn, Hans, Nationalism. Its Meaning and History
1955 Macmahon, Arthur W., Federalism. Mature and Emergent
1955 Moncada, Luís Cabral de, Será Possível um Verdadeiro Direito Internacional?
1955 Monnet, Jean, Les États Unis de l'Europe ont Commencé. Discours et Allocutions 1952 1954
1955 Sainte Lorette, Lucien de, L'Idée d'Union Fédérale Européenne
1955 Silva, Golbery do Couto e, Planejamento Estratégico
1955 Wright, Quincy, The Study of International Relations
1956 Bertallanfy, Ludwig von General Systems Theory. Foundations, Developments, Applications,
1956 Ashby, W. Ross, An Introduction to Cybernetics
1956 Brzezinski, Zbigniew The Permanent Purge
1956 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy
1956 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Apparition de l’Homme
1956 Haas, Ernest B., Dynamics of International Relations(com Allen S. Whiting)
1956 Kaplan, Morton A., United States Foreign Policy 1945 1955
1956 Mills, C. Wright, The Power Elite
1956 Moreira, Adriano, Política Ultramarina.
1956 Sidjanski, Dusan, Fédéralisme Amphicthyonique
1956 Sprout, Harold e Margaret, Man-Milieu. Relationship Hypothesis in the Context of International Politics
1956 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, An Historian's Approach to Religion
1956 Wolfers, Arnold, The Anglo American Tradition in Foreign Affairs(com Martin, Lawrence)
1957 Baran, Paul, The Political Economy of Growth
1957 Beloff, Max Europa e Europeus,
1957 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, La Vision du Passé
1957 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, Le Milieu Divin
1957 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Direito Internacional Público I. Introdução e Fontes
1957 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Political Communithy and the North Atlantic Area. International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience
1957 Downs, Anthony, An Economic Theory of Democracy
1957 Dyke, Vernon Van, International Politics
1957 Haines, C. Grove, European Integration
1957 Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de, Visão do Paraíso. Os Motivos Edénicos no Descobrimento e Colonização do Brasil
1957 Kaplan, Morton A., Systems and Process in International Politics
1957 Kissinger, Henry, A World Restored. Metternich, Castlereagh, and the Problems of Peace. 1812 1822
1957 Kissinger, Henry, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy
1957 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, The Copernican Revolution
1957 Liska, George, International Equilibrium. A Theoretical Essay on the Politics and Organization of Security
1957 Myrdal, Gunnar, Rich Lands and Poor. The Road to World Prosperity
1957 Osgood, Robert E., Limited War,
1957 Rosas, João Dias, O Movimento Económico Europeu: suas Incidências na Economia Portuguesa
1957 Rougemont, Denis de, L'Aventure Occidentale de l'Homme
1957 Silva, Lúcio Craveiro da, Comunidade Internacional, Comunidade Europeia e Soberania Nacional
1957 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, La Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales como Sociología. Introduccíon al Estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales
1957 Venturi, Franco, Les Idées Cosmopolites en Italie au XVIIème Siècle. Perspectives Européens du Cosmopolitisme au XVIIIème Siècle
1957 Wright, Quincy, Contemporary International Law
1958 Brugmans, Henri Les Origines de la Civilization Européenne
1958 Curcio, Carlo, Europa. Storia di un'Idea
1958 Ebenstein, William, Today’s Isms
1958 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Affluent Society
1958 Gramsci, Antonio, Scritti Giovanili 1914 1918
1958 Haas, Ernest B., The Uniting Europe. Political, Social and Economical Forces. 1950 1957
1958 Moore Jr., Barrington, Political Power and Social Theory
1958 Morgenthau, Hans J., Dilemmas of Politics
1958 Organski, Abramo Fimo Kenneth, World Politics
1958 Perroux, François, La Coexistence Pacifique
1958 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, Genèse et Fondements Spirituels de l’Idée d’une Communauté Universelle. De la civitas maxima stoicienne à la civitas gentium moderne
1959 Brodie, Bernard Strategy in the Missile Age
1959 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Avenir de l’Homme
1959 Herz, John H. , International Politics in the Atomic Age
1959 Marc, Alexandre Lipianski, L’Europe, Terre Décisive
1959 Mills, C. Wright, The Causes of World War Three
1959 Morley, Felix, Freedom and Federalism
1959 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, A África nas Relações Internacionais depois de 1870
1959 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, Genèse et Structure de la Societé Internationale
1959 Waltz, Kenneth N., Man, the State and War. A Theoretical Analysis
1960 Bendix, Reinhard Max Weber. An Intellectual Portrait
1960 Albertini, Mário, Lo Stato NazionaleL’État National
1960 Allais, Maurice, L'Europe Unie, Route de Prosperité
1960 Almond, Gabriel A., The Politics of Developing Areas(com Coleman, James)
1960 Bell, Daniel The End of Ideology
1960 Dias, António Jorge, Estudos do Carácter Nacional Português
1960 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Liberal Hour
1960 Gasset, José Ortega Y, Una Interpretación de la Historia Universal en torno a Toynbee
1960 Gramsci, Antonio, Sotto la Mole
1960 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Contemporary Theory in International Politics
1960 Jünger, Ernst, Der Weltstaat. Organismus und Organisation
1960 Kedourie, Elie, Nationalism, Lo
1960 Lapie, P. O., Les Trois Communautés: Charbon Acier, Marché Commun, Euratom
1960 Morgenthau, Hans J., The Purpose of American Foreign Policy
1960 Myrdal, Gunnar, Beyond the Welfare State. Economic Planning and Its International Implications
1960 Rapoport, Anatol, Fights, Games and Debates
1960 Rostow, Walt Whitman, The Stages of Economic Growth. A Non Communist Manifesto
1960 Spinelli, Altiero, L'Europa non cade del Cielo
1960 Thompson, Kenneth W., Political Realism and the Crisis of World Politics
1960 Welty, Eberhard, Catecismo SocialA Constituição da Ordem Social
1961 Ardrey, Robert, African Genesis
1961 Brugmans, Henri L'Europe prend le Large
1961 Chabod, Frederico, Storia dell'Idea d'EuropaHistoria de la Ideia de Europa
1961 Etzioni, Amitai, A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations. On Power, Involvement and Their Correlates
1961 Foucault, Michel, Folie et Déraison. Histoire de la Folie à l'Âge Classique
1961 Herz, John H. , The Nation State and the Crisis of World Politics. Essays on International Politics in the Twentieth Century
1961 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , International Systems and International Law
1961 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Théorie et Relations Internationales
1961 Kaplan, Morton A., “Is International Relations a Discipline?
1961 Kaplan, Morton A., The Political Foundations of International Law(com B. Katzenbach)
1961 Kissinger, Henry, The Necessity for Choice. Prospects of American Foreign Policy
1961 Knorr, Klaus, The International System. Theoretical Essays(com Verba, Sidney)
1961 Rosenau, James N. , International Politics and Foreign Policy. A Reader in Research and Theory
1961 Rougemont, Denis de, Vingt- huit Siècles d'Europe. La Conscience Européenne à travers les Textesd'Hésiode à nos Jours
1961 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Nation et Voie Africaine du Socialisme
1962 Boulding, Kenneth Conflict and Defense
1962 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics
1962 Aron, Raymond, Paix et Guerre entre les Nations
1962 Bouthoul, Gaston Sauver la Guerre
1962 Bouthoul, Gaston Le Phénomène GuerresO Fenómeno Guerra
1962 Buchanan, James McGill The Calculus of Consent. Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy
1962 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Énergie Humaine
1962 Claude, Inis Lothar, Power and International Relations,
1962 Ellul, Jacques, Propagandes, Pa
1962 Encontros Internacionais De Genebra,O Espírito Europeu
1962 Galbraith, John Kenneth, Economic Development
1962 Giddens, Anthony, Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber
1962 Habermas, Jürgen ,Strukturwandel der Öfftenlichkeit
1962 Jaguaribe, Hélio, Pensamento Económico e Desenvolvimento Político
1962 Kohn, Hans, The Age of Nationalism. The First Era of Global History
1962 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
1962 McLuhan, Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy. The Making of Typographic Man
1962 Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics in the Twentieth Century. The Impasse of American Foreign Policy
1962 Morgenthau, Hans J., The Restoration of American Politics
1962 Padelford, Norman J. , The Dynamics of International Politics(com Lincoln, George A)
1962 Rougemont, Denis de, Les Chances de l'Europe
1962 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin et la Politique Africaine
1962 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, America and the World Revolution
1962 Tullock, Gordon, The Calculus of Consent. Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy(com Bucchanan, James)
1962 Wright, Quincy, Preventing World War III(com Evan, W. M. / Deutsch, M.)
1963 Albertini, Mário, La Politica e Altri Saggi
1963 Albonetti, Achille, Péhistoire des États Unis de l'Europe
1963 Almond, Gabriel A., The Civic Culture. Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations
1963 Art, Robert J., The Use of Force. Military Power and International Politics(com Waltz, Kenneth N.)
1963 Brugmans, Henri Le Fédéralisme Contemporain(com Duclos, Pierr)
1963 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Activation de l’Énergie
1963 Cohen, Saul Bernard, Geography and Politics in a Divided World
1963 Cunha, Paulo Pitta e, O Movimento Político Europeu e as Instituições SupranacionaisBoletim do Ministério da Justiça
1963 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Nation Building(com W. J. Foltz)
1963 Drouin, P., L'Europe du Marché Commun
1963 Duclos, Pierre, Le Fédéralisme Contemporain(com Henri Brugmans)
1963 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, L’Idée d’Europe dans l’Histoire
1963 Foucault, Michel, Naissance de la Clinique. Une Archéologie du Regard Médical
1963 Lindberg, Leon N., The Political Dynamics of European Economic Integration
1963 Lorenz, Konra Zachariae, Das sogenannte Böse zur Naturgeschichte der Agression
1963 Pinder, John, Europe Against De Gaulle
1963 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, Action and Reaction in World Politics. International Systems in Perspective,
1963 Schuman, Robert, Pour l'Europe,
1963 Teitgen, Pierre Henri, Les Étapes de l'Idée Européenne
1963 Waltz, Kenneth N., The Use of Force. Military Power and International Politics(com Art, Robert J.)
1964 Bendix, Reinhard Nation Building and Citizenship. Studies of Our Changing Social Order
1964 Bouthoul, Gaston La Surpopulation dans le Monde
1964 The Role of Theory in International Relations
1964 Albuquerque, Martim de, Portugal e a “jurisdictio imperii”
1964 Barata, Óscar Soares, A Questão Racial. Introdução
1964 Beaufre, André Dissuasion et Stratégie
1964 Brugmans, Henri Trois étapes de la Civilisation Européenne ,
1964 Burnham, James, Suicide of the West. An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism
1964 Claude, Inis Lothar, Swords into Plowshares. The Problems and Prospects of International Organization
1964 Etzioni, Amitai, Modern Organization
1964 Gardiner, Patrick, Teorias da História
1964 Haas, Ernest B., Beyond the Nation State. Functionalism and International Organization
1964 Kennan, George Frost, On Dealing with the Communist World
1964 Kulsk W. W.,Kuhn, Thomas Samuel,International Politics in a Revolutionary Age,
1964 Pfaff, William, The Politcs of Hysteria. The Sources of Twentieth Century Conflict(com Stillman, Edmund)
1964 Prebisch, Raul, Nueva Política Comercial para el Desarrollo
1964 Rapoport, Anatol, Strategy and Conscience
1964 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Liberté, Négritude et Humanisme
1964 Tilly, Charles, The Vendée, Cam
1964 Voyenne, Bernard, Histoire de l’Idée Européenne
1965 Beaufre, André Introduction à la Stratégie
1965 Castro, Josué de ,Sete Palmos de Terra e um Caixão
1965 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, La Place de l’Homme dans la Nature
1965 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, Science et Christ
1965 Cortesão, Jaime, O Humanismo Universalista dos Portugueses
1965 Cunha, Paulo Pitta e, A Integração Económica da Europa Ocidental
1965 Ellul, Jacques, L’Illusion Politique
1965 Etzioni, Amitai, Political Unification. A Comparative Study of Leaders and Forces
1965 Freund, Julien, Essence du Politique
1965 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The State of War. Essays on the Theory and Practice of International Politics
1965 Kelman, Herbert C., International Behavior
1965 Kissinger, Henry, Problems of National Strategy. A Book of Readings
1965 Kissinger, Henry, The Troubled Partnership
1965 Kohn, Hans, Os Meus Encontros com a História
1965 Lecerf, Jean, Histoire de l'Unité Européenne
1965 Marc, Alexandre Lipianski, L’Europe dans le Monde
1965 Neto, João Baptista Pereira, Geopolítica Tropical
1965 Organski, Abramo Fimo Kenneth, The Stages of Political Development
1965 Pinto, L. M. Teixeira, Cooperação e Coexistência
1965 Siegfried, André, La Suisse ou l'Histoire d'un Peuple Heureux
1965 Singer, J. David, Human Behavior and International Politics
1965 Sprout, Harold e Margaret, The Ecological Perspective in Human Affairs
1966 Beaufre, André Stratégie de l'Action
1966 Bendix, Reinhard Class, Status and Power. Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective
1966 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Fundamentos de uma Política de Subversão Africana
1966 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Geopolítica Chinesa e sua Incidência em África
1966 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics. A Developmental Approach(com Powell, G. Bingham)
1966 Ardrey, Robert, The Territorial Imperative. A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations
1966 Arias, Luís Garcia ,A Transformação das Relações Internacionais no Século XX
1966 Baran, Paul, Monopoly Capital. An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order
1966 Butterfield, H. / Wight, Martin,Diplomatic Investigations. Essays in the Theory of International Politics
1966 Etzioni, Amitai, Studies in Social Change
1966 Foucault, Michel, Les Mots et les Choses. Une Archéologie des Sciences Humaines
1966 Gasset, José Ortega Y, Meditación de Europa
1966 Gramsci, Antonio, Socialismo e Fascismo. L'Ordine Nuovo 1921 - 1922
1966 Haas, Ernest B., Partidos Políticos y Grupos de Pressión en la Integración Europea
1966 Hay, P. H, Federalism and Supranational Organizations. Patterns for New Legal Structures
1966 Herz, John H. , Beginnings of the Cold War
1966 Hinsley, F. H. , Sovereignty, L
1966 Klineberg, Otto, The Human Dimension in International Relations
1966 Knorr, Klaus, On the Uses of Military Power in the Nuclear Age
1966 McClelland, Charles A., Theory and the International System
1966 Merle, Marcel, Pacifisme et Internationalisme XVII XX Siècles
1966 Moore Jr., Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Lord and Peasant in the making of the modern world
1966 Moulin, Léo, La Societé de Demain dans l'Europe d'aujourd'hui
1966 Neumann, Janos Von, Theory of Self Reproducing Automata
1966 Pomeau, R., L’Europe des Lumières. Cosmopolitisme et Unité Européenne au XVIIème Siècle
1966 Rapoport, Anatol, Two Person Game Theory
1966 Wight, Martin, Diplomatic Investigations. Essays in the Theory of International Politics(com Butterfield, H)
1966 Wolfers, Andrew, Discord and Collaboration. Essays in International Politics
1967 Aron, Raymond, Penser la Guerre, Clausewitz
1967 Beaufre, André Bâtir l'Avenir,
1967 Bouthoul, Gaston Sociologia da Política
1967 Burnham, James, The War We are In
1967 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Dependencia y Desarrollo en America Latina, Dependência e Desenvolvimento na América Latina
1967 Castro, Josué de ,Homens e Caranguejos
1967 Frank, André Gunder, Capitalism and Undervelopment in Latin America
1967 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The New Industrial State
1967 Halin, Hubert, L'Europe Unie Objectif Majeur de la Résistance
1967 Hinsley, F. H. , Power and the Pursuit of Peace. Theory and Practice in the History of Relations Between States
1967 Holsti, Kalevi J. , International Politics. A Framework for Analysis
1967 Jouve, Edmond, Le Genéral de Gaulle et la Construction de l'Europe. 1940 1966
1967 Lafont, Robert, La Révolution Régionaliste
1967 Osgood, Robert E., Force, Order and Justice(com Tucker, Robert C.)
1967 Penna, José Osvaldo Meira, Política Externa, Segurança & Defesa
1967 Rosenau, James N. , Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy
1967 Russett, Bruce M., International Regions and the International System
1967 Sédillot, René, Survol de l'Histoire de l'Europe
1967 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques,Le Défi Américain
1967 Silva, Agostinho da, Algumas Considerações sobre o Culto Popular do Espírito Santo
1967 Silva, Golbery do Couto e, Geopolítica do Brasil
1967 Singer, J. David, Quantitative International Politics. Insights and Evidence
1967 Tucker, Robert C., Force, Order and Justice(com Osgood, Robert E. )
1967 Waltz, Kenneth N., Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics
1968 Bendix, Reinhard State and Society
1968 Albuquerque, Martim de, O Poder Político no Renascimento Português,
1968 Buchanan, James McGill The Demand of Supply of Public Goods
1968 Carr, Edward Hallet, Nationalism and After
1968 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Analysis of International Relations
1968 Dias, António Jorge, O Carácter Nacional Português na Presente Conjuntura
1968 Duclos, Pierre, L'Être Fédéraliste
1968 Etzioni, Amitai, The Active Society. A Theory of Societal and Political Process
1968 Freund, Julien, Qu’est ce que la Politique ?
1968 Friedrich, Carl J., Trends of Federalism in Theory and Pratice
1968 Gramsci, Antonio, Note sul Machiaveli, sulla Politica e sullo Stato Moderno
1968 Hay, Denys, Europe. The Emergence of an Idea
1968 Héraud, Guy, Les Principes du Féderalisme et la Féderation Européenne
1968 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Gulliver's Troubles, or the Setting of American Policy
1968 Julien, Claude, L'Empire Américain
1968 Kaplan, Morton A., New Approaches to International Relations
1968 Lory, M. J. , Douze Leçons sur l'Europe. 1914 1947
1968 Luard, Evan, Conflict and Peace in the Modern International System
1968 McLuhan, Marshall, War and Peace in the Global Village
1968 McNamara, Robert Strange, The Essence of Security. Reflections in Office
1968 Meynaud, Jean, Verso l'Europa Unita. Strutture e Compiti dei Gruppi di promozione(com Sidjanski, Dusan)
1968 Moreira, Adriano, Política Internacional
1968 Neto, João Baptista Pereira, A Evolução e Tendências Recentes das Hipóteses Geopolíticas
1968 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., International Regionalism. Readings
1968 Rapoport, Anatol, Clausewitz. On War
1968 Sampson, Anthony, Anatomia da Nova Europa
1968 Walzer, Michael, The Revolution of the Saints. A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics
1968 Young, George K., Finance and World Power
1968 Young, Oran R. , A Systemic Approach to International Politics
1969 Albertini, Mário, L’Idée de Nation
1969 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Le Mouvemnt Afro-Asiatique
1969 Bull, Hedley International Theory. The Case for a Classical Approach
1969 Célerier, Pierre, Géopolitique et Géostratégie
1969 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Die Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen
1969 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Nationalism and its Alternatives
1969 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, Le Drame de l'Europe. 1914 1945
1969 Emmanuel, Arghiri, L’Échange Inégal. Essai sur les Antagonismes dans les Rapports Économiques Internationaux
1969 Foucault, Michel, L'Archéologie du Savoir
1969 Guitard, Odette, Bandoung et le Réveil des Peuples Colonisés
1969 Kaplan, Morton A., Macropolitics. Selected Essays on the Philosophy and Science of Politics,
1969 Knorr, Klaus, Contending Approaches to International Politics(com Rosenau, James N.)
1969 Macmillan, Harold, Tides of Fortune. 1945 1955
1969 Merle, Marcel, Sociologie Politique et Droit Constitutionnel
1969 Moore Jr., Barrington, Injustice. The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt
1969 Morgenthau, Hans J., A New Foreign Policy for the United States
1969 Mueller, John E, Approaches to Measurement in International Relations. A Non Evangelical Survey,
1969 Parsons, Talcott, Politics and Social Structure
1969 Perroux, François, ”Indépendance” de l’Economie Nationale et Interdépendence des Nations
1969 Rosenau, James N. , Contending Approaches to International Politics(com Knorr, K.)
1969 Rosenau, James N. , Linkage Politics. Essays on the Convergence of National and International Systems
1969 Spaak, Paul Henri, Combats Inachevés. De l'Espoir aux Décéptions
1969 Walter, E. V., Terror and Resistance
1970 Bendix, Reinhard Embattled Reason
1970 Bouthoul, Gaston Traité de Polémologie. Sociologie des Guerres
1970 Almond, Gabriel A., Political Development. Essays in Heuristic Theory
1970 Amin, Samir, L’Accumulation à l’Échelle Mondiale
1970 Ardrey, Robert, The Social Contract
1970 Brugmans, Henri L'Idée Européenne. 1920 1970
1970 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Between Two Ages. America’s Role in the Technotronic Era(com Friedrich, Carl Joachim)
1970 Etzioni, Amitai, Comparative Perspectives. Theories and Methods
1970 Etzioni, Amitai, Demonstration Democracy
1970 Forsythe, M., The Theory of International Relations(com Keen Soper, H. M. A. / Savigear, P.)
1970 Graven, Jean, Le Difficile Progrès du Règne de la Justice et de la Paix Internationale par le Droit. Des Origines à la Societé des Nations
1970 Gurr, Ted Robert, Why Men Rebel?
1970 Haas, Ernest B., The Web of Interdependence
1970 Hallstein, Walter, L'Europe Inachevée
1970 Hirschman, Albert O., Exit, Voice, Loyalty
1970 Kristeva, Julia, Le Langage, Cet Inconnu
1970 Lafont, Robert, Décoloniser en France. Les Regions face à l'Europe
1970 Lindberg, Leon N., Europe's Would Be Polity. Patterns of Change in the European Community
1970 Merle, Marcel, La Vie Internationale
1970 Perroux, François, Aliénation et Societé Industrielle
1970 Rapoport, Anatol, N Person Game Theory
1970 Rosenau, James N. , The Adaptation of National Societies. A Theory of Political System Behavior and Transformation
1970 Rougemont, Denis de, Lettre Ouverte aux Européens
1970 Santos, Teotónio dos, Dependencia y Cambio Social
1970 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques,Ciel et Tierre. Manifeste Radical
1970 Tullock, Gordon, Private Wants, Public Needs. An Economic Analysis of the Desirable Scope of Government
1970 Walzer, Michael, Obligation. Essays on Disobedience, War and Citizenship
1970 Xavier, Alberto Pinheiro, Portugal e a Integração Económica Europeia
1971 Bendix, Reinhard Scholarship and Partisanship. Essays on Max Weber
1971 Amin, Samir, L’Afrique de l’Ouest Bloquée. conomie Politique de la Colonisation 1880 1920
1971 Baldwin, David Allen Cosmocorp. The Importance of Beeing Stateless
1971 Bettati, Mario La Souverainité au Xxe Siècle
1971 Brucan, Silviu The Dissolution of Power
1971 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Política e Desenvolvimento em Sociedades Dependentes. Ideologias do Empresariado Industrial Argentino e
1971 Carvalho, Delgado, Relações Internacionais
1971 Earle, Edward Mead, Makers of Modern Strategy. Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler
1971 Ehrlich, Paul R., How to be a Survivor(com Richard L. Harriman)
1971 Ehrlich, Paul R., The Population Bomb
1971 Gramsci, Antonio, La Costruzione del Partito Comunista 1923 - 1926
1971 Keohane, Robert, Transnational Relations and World Politics
1971 Rawls, John, A Theory of Justice
1971 Rosenau, James N. , The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy
1971 Smith, Anthony David, Theories of Nationalism
1971 Soja, Edward W. , The Political Organization of Space
1971 Vernon, Raymond, Sovereignity at Bay. The Multinational Spread of U. S. Enterprises
Binoux, Paul Les Pionniers de l'Europe. L'Europe et le Rapprochement Franco Allemand
Aron, Raymond, Études Politiques. Recueil d’Essais
Beaufre, André La Guerre Révolutionnaire. Les Forces Nouvelles de la Guerre
Beaufre, André Stratégie pour Demain
1972 Brown, Lester R. World without Borders
1972 Brown, Lester R. The Interdependence of Nations
1972 Buchanan, James McGill The Theory of Public Choice. The Political Application of Economics(com Robert Tollison)
1972 Burton, John, World Society, Lo
1972 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Notas sobre Estado e Dependência
1972 Fernandes, Carlos Roma, Portugal e o Mercado Comum(com Álvares, Pedro)
1972 Hermann, Charles F., International Crises
1972 Herz, John H. ,Government and Politics in the Twentieth Century
1972 Meadows, Donella, The Limits to Growth. A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind
1972 Modelski, George, Principles of World Politics
1972 Monnet, Jean, L'Europe Unie, de l'Utopie à la Realité
1972 Moore Jr., Barrington, Reflections of the Causes of Human Misery
1972 Moulin, Léo, L'Aventure Européenne
1972 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Transnational Relations and World Politics
1972 Ribeiro, Darcy, Teoria do Brasil
1972 Rosenau, James N. , Analysis Of International Politics
1972 Singer, J. David, The Wages of War 1816 1965. A Statistical Handbook(com Small, Melvin)
1972 Spiegel, Stephen L., Dominance and Diversity. The International Hierarchy
1972 Virally, Michel, L’Organisation Mondiale
1973 Beitz, Charles R.Peace and War(com Theodore Herman)
1973 Amin, Samir, Le Développement Inégal. Essai sur les Formations Sociales du Capitalisme Périphérique
1973 Amin, Samir, L'Échange Inégal et la Loi de la Valeur
1973 Aron, Raymond, La République Impériale. Les Etats Unis dans le Monde
1973 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, O Modelo Político Brasileiro e Outros Ensaios
1973 Collins, J., Grand Strategy. Principles and Practices
1973 Conquest, Robert, The Great Terror,
1973 Cox, Robert W., The Anatomy of Influence. Decision Making in International Organization(com Jacobson, Harold K.)
1973 Falk, Richard A., Regional Politics and World Order(com Mendlovitz, Saul H)
1973 Galbraith, John Kenneth, Economics and Public Purpose
1973 Giddens, Anthony, The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies
1973 Hinsley, F. H. , Nationalism and the International System
1973 Jones, Gareth Stedman, The History of US Imperialism
1973 Lafer, Celso, Argentina e Brasil no Sistema das Relações Internacionais
1973 Lindbeck, Assar, The National State in an International World Economy
1973 Mann, Michael, Consciousness and Action among the Western Working Class
1973 Medina, Manuel, La Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales
1973 O'Donnel, Guillermo, Dependencia y Autonomia(com Link, Delfina)
1973 Purnell, Robert, The Society of States. An Introduction to International Politics
1973 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, International Relations. Peace or War?
1973 Rosenau, James N. , The Dramas of Politics. An Introduction to the Jobs of Inquiry
1973 Rotelli, Ettore, Dal Regionalismo alla Regione
1973 Smith, Anthony David, The Concept of Social Change
1973 Voyenne, Bernard, Le Fédéralisme de Pierre Joseph Proudhon
1974 Beres, Louis René Reordering the Planet. Constructing Alternative World Future(com Torge, Harry R)
1974 Brugmans, Henri Prophètes et Fondateurs de l'Europe
1974 Albuquerque, Martim de, A Consciência Nacional Portuguesa. Ensaio de História das Ideias Políticas
1974 Albuquerque, Martim de, A Sombra de Maquiavel e a Ética Tradicional Portuguesa
1974 Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, The Limits of Organization
1974 Barnet, Richard J., Global Reach. The Power of Multinational Corporations(com Muller, Ronald E.)
1974 Braillard, Philippe Philosophie et Relations Internationales
1974 Crozier, Brian, A Theory of Conflict
1974 Ehrlich, Paul R., The End of Affluence
1974 Elazar, Daniel J., The Federal Polity
1974 Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique
1974 Giddens, Anthony, Elites and Power in British Society(com Stanworth, P.)
1974 Granel, F., Las Empresas Multinacionales y el Desarrollo
1974 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Decline or Renewal? France since Thirties
1974 Lijphart, Arend, La Théorie des Relations Internationales. Grandes Controverses et Controverses Mineurs
1974 Merle, Marcel, Sociologie des Relations Internationales
1974 Mesarivic, Mihajlo, Stratégie pour Demain(com Pestel, Eduard)
1974 Moreira, Adriano, A Europa em Formação
1974 Puig, Juan Carlos, Régimen de la Comunidad Internacional
1974 Tilly, Charles, An Urban World,
1974 Tilly, Charles, Strikes in France
1974 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, La Sociedade Internacional
1974 Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Modern World System
1974 Watt, Kenneth E. F., The Titanic Effect
1975 Ball, George, Global Companies. The Political Economy of World Business
1975 Buchanan, James McGill The Limits of Liberty. Between Anarchy and Leviathan
1975 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Autoritarismo e Democratização
1975 Cline, Ray Steiner, World Power Assessment. A Calculus of Strategic Drift
1975 Falk, Richard A., A Study of Future Worlds
1975 Foucault, Michel, Surveiller et Punir. Naissance de la Prison
1975 Freyre, Gilberto, Os Brasileiros entre outros Hispanos
1975 Gilpin, Robert, U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation
1975 Groom, A. J. R., Functionalism. Theory and Practice in International Relations(com Taylor, Paul)
1975 Gurgel, José Alfredo Amaral, Segurança e Democracia
1975 Haas, Ernest B., The Obsolescence of Regional Integration Theory
1975 Haftendorn, Helga, Theorie der Internationalen Politik. Gegenstand und Methode der Internationalen Beziehungen
1975 Isaak, Robert, Individuals and World Politics
1975 Jaguaribe, Hélio, Desenvolvimento Político
1975 Knorr, Klaus, The Power of Nations. The Political Economy of International Relations
1975 Lecerf, Jean, La Communauté en Péril
1975 Lorenz, Konra Zachariae, Três Ensaios sobre o Comportamento Animal e Humano
1975 Manning, C. A. W., The Nature of International Society
1975 Peccei, Aurelio, L’Heure de la Verité
1975 Said, Abdul A. , The New Sovereignities. Multinational Corporations as World Powers(com Simmons, Luiz R)
1975 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Lusitanidade e Negritudee,
1975 Taylor, Paul, Functionalism. Theory and Practice in International Relations(com Groom, A. J. R.:)
1975 Tilly, Charles, The Formation of National States in Western Europe(com Shorter, Edward)
1975 Tilly, Charles, The Rebellious Century. 1830 1930
1975 Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Capitalist World Economy
1976 Albuquerque, Martim de, A Paz Universal no Pensamento Português
1976 Amin, Samir, La Loi de la Valeur et le Matérialisme Historique
1976 Amin, Samir, L'Impérialisme et le Développement Inégal
1976 Apter, David E. The Multinational Corporation and Social Change(com Goodman, Louis Wolf)
1976 Attinà, Fulvio, I Confliti Internazionali. Analisi e Mizurazione
1976 Bouthoul, Gaston Le Défi de la Guerre. 1740 1974 (com Carrere, René)
1976 Ellul, Jacques, Histoire de la Propagande
1976 Foucault, Michel, Histoire de la Sexualité
1976 Giddens, Anthony, Capitalismo e Moderna Teoria Social
1976 Giddens, Anthony, New Rules of Sociological Method
1976 Jervis, Robert, Perception and Misperception in International Politics
1976 Kahn, Herman, The Year 2 000, N(com Brown, William / Martel, Leon)
1976 Kaplan, Morton A., Formacion del Estado Nacional en América Latina
1976 Lacoste, Yves, La Géographie, ça sert, d'abord, à faire la guerre
1976 Mansbach, Richard W., The Web of World Politics. Non State Actors in the Global System(com Ferguson, Yale H.)
1976 Medina, Manuel, Las Organizaciones Internacionales
1976 Monnet, Jean, Mémoires, Paris,
1976 Moreira, Adriano, A Comunidade Internacional em Mudança
1976 Olson, Mancur, The No Growth Society(com Hans H. Landsberg)
1976 Peccei, Aurelio, La Qualité Humaine
1976 Rosenau, James N. , World Politics. An Introduction
1976 Soares, Fernando Luso, A Comunidade Internacional,
1976 Sullivan, Michael P., International Relations. Theories and Evidence
1976 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Mankind and Mother Earth. A Narrative History of the World
1976 Zinnes, Dina A., Contemporary Research in International Relations. A Perspective and a Critical Appraisal
1977 Amin, Samir, La Nation Arabe, P
1977 Aron, Raymond, Playdoyer pour l’Europe Décadente
1977 Braillard, Philippe Théorie des Relations Internationales
1977 Braillard, Philippe Théorie des Systèmes et Relations Internationales
1977 Buchanan, James McGill Democracy in Deficit. The Political Legacy of Lord Keynes(com R. E. Wagner)
1977 Buchanan, James McGill Freedom in Constitutional Contract
1977 Bull, Hedley The Anarchical Society. A Study of Orde rin World Politics
1977 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, ECO Social Systems and ECO Politics. A Reader on Human and Social Implications of Environmental Management in Developing Countries
1977 Ellul, Jacques, Le Système Technicien
1977 Foucault, Michel, Power/ Knowledge. Selected Interviews and other Writings 1972 1977
1977 Galbraith, John Kenneth, A Era da Incerteza. Uma História das Ideias Económicas e das suas Consequências
1977 Gramsci, Antonio, Escritos Políticos
1977 Keohane, Robert, Power and Interdependence. World Politics in Transition(com Nye, Joseph:)
1977 Knorr, Klaus, Economic Issues and National Security(com Trager, Frank N.)
1977 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, The Essential Tension. Scientific Tradition,
1977 Lafer, Celso, Comércio e Relações Internacionais
1977 Lannou, Maurice Le, Europe, Terre Promise
1977 Laszlo, Ervin, Goals for Mankind
1977 Lindblom, Charles, Politics and Markets. The World’s Political Economic System
1977 MacIntyre, Alasdair, A Short History of Ethics
1977 Mesa, Roberto, Teoría y Práctica de las Relaciones Internacionales
1977 Metz, Johann Baptist, A Fé em História e Sociedade
1977 Meyers, Reinhard, Die Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen. Ein entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Überblick
1977 Moscovici, Serge, A Sociedade Contranatura
1977 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Power and Interdependence. World Politics in Transition(com Keohane, Rober)
1977 Parkinson, F., The Philosophy of International Relations
1977 Rougemont, Denis de, L'Avenir est nôtre Affaire
1977 Tilly, Charles, Big Structures, Large Process, Huge Comparison
1977 Vernon, Raymond, Storm Over Multinationals. The Real Issues
1977 Walzer, Michael, Just and Injust Wars. A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations
1977 Wight, Martin, Systems of States
1977 Wilkinson, P., Terrorism and Liberal State
1978 Bendix, Reinhard Kings or People. Power and the Mandate to Rule(com Roth, G.).
1978 The Inner Limits of Mankind, O
1978 Albuquerque, Martim de, Jean Bodin na Península Ibérica. Ensaio de História das Ideias Políticas e de Direito Público
1978 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics. System, Process and Policy
1978 Azevedo, J. Cândido de A Adesão de Portugal à CEE
1978 Badie, Bertrand, Le Développement Politique
1978 Brucan, Silviu The Dialectic of World Politics
1978 Buchanan, James McGill The Economics of Politics
1978 Cassese, António, Pour un Droit des Peuples (com Jouve, Edmond)
1978 Chabot, Jean Luc, L'Idée d'Europe Unie de 1919 à 1939
1978 Choucri, Nazli, Forecasting in International Relations. Theory, Methods, Problems, Prospects(com Robinson, Thomas W)
1978 Donelan, Michael D., The Reason of the States. A Study in International Political Theory
1978 Frank, André Gunder, Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment
1978 Frank, André Gunder, World Accumulation, 1492 1789
1978 Gabor, Dennis, Sortir de l’Ère du Gaspillage(com Columbo, Umbert)
1978 Grosser, Alfred, Les Occidentaux. Les Pays d'Europe et les États Unis depuis la Guerra
1978 Hartman, Frederik A., Relations of Nations
1978 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Primacy or World Order?
1978 Inbergen, Jean, Nord-Sud, du Défi au Dialogue
1978 Jouve, Edmond, Pour un Droit des Peuples(com Cassese, A)
1978 Krasner, Stephen D., Defending the National Interest. Raw Materials Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy
1978 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, Black Body. Theory and the Quantum Descontinuity
1978 Maillet, Pierre, La Costruzione Europea
1978 Montbrial, Thierry, Énérgie. Le Compte à Rebours
1978 Ribeiro, Darcy, O Processo Civilizatório
1978 Rostow, Walt Whitman, The World Economy. History and Prospect
1978 Taylor, Trevor, Approaches and Theory in International Relations
1978 Tilly, Charles, From Mobilization to Revolution(com Tilly, Louise A. / Richard Tilly, Richard)
1978 Tullock, Gordon, Le Marché Politique. Analyse Économique des Processus Politiques
1978 Zorgbibe, Charles, La Construction Politique de l’Europe
1979 Bonanate, Luigi Dimenzioni del Terrorismo Politico
1979 Bonanate, Luigi Politica Internazionale
1979 Booth, Ken Strategy and Ethnocentrism
1979 Albertini, Mário, Il Federalismo. Antologia e Definizioni
1979 Amin, Samir, Classe et Nation. Dans l’Histoire et la Crise Contemporaine
1979 André, Charles L'Europe à la Croisé des Chemins
1979 Beitz, Charles R. Political Theory and International Relations
1979 Bouthoul, Gaston Guerres et Civilisations(com Carrere, René / Annequin, Jean Louis)
1979 Brugmans, Henri L'Europe Vécue,
1979 Castarède, Jean, De l'Europe de la raison à celle du Coeur
1979 Clavel, Jean Claude, L'Europe au Fil des Jours. Les Jeunes Années de la Construction Européenne. 1948 1978(com Collet, Pierr)
1979 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Tides Among Nations
1979 Elazar, Daniel J., Federalism and European Integration
1979 Evans, G., Dependent Development
1979 Giddens, Anthony, Central Problems in Social Theory
1979 Isaacs, Harold, Power and Identity. Tribalism in World Politics
1979 Jacobson, Harold K., Networks of Interdependence. International Organizations and the Global Political System
1979 Kaplan, Morton A., Towards Professionalism in International Theory. Macrosystem Analysis
1979 Kennan, George Frost, The Decline of Bismarck’s European Order
1979 Kissinger, Henry, The White House Years
1979 Kriegel, Blandine, L'État et les Esclaves. Réflexions pour l'Histoire des États
1979 Levi, Lucio, Verso gli Stati Uniti d'Europa. Analisi dell'Integrazione Europea
1979 Lovelock, James E., Gaia. A NewLook at Life on Earth
1979 Lyotard, Jean-françois, La Condition Postmoderne. Rapport sur le savoir
1979 Macedo, Jorge Borges de, Uma Perspectiva Histórica para a Integração Europeia
1979 Merquior, José Guilherme, The Veil and the Mask
1979 Meyers, Reinhard, Weltpolitik in Grundbegriffen
1979 Morgenthau, Hans J., Human Rights and Foreign Policy
1979 Noell, Émile, Les Rouages de l'Europe. Comment fonctionnent les institutions de la Communauté Européenne
1979 Peccei, Aurelio, The Chasm Ahead
1979 Pedini, Mario, Rapporto sull'Europa. Momenti e Fatti dell'Unificazione
1979 Sanguinetti, Gianfranco, Del Terrorismo e dello Stato. La Teoria e la Pratica del Terrorismo per la Prima Volta Divulgato,
1979 Singer, J. David, The Correlates of War
1979 Skocpol, Theda, State and Social Revolutions. A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China
1979 Smith, Anthony David, National Movements in te 20th Century
1979 Spinelli, Altiero, Il mia Bataglia per un'Europa Diversa
1979 Teitgen, Pierre Henri, Origines, Objectifs et Nature des Communauté Européennes
1979 Tucker, Robert C., The Inequality of Nations
1979 Waltz, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics(com revisão científica e prefácio de Luís Filipe Lobo Fernandes, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2002)
1980 Abi Saab, Georges, Le Concept d’Organisation Internationale
1980 Ashley, Richard K., The Political Economy of War and Peace. The Sino Sovietic Triangle and the Modern Security Problematique
1980 Barney, Gerald O., The Global 2000. Report to the President
1980 Braillard, Philippe Impérialisme(com Senarclens, Pierre)
1980 Brandt, Willy Nord Sud. Un Programme de Survie
1980 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, As Ideias e seu Lugar. Ensaio sobre as Teorias do Desenvolvimento
1980 Chacon, Vamireh, O Humanismo Brasileiro
1980 Cline, Ray Steiner, World Power Trends and U. S. Foreign Policy for the1980s
1980 Débray, Régis, Genèse du Politique
1980 Galtung, Johan, The True Worlds
1980 Gonidec, Pierre François, Politique Comparée du Tiers Monde(com Tran, Van Min)
1980 Guernier, Maurice, Tiers Monde. Trois Quarts du Monde
1980 Gurr, Ted Robert, Handbook of Political Conflict
1980 Merquior, José Guilherme, Rousseau and Weber. Two Studies in the Theory of Legitimacy
1980 Nixon, Richard, The Real War, N
1980 Organski, Abramo Fimo Kenneth, The War Ledger(com Kluger, Jace)
1980 Petrilli, Giuseppe, Il Mattino d'Europa. Scritti e Discorsi. 1959 1979
1980 Puig, Juan Carlos, Doctrinas Internacionales y Autonomia Latinoamericana
1980 Rorty, Richard, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
1980 Rosenau, James N. , The Study of Global Interdependence
1980 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques,Le Défi Mondial
1980 Toffler, Alvin, Futur Shock, No
1980 Toffler, Alvin, The Third Wave,
1980 Voyenne, Bernard, L’Information Aujourd’Hui
1980 Walker, Rob J. B., Political Theory and the Transformation of World Politics
1980 Walzer, Michael, Radical Principles. Reflections of One Unreconstructed Democrat
1981 Albuquerque, Martim de, Primeiro Ensaio sobre a História da Ideia de Europa no Pensamento PortuguêsIn Memoriam de Ruben Andresen Leitão
1981 Alker, Hayward R.,–“Dialectical Foundations of Global Disparities”
1981 Anand, R. P., Cultural Factors in International Relations
1981 Aron, Raymond, Le Spectateur Engagé. Entretiens avec Jean Louis Missaiks et Dominique Wolton
1981 Brugmans, Henri Volti d'Europa. I Momenti Ciave della Storia Europea
1981 Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce The War Trap
1981 Buzan, Barry, Change and the Study of International Relations. The Evaded Dimension(com Jones, Barry)
1981 Débray, Régis, Critique de la Raison Politique ou l’Inconscient Réligieux
1981 Dell'omodarme, Marcello Europa. Mito e Realità del Processo d'Integrazione
1981 Dougherty, James, Contending Theories of International Relations. A Compreensive Survey(com Pfaltzfraff Jr
1981 Dupuy, P. M., Communauté Internationale et Disparités du Développment
1981 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste ,Tout Empire Périra. Une Vision Théorique des Relations Internationales
1981 Ellul, Jacques, La Parole Humiliée
1981 Falk, Richard A., Human Rights and State Sovereignty
1981 Fernandes, António José, A Comunidade Europeia e Portugal. Problemática do Alargamento para o Sul
1981 Ferreira, José Medeiros, Estudos de Estratégia e Relações Internacionais
1981 Fontaine, Pascal, Une Cours sans Retour. Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe
1981 Galbraith, John Kenneth, A Life in Our Times
1981 Geutzkow, Harold ,Simulated International Processes(com Valadez, Joseph J.)
1981 Giarini, Oro, Dialogue sur la Richêsse
1981 Gilpin, Robert, War and Change in World Politics
1981 Gonidec, Pierre François, Relations Internationales
1981 Guerra, Ruy Teixeira, Os Movimentos de Cooperação e Integração Europeia no Pós Guerra e a Participação de Portugal nesses Movimentos(com Freire, António Siqueira / Magalhães, José Calve)
1981 Handel, Michael I., Weak States in the International System
1981 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Duties Beyond Borders: On the Limits and Possibilities of Ethical International Politics
1981 Kaldor, Mary, The Baroque Arsenal
1981 Lebow, Richard Ned, Between Peace and War. The Nature of Individual Crisis
1981 Little, R., Perspectives on World Politics(com Smith, M.)
1981 MacIntyre, Alasdair, After Virtue
1981 Mansbach, Richard W., In Search of Theory. A New Paradigm for Global Politics(com Vasquez, John)
1981 Merle, Marcel, Forces et Enjeux dans les Relations Internationales
1981 Morin, Edgar, Pour Sortir du XXème Siècle
1981 Peccei, Aurelio, Cem Páginas para o Futuro
1981 Perroux, François, Ensaio sobre a Filosofia do Novo Desenvolvimento
1981 Prebisch, Raul, Obras Escogidas
1981 Rugman, Alan M., Inside the Multinationals
1981 Russett, Bruce M., World Politics. The Menu for Choice(com Starr, Harvey)
1981 Silva, Golbery do Couto e, Conjuntura Política Nacional. O Poder Executivo & Geopolítica,
1981 Smith, Anthony David, The Ethnic Revival
1981 Smith, M. , Perspectives on World Politics(com Little, R)
1981 Spero, Joan Edelman, The Politics of International Economic Relations(com Hart, Jeffrey A)
1981 Starr, H. , World Politics. The Menu for Choice(com Russett, B)
1981 Tilly, Charles, As Sociology Meets History
1981 Vasquez, John A., In Search of Theory. A New Paradigm for Global Politics(com Mansbach, R.)
1982 Braillard, Philippe L'Imposture du Club de Rome
1982 Breuilly, John Nationalism and the State
1982 Caminha, João Carlos Gonçalves,Delineamentos da Estratégia
1982 Foucault, Michel, Microfísica do Poder
1982 Gilligan, Carol, In a Different Voice. Psychological Theory and Women's Development
1982 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Une Morale pour les Monstres Froids. Pour une Éthique des Relations Internationales
1982 Huntington, Samuel P., The Strategic Imperative
1982 Kennan, George Frost, The Nuclear Delusion
1982 Kissinger, Henry, Years of Upheaval
1982 Krasner, Stephen D., Plural Causes and Regime Consequences. Regimes As Intervening VariablesInternational Organization
1982 Lipgens, Walter, A History of European Integration
1982 Maghroori, R. / Ramberg, B., Globalism vs. Realism. International Relations Third Debate
1982 Mayall, James, The Community of States
1982 Meadows, Donella, Groping in the Dark. The First Decade of Global Modelling(com Richardson, John / Bruckman, Gerhart)
1982 Memmi, A., Le Racisme. Description, Définition, Traitement
1982 Merquior, José Guilherme, A Natureza do Processo
1982 Moreira, Adriano, Direito Internacional Público
1982 Ohmae, Kenichi, The Mind of the StrategistBusiness Planning for Competitive Advantage
1982 Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations. Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities
1982 Pélassy, Dominique, Sociologie Politique Comparative. Problèmes et Perspectives(com Doggan, Mattei )
1982 Poggee, T, Realising Rawls, Ith
1982 Ramberg, B. , Globalism vs. Realism. International Relations Third Debate(com Maghroori, R)
1982 Rokkan, Stein, The Politics of Territorial Identity. Studies in European Regionalism(com Urwin, Derek)
1982 Rorty, Richard, Consequences of Pragmatism
1982 Sandel, Michael J., Liberalism and the Limits of Justice
1982 Singer, J. David, Resort to Arms. International and Civil Wars 1816 1980(com Small, Melvin)
1982 Thompson, Kenneth W., Principles of International Politics. Selected Readings(com Morgenthau, Hans J.)
1982 Vasquez, John A., The Power of Power Politics. A Critique
1982 Willets, Peter, Pressure Groups in the Global System. The Transnational Relations of Issue Orientated Non Governmental Organisations
1983 Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
1983 Aron, Raymond, Mémoires. 50 Ans de Refléxion Politique
1983 Attinà, Fulvio, La Politica Internazionale Contemporanea (1945 1980)
1983 Buzan, Barry ,Peoples, States and Fear. The National Security Problem in International Relations
1983 Castells, Manuel, The City and Grassroots
1983 Creenshaw, Martha, Terrorism, Legitimacy and Power
1983 Escudé, Carlos, Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos y la Declinación Argentina, 1942 1949
1983 Fritsch Bounazel, Renata, Les Allemands au Coeur de l'Europe(com A. Brigot e J. Cloos)
1983 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Anatomy of Power
1983 Gerbet, Pierre, La Construction de l'Europe
1983 Habermas, Jürgen ,Moralbewusstein und kommunicatives Handeln
1983 Halliday, Fred, The Making of the Second Cold War
1983 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , La Nouvelle Guerre Froide
1983 Krasner, Stephen D., International Regimes
1983 Lipovetski, Gilles, L’Ère du Vide. Essais sur l’Individualisme ContemporainA Era do Vazio. Ensaio sobre o Individualismo Contemporâneo
1983 Merquior, José Guilherme, O Argumento Liberal
1983 Nardin, Terry, Law, Morality and the Relations of States
1983 Prebisch, Raul, Periferia Latinoamericana en el Sistema Global del Capitalismo
1983 Santos, José Loureiro dos, Incursões no Domínio da Estratégia
1983 Smith, Anthony David, State and Nation in the Third World. The Western State and African Nationalism
1983 Spinelli, Altiero, Rapport fait au nom de la Commission institutionelle sur l'avant projet de traité instituant l'Union Européenne
1983 Spinelli, Altiero, Vers l'Union Européenne
1983 Taylor, Paul, The Limits of European Integration
1983 Walzer, Michael, Spheres of Justice. A Defense of Pluralism and Equality
1984 Braillard, Philippe Tiers Monde et Rélations Internationales(com Djalili, Mohammad Reza)
1984 The Expansion of International Society(com Watson, Ada)
1984 Allan, Pierre, Application de la Théorie des Jeux à l’Étude des Relations Internationales(com Marti, Brigitte/ Glazer, Tracy)
1984 Arenal, Celestino del, Introduccíon a las Relaciones Internacionales
1984 Arterton, F. Cristopher, Telecommunicaions Technologies and Political Participation(com Lazarus, Edward H. / Griffen, John / Andres, Monica C.)
1984 Banks, M., Conflict in World Society. A New Perspective on International Relations
1984 Bull, Hedley Intervention in World Politics
1984 Bull, Hedley Justice in International relations
1984 Escudé, Carlos, La Argentina, Paria Internacional?
1984 Giddens, Anthony, The Construction of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration
1984 Glazer, Tracy, Application de la Théorie des Jeux à l’Étude des Relations Internationales(com Allan, Pierre/ Marti, Brigitt)
1984 Held, David, The Idea of Modern State(com McLennon, G. /, Hall, S.)
1984 Höffe, Otfried, Ethik und Politik
1984 Holbraad, C., Middle Powers in International Politics
1984 Kaplan, Morton A., Science, Language and the Human Condition
1984 Kennan, George Frost, The Fateful Alliance
1984 Keohane, Robert, After Hegemony. Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
1984 Lafer, Celso, O Brasil e a Crise Mundial. Paz, Poder e Política Externa
1984 Marti, Brigitte, Application de la Théorie des Jeux à l’Étude des Relations Internationales(com Allan, Pierre/ Glazer, Trac)
1984 Martins, François, Algumas Reflexões sobre a Organização da Defesa Nacional
1984 Papp, Daniel S., Contemporary International Relations. Frameworks for Understanding
1984 Pélassy, Dominique, How to Compare Nations. Strategies in Comparative Politics(com Doggan, Mattei )
1984 Pelegrino, Carlos Alberto Mota,Uma Ciência Nova; Relações Internacionais
1984 Taylor, Paul, Nonstate Actors in International Politics. From Transregional to Substate Organizations
1984 Walker, Rob J. B., Culture, Ideology and World Order
1984 Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Politics of the World
1984 Watson, Adam, The Expansion of International Society(com Bull, Hedle)
1985 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Blocos Regionais do Terceiro Mundo
1985 Beitz, Charles R. International Ethics(com Cohen, M./ Scanlon, T./ Simmons, A. J.)
1985 Brams, Steven John Rational Politics, Decision, Games and Strategies
1985 Brams, Steven John Superpower Games
1985 Brandão, E. H. Serra As Relações Internacionais antes de Hugo Grotius,
1985 Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce Forecasting Political Events(com Neuman, David / Rabushka, Alvin)
1985 Giddens, Anthony, The Nation State and Violence. Volume Two of a Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism
1985 Groeben, H. Von Der, Combat pour l'Europe. La Construction de la Communauté Européenne de 1958 à 1966
1985 Groom, A. J. R., International Relations. A Handbook of Current Theory(com Light, Margot)
1985 Held, David, Models of Democracy
1985 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , L’Ordre International
1985 Holsti, Kalevi J. , The Dividing Discipline. Hegemony and Diversity in International Theory
1985 Krasner, Stephen D., Structural Conflict. The Third World against Global Liberalism
1985 Lipgens, Walter, Documents on the History of European Integration
1985 Lopes, Carlos, A Transição Histórica na Guiné Bissau. Do Movimento de Libertação Nacional ao Estado
1985 Lutherbacher, Urs, Dynamic Models of International Conflict(com Ward, Michael D)
1985 Merquior, José Guilherme, Foucault ou o Niilismo de Cátedra
1985 Merquior, José Guilherme, Foucault
1985 Mowlana, Hamid, International Flow of Information. A Global Report and Analysis
1985 Ohmae, Kenichi, Triad Power. The Coming Shape of Global Competition
1985 Pujol Davilla, José, Sistema y Poder Geopolítico
1985 Rawls, John, Justice as Fairness. Political not Metaphysical
1985 Skocpol, Theda, Bringing the State Back In(com Evans, Peter / Rueschemeyer, Dietrich)
1985 Smith, Steve, International Relations. British and American Perspectives
1985 Thomas, C. , New States, Sovereignty and Intervention
1985 Wiarda, Howard J., Ethnocentrism in Foreign Policy
1986 Bonanate, Luigi Teoria e Analisi nelle Relazioni Internazionali(com Santoro, C. M; nova ed. de
1986 Brecher, Michael Crisis and Change in World Politics(com James, P.)
1986 Barbé, Esther, La Obra y el Pensamiento de Hans J. Morgenthau
1986 Beck, Ulrich Risk Society. Towards a New Modernity,
1986 Benhabib, Seyla Critique, Norm
1986 Bettati, Mario Les ONG et le Droit International(com Dupuy, P. M)
1986 Buchanan, James McGill Liberty, Market and State
1986 Burgess, Michael, Federalism and Federation
1986 Carvalho, Vergílio de ,Estratégia Global e Subsídios para uma Grandes Estratégia
1986 Cassese, António, Le Droit International dans un Monde Divisé
1986 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, A Ideia de Europa. Raízes Históricas. Evolução. Concretização Actual. Portugal e a Europa
1986 Doyle, Michael W., Empires, Ith
1986 Dupuy, P. M., Les ONG et le Droit International(com Mario Bettati)
1986 Ellis, A., Ethics and International Relations
1986 Freymond, Jacques, La Paix Dangereuse
1986 Frost, M., Towards a Normative Theory of International Relations
1986 Giddens, Anthony, Durkheim on Politics and the State
1986 Gourevitch, Peter, Politics in Hard Times. Comparative Responses to International Economic Crises
1986 Haliday, Fred, The Making of the Second Cold War
1986 Hall, Peter, Governing the Economy. The Politics of State Intervention in Britain and France
1986 Handel, Michael I., Clausewitz and Modern Strategy
1986 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Janus and Minerva
1986 James, Alan, Sovereign Statehood. The Basis of International Society
1986 Keohane, Robert, Neorealism and Its Critics
1986 Kriegel, Blandine ,–Les Droits de l’Homme et le Droit Naturel
1986 Labori, M. , L'Europe des Douze. Une Puissance Mondiale en Devenir?(com Bourdelin, D)
1986 Lyotard, Jean-françois, Le Postmoderne Expliqué aux Enfants,
1986 Mann, Michael, The Sources of Social PowerA History of Power from the Beginning to A. D. 1760
1986 Marjolin, Robert, Le Travail d'une Vie. Mémoires 1911 1986
1986 Merle, Marcel, Les Acteurs dans les Relations Internationales
1986 Merquior, José Guilherme, From Prague to Paris. A Critique of Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Thought
1986 Merquior, José Guilherme, O Marxismo Ocidental
1986 Oliveira, Odete Maria, Relações Internacionais & Globalização. Grandes Desafios
1986 O'Neil, O., Faces of Hunger. An Essay on Poverty, Justice and Development
1986 Porter, Michael, Competition in Global Industries
1986 Porto, Manuel Lopes, Do Acto Único à "Nova Fronteira" para a Europa
1986 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, The Rise of the Trading State, Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World
1986 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, On Modes of Production of Social Power in the Law
1986 Santos, Victor Marques dos, Da Coexistência Pacífica. Elementos sobre as Origens e Evolução do Conceito
1986 Smith, Anthony David, The Ethnic Origins of Nations
1986 Sooros, Marvin, Beyond Sovereignity
1986 Tilly, Charles, The Contentious French. Four Centuries of Popular Struggle
1986 Vasquez, John A., Classics of International Relations
1986 Vincent, R. J., Human Rights and International Relations
1987 Benhabib, Seyla Feminism as Critique. Essays on the Politics of Gender in a Late-Capitalist Societies
1987 Bettati, Mario Le Devoir d’Ingérence. Peut-on les Laissez Mourir ?(com Kouchner, Bernard)
1987 Alexander, Jeffrey, The Micro Macro Link
1987 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Teoria Geral da Estratégia
1987 Arterton, F. Cristopher, Teledemocracy. Can Technology Protect Democracy?
1987 Ashley, Richard K., “The Geopolitics of Geopolitical Space
1987 Badie, Bertrand, Les Deux États. Pouvoir et Societé en Occident et en Terre d’Islam
1987 Bell, Daniel The World and the United States in 2013
1987 Braillard, Philippe Mythe et Realité du Non Alignement
1987 Buzan, Barry, An Introduction to Strategic Studies. Military, Technology and International Relations
1987 Carvalho, Vergílio de ,Cumprir Portugal. Uma Proposta para uma Grande Estratégia
1987 Cox, Robert W., Production, Power and World Order. Social Forces in the Making of History
1987 Der Derian, James, On Diplomacy. A Genealogy of Western Estrangement
1987 Elazar, Daniel J., Exploring Federalism
1987 Escudé, Carlos, Patologia del Nacionalismo. El Caso Argentino
1987 Fleiner Gerster, Thomas, Federalism and Decentralisation
1987 Fritsch Bounazel, Renata, L'Allemagne. Un Enjeu pour l'Europe
1987 Gerbet, Pierre, La Naissance du Marché Commun
1987 Giddens, Anthony, Social Theory and Modern Sociology
1987 Gilpin, Robert, The Political Economy of International Relations
1987 Hobsbawm, Eric J., The Age of Empire 1875 1914
1987 Höffe, Otfried, Justiça Política. Fundamentação de uma Filosofia Crítica do Direito e do Estado
1987 Hoffman, M., Critical Theory and the Inter Paradigm Debate
1987 Huntzinger, Jacques, Introduction aux Relations Internationales
1987 Hutchinson, John, The Dynamics of Cultural Nationalism
1987 Kauppi, Mark V., International Relations Theory. Realism, Pluralism, Globalism and Beyond(com Viotti, Paul R.)
1987 Kennedy, Paul, Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 1945Stratégie et Diplomatie. 1870 1945
1987 Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000
1987 Kipnis, K. / Meyers, D. T., Political Realism and International Morality
1987 Klein, Bradley S., Strategic Discourse and its Alternative
1987 Kouchner, Bernard, Le Devoir d’Ingérence(com Bettati, M.)
1987 Laue, Theodore H. Von, The World Revolution of Westernization. The Twentieth Century in Global Perspective
1987 Lipovetski, Gilles, L’Empire de l’Éphémère. La Mode et son Destin dans les Societés Modernes
1987 Macedo, Jorge Borges de, História Diplomática Portuguesa. Constantes e Linhas de Força. Estudo de Geopolítica
1987 Modelski, George, Long Cycles in World Politics,
1987 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Les Relations Internationales dans le Monde d’Aujourd’hui. Conflits et Interdépendences
1987 Morin, Edgar, Penser l’Europe,
1987 Ohmae, Kenichi, Beyond National Borders
1987 Pélassy, Dominique, Le Moloch en Europe. Étatisation et Corporatisation(com Doggan, Mattei )
1987 Pires, Francisco Lucas, Na Hora Europeia
1987 Prahalad, C. K. , The Multinational Mission. Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision(com Doz, Yves L)
1987 Riker, William H., The Development of American Federalism
1987 Rousseau, M. O., Regionalism and Regional Devolution in Comparative Perspective(com Zariski, R. A)
1987 Sá, Luís Viana, Soberania e Integração na CEE
1987 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Um Discurso sobre as Ciências
1987 Smith, Michael J., Realist Thought from Weber to Kissinger
1987 Vincent, R. J., International Relations Theory. Realism, Pluralism, Globalism and Beyond(com Kauppi, Mark V)
1987 Walker, Rob J. B., Towards a Just World Peace. Perspectives from Social Movements(com Mendlovitz, Saul H.)
1988 Abramson, Jeffrey B., The Electronic Commonwealth. The Impact of New Media Technologies on Democratic Politics(com Cristopher Arterton e Garry R. Orren)
1988 Augelli, Enrico America's Quest for Supremacy and the Third World. A Gramscian Analysis(com Murphy, Craig)
1988 Braillard, Philippe Les Relations Internationales(com Djalili, Mohammad Reza)
1988 Brams, Steven John Games Theory and National Security
1988 Brecher, Michael Crises in the Twentieth Century(com Wildenfeld, Jonathan / Moser, Sheil)
1988 Clark, Ian, Waging War. A Philosophical Introduction
1988 Claude, Inis Lothar, States and the Global System. Politics, Law and Organization
1988 Coudenhove Kalergi, Richard, Pan Europe
1988 Delors, Jacques, 1992. Le Défi. Nouvelles Données Économiques de l'Europe sans Frontières
1988 Etzioni, Amitai, The Moral Dimension. Toward a New Economics
1988 Fontaine, Pascal, Jean Monnet. L'Inspirateur
1988 Frankel, Joseph, International Relations in a Changing World
1988 Galambos, Louis, The Rise of Corporate Commonwealth
1988 Gill, Stephen, The Global Political Economy(com Law, Davi)
1988 Goldstein, Joshua S., Long Cycles. Prosperity and war in the Modern Age
1988 Higgot, Richard A. , New Directions in International Relations? Australian Perspectives
1988 Höffe, Otfried, L’État et la Justice
1988 Hoffman, M., Cosmopolitanism and Normative International Theory
1988 Kaelble, Hartmut, Vers une Societé Européenne. 1880 1980
1988 Lopes, Carlos, Para uma Leitura Sociológica da Guiné Bissau
1988 Lovelock, James E., The Ages of Gaia
1988 MacIntyre, Alasdair, Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
1988 Mann, Michael, States, War and Capitalism
1988 Mény, Yves, Politique Comparée,
1988 Merle, Marcel, L’Église Catholique et les Rélations Internationales depuis da Seconde Guerre Mondiale(com Montclos, C. de)
1988 Mesa, Roberto, Democracia y Política Exterior en España
1988 Modelski, George, Sea Power in Global Politics. 1494 1943(com Thompson, William R)
1988 Modelski, George, Seapower in Global Politics, 1494-1993
1988 Murphy, Craig, America's Quest for Supremacy and the Third World. A Gramscian Analysis(com Augelli, Enrico)
1988 Pearson, Frederic S. , International Relations(com Rochester, J. Martin)
1988 Pearson, Frederic S. , The Global Condition in the Late Twentieth Century(com Rochester, J. Martin)
1988 Rawls, John, The Priority of Right and Ideas of Good
1988 Senarclens, Pierre, La Crise des Nations Unies,
1988 Senarclens, Pierre, Yalta,Paris
1988 Strange, Susan, States and Markets. An Introduction to International Political Economy
1988 Thompson, William R., On Global War. Historical Structural Approaches to World Politics
1988 Walker, Rob J. B., One World, Many Worlds. Struggles for a Just World Peace
1988 Walker, Rob J. B., State Sovereignty, Global Civilization and the Rearticulation of Political Space
1988 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Race, Nation, Classe. Les Identités Ambigues(com Balibar, Étienne )
1988 Walzer, Michael, The Company of Critics. Social Criticism and political Commitment in the Twentieth Century
1988 Wieviorka, Michel, Societés et Terrorismes
1988 Zorgbibe, Charles, Dictionnaire de Politique International
1989 Birch, Anthony W Nationalism and National Integration
1989 Bourdieu, Pierre O Poder Simbólico
1989 Almond, Gabriel A., A Discipline Divided. Schools and Sects in Political Science
1989 Baldwin, David Allen, Paradoxes of Power
1989 Bonanate, Luigi Dopo l’Anarchia. Saggi sul Superamento dell’Imagine Anarchica delle Relazioni Internazionali e sul Rischio di Ricadervi(com Caffarena, A. / Vellano, R.)
1989 Brzezinski, Zbigniew The Grand Failure. The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century
1989 Burgess, Michael, Federalism and the European Union. Political Ideas, Influences and Strategies in the European Community. 1972 1987
1989 Clark, Ian, The Hierarchy of States. Reform and Resistance in the International Order
1989 Couto, Abel Cabral, Elementos de Estratégia. Apontamentos para um Curso
1989 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Global Changes and Theoretical Approaches to World Politics for the 1990s(com Rosenau, James N.)
1989 Der Derian, James, International/Intertextual Relations. Post Modern Readings of World Politics(com Shapiro, Michael J)
1989 Dyer, H. C., The Study of International Relations. The State of Art(com Mangasarian, L)
1989 Fernandes, António José, Portugal face à Política Regional da Comunidade Europeia
1989 Foucault, Michel, De la Gouvernamentalité
1989 Gray, Colin S., The Hierarchy of States
1989 Havel, Vaclav, Essais Politiques
1989 Kegley Jr., Charles W., World Politics. Trend and Transformation(com Wittkopf, Eugene.)
1989 Keohane, Robert, International Institutions and State Power. Essays in International Relations Theory
1989 Lafont, Robert, Lettres de Vienne, à un Ami Européen
1989 Livingstone, J. M., The Internationalization of Business
1989 Lodge, Juliet, The European Community and the Chalenge of the Future
1989 Lopes, Carlos, A Construção da Nação em África. Os exemplos de Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Moçambique e S.Tomé e Principe.Colóquio
1989 Lumeau, René, Le Rêve de Compostelle, vers la Restauration d'une Europe Chrétienne?
1989 McNamara, Robert Strange, Out of Cold. New Thinking for American Foreign and Defense Policy in the 21st Century
1989 Moreira, Adriano, Relações entre as Grandes Potências
1989 Nicholson, Michael, Formal Theories in International Relations
1989 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., International Institutions and State Power. Essays in International Relations Theory
1989 Pfaff, William, Barbarian Sentiments. How the American Century EndsLe Réveil du Vieux Monde. Vers un Nouvel Ordre International
1989 Pirages, Dennis, Global Technopolitics. The International Politics of Technology and Resources
1989 Rorty, Richard, Contingency, Irony and Solidarity
1989 Rosenau, James N. , Global Changes and Theoretical Approaches to World Politics for the1990s(com Czempiel, Ernst Otto)
1989 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Introdução a uma Ciência Pós Moderna
1989 Sedersberg, Peter C., Terrorist Myths. Illusion, Rethoric and Reality
1989 Shapiro, Michael J., International/Intertextual Relations. Post Modern Readings of World Politics(com DerDerian, J)
1989 Soja, Edward W. , Postmoderne Geographies. The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory
1989 Spinelli, Altiero, Diario Europeo:1948 1969
1989 Waever, Ole, Beyond the Beyond of Critical International Theory
1989 Waever, Ole, Tradition and Transgression in International Relations. A Post Ashleyan Position
1989 Williams, H., International Relations in Political Theory
1989 Young, Oran R. , International Cooperation. Building Regimes for Natural Resources and the Environment
1990 Albrow, Martin, Globalisation, Knowledge and Society
1990 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Do Poder do Pequeno Estado. Enquadramento Geopolítico da Hierarquia das Potências
1990 Andreff, Wladimir, Les Multinationales
1990 Ashley, Richard K., “Speaking the Language of Exile. Dissidence in International StudiesInternational Studies Quarterly(com Walker, R. B. J)
1990 Badie, Bertrand, Politique Comparée(com Hermet, Guy)
1990 Braillard, Philippe La Politique de Securité des États Européens Neutres et Non Alignés(com Djalili, Mohammad Reza / Tanner, Fred)
1990 Chay, Jongsuk, Culture and International Relations
1990 Couloumbis, Theodore A. / Wolfe James H.,Introduction to International Relations, Power and Justice
1990 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Direito Internacional Público. Relações Internacionais. Aspectos Fundamentais do seu Regime Jurídico
1990 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Formação e Evolução do Direito Internacional. Os Ventos da Mudança
1990 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Turbulence in World Politics(com Rosenau, James N.)
1990 Domenach, Jean Marie, L'Europe. Le Défi Culturel
1990 Donelan, Michael D., Elements of International Political Theory
1990 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, L’Europe, Histoire de ses Peuples
1990 Ehrlich, Paul R., The Population Explosion(com Ehrlich, Anne)
1990 Feathertone, Mike, Global Culture, Nationalism, Globalisation and Modernity
1990 Franck, Thomas, The Power of Legitimacy among Nations
1990 Giddens, Anthony, The Consequences of Modernity
1990 Gill, Stephen, American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission
1990 Graça, Pedro Borges, A Informação Cultural de Portugal. Introdução ao seu Estudo no Contexto Lusófono e Internacional
1990 Gremion, P., Vents d'Ouest. Vers l'Europedes États de Droit(com Hassner, Pierre)
1990 Haas, Ernest B., When Knowledge is Power. Three Models of Change in International Organizations
1990 Held, David, Political Theory and the Modern State
1990 Hocking, B. , World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations(com Smith, M.)
1990 Höffe, Otfried, Kategorische Rechtsprinzipien. Kontrapunkt der Moderne,
1990 Kegley Jr., Charles W., International Terrorism. Characteristics, Causes, Controls
1990 Lessa, Almerindo, Leituras do Homem
1990 Lessa, Almerindo, Leituras do Tempo
1990 Linklater, Andrew ,–Beyond Realism and Marxism. Critical Theory and International Relations
1990 Linklater, Andrew, Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations
1990 Macedo, Jorge Borges de, Portugal na Nova Distribuição das Forças Europeias
1990 Maillard, Pierre, De Gaulle et l'Allemagne. Le Rêve Inachevé
1990 Mayall, James, Nationalism and International Society
1990 Miller, Lynn H., Global Order. Values and Power in International Politics
1990 Minc, Alain, La Vengeance des Nations
1990 Molden, Otto, Die europaische Nation. Die neue Supermacht vom Atlantik bis zur Ukraine
1990 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, La Politique Internationale
1990 Moreira, Adriano, Teoria das Relações Internacionais
1990 Morgenthau, Hans J., Escritos sobre Política Internacional
1990 Morin, Edgar, Introduction à la Pensée Complexe
1990 Mueller, John E, Retreat from Domsday. The Obsoloscence of Major War
1990 North, Robert C., War, Peace, Survival. Global Politics and Conceptual Synthesis
1990 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Bound to Lead. The Changing Nature of American Power
1990 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Soft Power,
1990 Ohmae, Kenichi, The Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy
1990 Pinder, John, Federal Union, the Pioneers. A History of Federal Union(com Mayne, Richard)
1990 Pomian, Krzystof, L'Europe et ses Nations
1990 Pool, Ithiel Sola, Technologies without Boundaries. On Telecommunications in a Global Age
1990 Porter, Michael, The Competitive Advantage of Nations
1990 Rodrigues, Fernando Carvalho, A Nova AliançaFuturo
1990 Rosenau, James N. , Turbulence in World Politics. A Theory of Change and Continuity
1990 Ruddick, Sara, Maternal Thinking. Towards a Politics of Peace
1990 Singer, J. David, Measuring the Correlates of War(com Diehl, Paul)
1990 Skinner, Quentin, The Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences
1990 Smith, Michael J., World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations(com Hocking, B.)
1990 Taguieff, Pierre André, La Force du Préjugé. Essai sur le Racisme et ses Doubles
1990 Tilly, Charles, Coercion, Capital and European States. AD 990 1992
1990 Toffler, Alvin, Powershift, Nov
1990 Tovias, Alfred, Foreign Economic Relations of the European Community. The Impact of Spaind and Portugal
1990 Walker, Rob J. B., Contending Sovereignties. Redefining Political Community(com Mendlovitz, Saul H.)
1990 White, Stephen K. , Political Theory and Postmodernism
1991 Bergner, Jeffrey T. The New Superpowers. German, Japan, the United States and the New World Order
1991 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Conceito de Pequeno Estado
1991 Arenal, Celestino del, El Derecho al Desarrollo ou el Desarrollo de los Derechos
1991 Baylis, John , (1946 ) Makers of Nuclear (com Smith, Steve)
1991 Booth, Ken New Thinking about Strategy and International Security
1991 Buzan, Barry ,Peoples, States and Fear. An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Coldwar Era
1991 Calduch Cervera, Rafael, Relaciones Internacionales
1991 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Caminhos para um Novo Milénio
1991 Carrillo Salcedo, J. A., El Derecho Internacional en Perspectiva Histórica
1991 Cazeneuve, Jean ,La Societé de l’Ubiquité
1991 Cotteret, Jean-Marie, Gouverner c’est Paraître. Réflexions sur la Communication Politique
1991 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Governance without Government(com Rosenau, James N.)
1991 Dalby, Simon, Rethinking Security. Ambiguities in Policy and Theory
1991 Dreyfus, Michel, L'Europe des Socialistes
1991 Dumont, René, Un Monde Intolérable
1991 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, Introduction à l’Histoire des Relations Internationales(com Renouvin, Pierre)
1991 Elazar, Daniel J., Federal Systems of the World. A Handbook
1991 Fernandes, António José, Relações Internacionais. Factos, Teorias, Organização
1991 Frieden, A., International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth(com Lake, David A)
1991 Gondick, Lev, Teaching World Politics. Contending Pedagogies for a New World(com Weisband, Edward)
1991 Groom, A. J. R., International Relations Then and Now. Origins and Trends in Interpretation(com Olson, Willia)
1991 Held, David, Political Theory Today
1991 Higgot, Richard A. , International Relations. Global and Australian Perspectives on a Envolving Discipline(com Richardson, J. L.)
1991 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Duties beyond Borders. On the Limits and Possibilities of Ethical International Politics
1991 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Rousseau and International Relations
1991 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The New European Community. Decisionmaking and Institutional Change
1991 Holsti, Kalevi J. , Peace and War. Armed Conflicts and International Order, 1648 1989
1991 Hurwitz, Leon, The State of European Community. Policies, Institutions and Debates in the Transition Years(com Lequesne, Christin)
1991 Jackson, Robert H., Quasi States. Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World
1991 Kaldor, Mary, Europe from Below
1991 Kegley Jr., Charles W., The Long Postwar Peace
1991 Kennedy, Paul, Grand Strategies in War and Peace
1991 Keohane, Robert, The New European Community. Decision Making and Institutional Change(com Hoffman, Stanle)
1991 King, Alexander, The First Global Revolution. A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome(com Schneider, Bertrand)
1991 Klare, Michael T., World Security. Trends and Challenges at Century’s End(com Thomas, Daniel C)
1991 Kuttner, Robert, The End of Laissez Faire. National Purpose and the Global Economy After the Cold War
1991 Lafer, Celso, Ensaios Liberais,
1991 Lafont, Robert, Nous, Peuple Européen. Petite Histoire de la Maison Commune à l'Usage de ses Anciens et Nouveaux Habitans
1991 Lake, David A., International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth(com Frieden, A)
1991 Lovelock, James E., Gaia. A Prática Científica da Medicina Planetária,
1991 Macneil, Jim, Beyond Interdependence. The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology(com Winsemius, Peter / Yakushiji, Taizo)
1991 Maltez, José Adelino, Ensaio sobre o Problema do Estado
1991 Maltez, José Adelino, Sobre a Estratégia Cultural Portuguesa. Elementos para uma Reflexão
1991 Merquior, José Guilherme, Algumas Considerações sobre os Liberalismos Contemporâneos
1991 Merquior, José Guilherme, Liberalism, Old and New
1991 Moisi, Dominique, Le Nouveau Continent. Plaidoyer pour une EuropeRenaissante(com Rupnik, Jacques)
1991 Morin, Edgar, Un Nouveau Commencement
1991 Murphy, Craig, The New International Political Economy(com Tooze, Roger)
1991 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Global Cooperation after the Cold War. A Reassessment of Trilateralism. A Task Force Report to the Trilateral Commission(com Kurt Biedenkopf, Motoo Shiina e Bernard Wood)
1991 Olson, William Clinton, International Relations. Then and Now. Origins and Trends in Interpretation(com Groom, A. J. R.)
1991 Olson, William Clinton, The Theory and Practice of International Relations
1991 Pinder, John, European Community. The Building of a Union
1991 Prate, Alain, Quelle Europe?, P
1991 Prebisch, Raul, Obras. 1919 194
1991 Ravenal, E., Beyond the Balance of Power. The Future of International Order
1991 Reich, Robert B., The Work of Nations
1991 Renouvin, Pierre, Introduction à l’Histoire des Relations Internationales(com Duroselle, Jean Baptiste)
1991 Rorty, Richard, Objectivity, Relativism and Truth
1991 Rosenau, James N. , Governance without Government(com Czempiel, Ernst Otto
1991 Sassen, Saskia, The Global City. New York, London, Tokyo
1991 Schmidt, C., Penser la Guerre, Penser l’Économie
1991 Schwartz, Hans Peter, The Art of the Long View. Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World
1991 Shaw, Martin, Post Military Society
1991 Sklair, Leslie, Sociology of the Global System
1991 Smith, Anthony David, National Identity
1991 Strange, Susan, Rival States, Rival Firms. Competition for World Market Shares(com Stopford, John / Henley, John S)
1991 Thomas, Daniel C., World Security Trends and Challenges at Century’s End
1991 Thüne, Wolfgang, A Pátria como Categoria Sociopolítica e Geopolítica
1991 Uri, Pierre, Penser pour l'Action. Un Fondateur de l'Europe
1991 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Geopolitics and Geoculture. Essays on the Changing World System
1991 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Unthinking Social Science. The Limits of Nineteenth Century Paradigms
1991 Wight, Martin, International Theory. The Three Traditions
1992 Benhabib, Seyla Situating the Self. Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics
1992 Blake, David H. The Politics of Global Economic Relations
1992 Bourlanges, Jean Louis Le Diable est il Européen?
1992 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Agenda para a Paz
1992 Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce War and Reason(com Lalman, David)Hugo Grotius and International Relations
1992 Allan, Pierre, The End of Cold War. Evaluating Theories of International Relations(com Goldman, Kjel)
1992 Andrade, Luís M. Vieira, Neutralidade Colaborante. O Caso de Portugal na Segunda Guerra Mundial,
1992 Badie, Bertrand, L’État Importé. L’Occidentalisation de l’Ordre Politique
1992 Badie, Bertrand, Le Retournement du Monde. Sociologie de la Scène Internationale
1992 Baylis, John (1946 ) Dilemmas of World Politics. International Issues in a Changing World(com N. J. Rengger)
1992 Beigbeder, Y. Le Rôle International des Organisations Non Gouvernamentales
1992 Camilleri, J. A., The End of Sovereignty? The Politics of a Shrinking and Fragmenting World(com Falk, J.)
1992 Campbell, David, Writing Security. United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity
1992 Cervo, Amado Luiz, História da Política Exterior do Brasil(com Bueno, Clodoald)
1992 Cohen Tanugi, Laurent, L'Europe en Danger
1992 Cotta, Alain, Pour l'Europe, Contre Maastricht
1992 Croisat, Maurice, Le Fédéralisme dans les Démocraties Contemporaines
1992 Débray, Régis, Vie et Mort de l'Image. Une Histoire du Regard en Occident
1992 Delors, Jacques, Le Nouveau Concept Européen,
1992 Der Derian, James, Antidiplomacy. Spies, Terror, Speed and War
1992 Dicken, Peter, Global Shift. The Internationalization of Economic Activity
1992 Draí, Raphael, Instabilités Européennes. Recomposition ou Décomposition?(com Thuan, Cao Huy)
1992 Dumoulin, Michel, L'Idée Européenne dans l'Entre Deux Guerres(com Stelandre, Y.)
1992 Ekins, P. , A New World Order. Grassroots Movements for Global Change
1992 Emmerij, Louis, Norte-Sul. A Granada Descavilhada
1992 Escudé, Carlos, Realismo Periférico
1992 Evans, G., The Dictionary of World Politics(com Newnham, J.)
1992 Falk, J., The End of Sovereignty? The Politics of a Shrinking and Fragmenting World(com Camilleri, J. A)
1992 Faye, Jean Pierre, L'Europe Une, les Philosophes et l'Europe
1992 Gaddis, John Lewis, The United States and the End of Cold War. Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations
1992 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Culture of Consentment
1992 Galtung, Johan, Global Glasnot. Toward a New World Information and Communication Order(com Vincent, Richard c.)
1992 Gandillac, Maurice de, Genèse de la Modernité. Les Douze Siècles où se Fit Nôtre Europe
1992 Giddens, Anthony, Modernity and Self Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age
1992 Giesen, Klaus Gerd, L’Èthique des Relations Internationales. Les Théories Anglo Américaines Contemporaines
1992 Goldman, Kjell, The End of Cold War. Evaluating Theories of International Relations(com Allan, Pierre)
1992 Grafstein, Robert, Institutional Realism. Social and Political Constraints on Rational Actors
1992 Greenfeld, Liah, Nationalism. Five Roads to Modernity
1992 Griffin, Keith, Globalisation and the Development in the Post Cold War Era(com Khan, Azizur R)
1992 Handel, Michael I., Masters of War
1992 Henriques, Mendo Castro, A Filosofia Civil de Eric Voegelin
1992 Hobsbawm, Eric J., Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Programme, Myth and RealityNations et Nationalisme depuis 1780
1992 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , After the Cold War
1992 Jouve, Edmond, Relations Internationales
1992 Kauppi, Mark V., The Global Philosophers. World Politics in Western Thought(com Viotti, Paul R.)
1992 Koslovski, Peter, Imaginer l'Europe
1992 Labouz, Marie Françoise, Les Accords de Maatricht et la Constitution de l'Union Européenne
1992 Laqueur, Walter, Europe in Our Time
1992 Lefebvre, Maxime, La Genèse du Nouvel Ordre Mondial. De L'Invasion de l'Afghanistan à l'Effondrement du Communisme
1992 Lellouche, Pierre, Le Nouveau Monde. De l’Ordre de Yalta au Désordre des Nations
1992 Lenoble, Jacques, L'Europe au Soir du Siècle. Identité et Démocratie(com Dewandre, Nicol)
1992 Lorenz, Konra Zachariae, Oito Pecados Mortais da Civilização
1992 Lourenço, Eduardo, Nós e a Europa ou as Duas Razões
1992 Martin, Lisa, Coercive Cooperation
1992 McGrew, Anthony G, Global Politics. Globalisation and the Nation State(com Lewis, Paul G.)
1992 Meadows, Donella, Beyond the Limits Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future(com Meadows, Dennis / Randers, Jorgen,
1992 Mesa, Roberto, La Nueva Sociedad Internacional
1992 Millon Delsol, Chantal, L'État Subsidiaire. Ingérence et Non Ingérence de l'État. Le Principe de la Subsidarité aux Fondements de l'Histoire Européenne
1992 Milward, A. S., The European Rescue of Nation State
1992 Monteiro, Fernando Amaro, O Islão, o Poder e a Guerra. Moçambique, 1964 1974
1992 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Problèmes Stratégiques Contemporains
1992 Morris, Aldon / Mueller, Carol,Frontiers in Social Movement Theory
1992 Nardin, Terry, Traditions of International Ethics
1992 Newnham, J. , The Dictionary of World Politics
1992 O’Brien, Richard, Global Financial Integration. The End of the Geography
1992 Panebianco, Angelo, Relazioni Internazionali
1992 Pélassy, Dominique, Qui Gouverne en Europe?
1992 Peterson, Spike, Gendered States. Feminist (Re)Visions of International Relations Theory
1992 Pires, Francisco Lucas, Europa,
1992 Ra’anan, Uri, State and Nation in Multi Ethnic Societies. The Breakup of Multinational States
1992 Ribeiro, Darcy, A Fundação do Brasil
1992 Robertson, Roland, Globalisation. Social Theory and Global Culture
1992 Rosenau, Pauline, Post Modernism and the Social Sciences
1992 Sandholtz, Wayne, The Highest Stakes. The Economic Foundations of the Next Security System
1992 Senarclens, Pierre, La Politique Internationale,
1992 Sidjanski, Dusan, L'Avenir Fédéraliste de l'Europe. La Communauté Européenne, des Origines au Traité de Maastricht
1992 Smith, Steve, Explaining and Understanding International Relations(com Hollis, Marti)
1992 Snow, Donald M., Distant Thunder. Third World Conflict and the New International Order
1992 Thompson, J., Justice and World Order. A Philosophical Inquiry
1992 Tilly, Charles, European Revolutions. 1492-1992
1992 Touraine, Alain, Critique de la Modernité
1992 Ward, Michael D., The New Geopolitics
1992 Warner, D. , An Ethic of Responsibility in International Relations
1992 Watson, Adam, Diplomacy. The Dialogue Between States
1992 Watson, Adam, The Evolution of International Society
1993 Baldwin, David Allen, Neorealism and Neoliberalism. The Contemporary Debate
1993 Brown, Chris International Relations Theory. New Normative Approaches
1993 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Out of Control. Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century
1993 Buchanan, David Europe. L'Étrange Superpuissance
1993 Burgess, Michael, Comparative Federalism and Federation(com A. G. Gagon)
1993 Buzan, Barry, The Logic of Anarchy. From Neorealism to Structural Realism(com Jones, C./ Little, Richard.)
1993 Cafruny, Alan W., The State of the European Community. The Maastricht Debates and Beyon(com Rosenthal, Glenda G.)
1993 Campbell, David, Politics Without Principle. Sovereignty, Ethics and the Narratives of the Gulf War
1993 Campbell, David, The Political Subject of Violence(com Dillon, Michae)
1993 Cashman, Greg, What Causes War ? An Introduction to Theories of International Conflict
1993 Compagnon, Antoine, L'Esprit de l'Europe(com Seebacher, Jacque)
1993 Corm, G., Le Nouveau Désordre Économique Mondial
1993 Couloubaritsis, Lambros / Leeuw, Marc De / Noel, Emile / Sterckx,Aux Sources de l'Identité Européenne
1993 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Weltpolitik im Umbruch
1993 Débray, Régis, L’État Seducteur. Les Révolution Médiologiques du Pouvoir
1993 Donnely, Jack, International Human Rights
1993 Drucker, Peter F., Post Capitalistic Society
1993 Elkins, Stanley, The Age of Federalism. The Early American Republic (1788-1800)(com McKitrick, Eric)
1993 Falk, Richard A., The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace(com Johanson, Robert C. / Kim, Samuel S.)
1993 Fernandes, Luís Filipe Lobo, Transnacionalismo e Estado. A Política Externa Soviética em Transição (1985 1987)
1993 Figueiredo, Eurico de, Angústia Ecológica e o Futuro
1993 Gill, Stephen, Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations
1993 Goldstein, Judith, Ideas, Interests and American Trade Policy
1993 Grieco, Joseph M., Cooperation among Nations. Europe, America, and Non Tariff Barriers to Trade
1993 Guéhenno, Jean Marie, La Fin de la Démocraatie
1993 Held, David, Prospects for Democracy. North, South, East, West
1993 Huntington, Samuel P., The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century
1993 Jackson, Robert H., States in a Changing World. A Contemporary Analysis(com James, Alan)
1993 James, Alan, States in a Changing World. A Contemporary Analysis(com Jackson, Robert H.)
1993 Jeffery, Charlie, Federalism, Unification and European Integration(com Sturm, Rolan)
1993 Jones, Ch., The Logic of Anarchy. Neorealism to Structural Realism(com Buzan, Bert / Little, R)
1993 Kennedy, Paul, Preparing for the Twenty First Century
1993 Kern, Anne Brigitte, Terra Pátria(com Morin, Edgar)
1993 Krieger, Joel, The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World
1993 Kristeva, Julia, Nations Without Nationalism
1993 Lafont, Robert, La Nation, l'État, les Régions. Reflexions pour un Fin de Siècle et un Commencement d'Europe
1993 Lewis, David W. P. , The Road to Europe. History, Institutions and Prospects of European Integration. 1945 1993
1993 Little, R., The Logic of Anarchy. From Neorealism to Structural Realism(com Buzan, B. Jones, C)
1993 Lloyd, Alexis, L'Europe en Chantier(com Winkler, Antoine)
1993 Maltez, José Adelino, O Imperial Comunismo. Ensaio sobre Alguns dos Meandros de um Paraíso que não houve em Dois Grandes Estados Continentais
1993 Maritain, Jacques, L'Europe et l'Idée Fédérale
1993 Martins, Guilherme d'Oliveira, O Enigma Europeu. Ensaios e Reflexões
1993 Mény, Yves, Les Politiques du Mimétisme International
1993 Mény, Yves, Politique Comparée. Les Démocraties
1993 Merle, Marcel, Les Relations Internationales à l’Épreuve de la Science Politique. Mélanges Marcel Merle
1993 Millon Delsol, Chantal, Le Principe de la Subsidiarité
1993 Minc, Alain, Le Nouveau Moyen Âge
1993 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, La Mondialisation. Vers la Fin des Frontières ?
1993 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Les Institutions Européennes
1993 Morin, Edgar, Terre Patrie, Par(com Kern, Anne Brigitte)
1993 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, Pandaemonium. Ethnicity in International Politics
1993 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Understanding International Conflicts. An Introduction to Theory and History
1993 Pfaff, William, The Wrath of Nations. Civilization and the Furies of Nationalism
1993 Philippart, Eric, Nationalismes et Frontières dans la Nouvelle Europe. L’Impact Croisé
1993 Ramonet, Ignacio, Lágonie de la Culture
1993 Rawls, John, Justice et Démocratie
1993 Rawls, John, Political Liberalism
1993 Rawls, John, The Law of PeoplesOn Human Rights. The Oxford Amnesty Leectures
1993 Rittberger, Volker, Regime Theory and International Relations(com Mayer, Peter)
1993 Rosenau, James N. , Global Voices. Dialogues in International Relations
1993 Rothgeb Jr., John M., Defining Power. Influence and Force in the Contemporary International Systemt la Globalisation. Alliances et Accords dans l’Industrie
1993 Scholte, Jan Art, International Relations of Social Change
1993 Senarclens, Pierre, De Yalta au Rideau de Fer. Les Grandes Puissances et les Origines de la Guerre Froide,
1993 Skocpol, Theda, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers. The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States
1993 Teixeira, António Fernando Dias,A Natureza das Comunidades Europeias
1993 Teló, Mario, Tra Nazione ed Europa
1993 Toffler, Alvin, War And Anti War
1993 Vasquez, John A., The War Puzzle
1993 Walker, Rob J. B., Inside/Outside. International Relations as Political Theory
1993 Weiss, Pierre, Relations Internationales. Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial
1993 Wolton, Dominique, La Dernière Utopie. Naissance de l'Europe Démocratique
1993 Zorgbibe, Charles, Histoire de la Construction Européenne
1994 Bonanate, Luigi Guerra e Pace
1994 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Ensaios de Geopolítica
1994 Amin, Samir, L’Éthnie à l’Assaut des Nations(com Vansy, Joseph)
1994 Attali, Jacques Europe (s), Par
1994 Barnet, Richard J., Global Dreams. The New World Order of the Imperial Corporation(com Cavanagh, John)
1994 Bourjol, Maurice Intercomunalité et Union Européenne
1994 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Agenda para o Desenvolvimento
1994 Castells, Manuel, Technopoles of the World. The Making of Twenty-First-Century Industrial Complexes(com Hall, Peter)
1994 Cline, Ray Steiner, The Power of Nations in tne 1990s. A Strategic Assessment
1994 Collet, André, Histoire de la Stratégie Militaire depuis 1945
1994 Delors, Jacques, L'Unité d'un Homme
1994 Devigne, Robert, Recasting Conservatism. Oakeshott, Strauss and the Response to Postmodernism
1994 Dewitt, David, Building a New Global Order. Emerging Trends in International Security(com Haglund, David)
1994 Dinan, Desmond, Ever Closer Union? An Introduction to the European Community
1994 Duverger, Maurice, Europe des Hommes
1994 Fernandes, António José, A União Europeia de Maastricht. Federação, Confederação, ou Comunidade de Estados?
1994 Fernandes, Florestan ,Democracia e Desenvolvimento. A Transformação da Periferia e o Capitalismo Monopolista da Era Atual
1994 George, Jim, Discourses of Global Politics. A Critical (Re)Introduction to International Relations
1994 Gils, Barry, Transcending the State Global Divided. A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations(com Palan, Ronen P)
1994 Girard, Michel, Les Individus dans la Politique International
1994 Girault, René, Identité et Conscience Européennes au XXe Siècle
1994 Groom, A. J. R., Contemporary International Relations. A Guide to Theory
1994 Guigou, Élisabeth, Pour les Européens
1994 Haliday, Fred, Rethinking International Relations
1994 Hauss, Charles, Comparative Politics. Domestic Response to Global Changes
1994 Houtart, F. , L'Autre Davos. Globalization des Résistances et des Luttes(com F. Polet)
1994 Ianni, Octavio, A Sociedade Glo
1994 Kissinger, Henry, Diplomacy, No
1994 Knock, Thomas J., To End All Wars. Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order
1994 Kriegel, Blandine, Kant et l'Idée de République UniverselleLa Politique de la Raison
1994 Le Bras Chopard, Armelle, La Guerre. Théories et Idéologis
1994 Light, M., Contemporary International Relations. A Guide to Theory(com Groom, A. J. R.)
1994 Martins, Manuel Gonçalves, Relações Internacionais. Reflexões
1994 Medeiros, Eduardo Raposo de, Economia Internacional
1994 Meyers, Reinhard, Begriff und Problem des Friedens
1994 Meyers, Reinhard, Politikwissenschaft III. Internationale Politik(com Olaf Tauras e Jurgen Beller)
1994 Morin, Edgar, La Complexité Humaine
1994 Murphy, Craig, International Organization and International Change. Global Governance since 1850
1994 Nelsen, Brenten F. , The European Union. Readings on the Theory and Pratice of European Integration
1994 Nierop, T. , Systems and Regions in Global Politics. An Empirical Study of Diplomacy. International Organization and Trade 1950 1991
1994 Ortega, Andrés, La Razón de Europa
1994 Ortiz, Renato, Mundialização e Cultura
1994 Palan, Ronen P., Transcending the State Global Divided. A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations(com Gils, Barr)
1994 Palomares Lerma, Gustavo, Teoría y Concepto de las Relaciones Internacionales. Relaciones Internacionales I
1994 Pinto, Maria do Céu Pinho Ferreira,Islão, Fundamentalismo e Revolução Iraniana
1994 Pitch, Robert, L'Identité Européenne. Analyses et propositions pour le Renforcement d'une Europe Pluraliste
1994 Praxedes, Walter, O Mercosul e a Sociedade Global(com Piletti, Nelson)
1994 Randall, Stephen J., Federalism and the New World Order(com Gibbins, Roge)
1994 Roche, Jean-Jacques, Théorie des Relations Internationales
1994 Rodrigues, Fernando Carvalho, As Novas Tecnologias, o Futuro dos Impérios e os Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse
1994 Rosenberg, Justin, The Empire of Civil Society
1994 Rougemont, Denis de, Dictionnaire Internationale du Fédéralisme
1994 Rummel, R. J., Death by Government
1994 Sá, Luís Viana, As Regiões, a Europa e a Coesão Económica e Social
1994 Sabourin, Paul, L'État Nation face aux Europes
1994 Sachwald, Frédérique, Les Défis de la Mondialisation. Innovation et Concurrence
1994 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Pelas Mãos de Alice. O Social e o Político na Pós Modernidade
1994 Sassen, Saskia, Cities in a Global Economy
1994 Seidman, Steven, Postmodern Turn. New Perspectives in Social Theory
1994 Shaw, Martin, Global Society and International Relations
1994 Simai, Mihaly, The Future of Global Governance. Managing Risk and Change in the International System
1994 Sjolander, Claire Turenne, Critical Reflections on International Relations(com Cox, Wayne S.)
1994 Skocpol, Theda, Social Revolutions in the Modern World
1994 Smith, Anthony David, Nationalism(com John Hutchinson)
1994 Spruyt, Hendrik, Sovereign State and Its Competitors
1994 Toulemont, Robert , La Construction Européenne. Histoire, Acquis, Perspectives
1994 Walzer, Michael, Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad
1994 Young, Oran R. , International Governance. Protecting the Environment in a Stateless Society
1994 Zartman, I. William, International Multilateral Negotiation. Approaches to the Management of Complexity
1994 Zorgbibe, Charles, Les Relations Internationales
1995 Bispo, António de Jesus, Simulação de Conflitos
1995 Alesina, Alberto, On the Number and Size of Nations(com Spolaore, Enrico)
1995 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics Today. A World View,
1995 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics. A Theoretical Framework
1995 Andreff, Wladimir, Les Multinationales Globales
1995 Art, Robert J., International Politics. Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues(com Jervis, Robert)
1995 Badie, Bertrand, La Fin des Territoires. Essai sur le Désordre International et sur l’Utilité Sociale du Respect
1995 Barbé, Esther, Relaciones Internacionales
1995 Bartelson, Jens, A Genealogy of Sovereignity
1995 Baun, Michael J., The New European Union. The Maastricht Treaty and European Union After the Cold War
1995 Booth, Ken International Relations Theory Today(com Smith, Stev)
1995 Brown, Eugene The Contours of Power. An Introduction to Contemporary International Relations(com Snow, Donald )
1995 Camilleri, J. A.,The State in Transition. Reimagining Political Space(com Jarvis, Anthony P. / Paolini, Albert J.)
1995 Chayes, Abraham, The New Sovereignty, Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements. (com Chayes, Antonia Handlker)
1995 Chemillier Gendreau, Monique, Humanité et Souverainités. Essai sur la Fonction du Droit International
1995 Commission on Global Governance,Our Global Neighborhood. The Report of the Commission on Global Governance
1995 Der Derian, James, International Theory: Critical Investigations
1995 Drucker, Peter F., Managing in a Time of Great Change
1995 Duverger, Maurice, L'Europe dans tous ses Etats
1995 Escudé, Carlos, El Realismo de los Estados Débiles
1995 Etzioni, Amitai, Rights and the Common Good. The Communitarian Perspective
1995 Falk, Richard A., On Human Governance. Towards a New Global Politics
1995 Fawcet, Louise, The Resurgence of Regionalism in World Politics(com Hurrel, Andrew)
1995 Giddens, Anthony, Beyond Left and Right. The Future of Radical Politics
1995 Giddens, Anthony, Politics, Sociology and Social Theory. Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Though
1995 Goldstein, Joshua S., International Relations
1995 Hastedt, G. , One World, Many Voices. Global Perspectives on Political Issues
1995 Held, David, Democracy and Global Order. From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance
1995 Hobsbawm, Eric J., The Age of Extremes. A History of the World. 1914 1991
1995 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The European Sisiphus. Essays on Europe 1964 1994
1995 Holm, Hans Henrik, Whose World Order? Uneven Globalisation and the End of Cold War(com Sorensen, Geor)
1995 Hurrel, Andrew, The Resurgence of Regionalism in World Politics(com Fawcet, Louise)
1995 Hutchings, Kimberley, Cosmopolitan Citizenship(com Dannreuther, Roland)
1995 Jean, Carlo, Geopolitica, Roma
1995 Jervis, Robert, International Politics. Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues(com Art, Robert J)
1995 Kaiser, Karl, Die neue Weltpolitik(com Schwarz, Hans Pete)
1995 Keating, M., Regions in the European Community(com Jones, B.)
1995 Kegley Jr., Charles W., Controversies in International Relations Theory. Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge
1995 Keohane, Robert, Local Commons and Global Interdependence. Heterogeneity and Cooperation in Two Domains(com Ostrom, Elinor)
1995 Kratochwil, Friedrich, The Return of Culture and Identity in International Relations Theory(com Lapid, Yosef)
1995 Lafer, Celso, Desafios. Ética e Política
1995 Lessa, Almerindo, No Tempo do Meu Espaço, no Espaço do Meu Tempo
1995 Lodge, George, Managing Globalization in the Age of Interdependence
1995 Lyons, Gene M., Byeond Westphalia? State Sovereignty and International Intervention(com Mastanduno, Michael)
1995 Martins, Manuel Gonçalves, Relações Internacionais. Política Internacional
1995 McCormick, John, The European Union. Politics and Policies
1995 McNamara, Robert Strange, In Retrospect. The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam(com Brian Van Den Mark)
1995 Merle, Marcel, Bilan des Relations Internationales Contemporaines
1995 Neufeld, Mark, The Restructuring of International Relations Theory
1995 O’Gorman, The End of the State. The Rise of Regional Economics
1995 Ohmae, Kenichi, The End of the Nation State. The Rise of Regional Economies
1995 Petras, J. , Empire or Republic? American Global Power and Domestic Decay(com Morley, M.)
1995 Petrella, Ricardo ,Les Nouveaux Maîtres du Monde
1995 Pires, Francisco Lucas, Portugal e o Futuro da União Europeia. Sobre a Revisão dos Tratados em 1996
1995 Pureza, José Manuel, O Património Comum da Humanidade. Rumo a um Direito Internacional da Solidariedade?
1995 Rennger, N. J., Political Theory, Modernity and Postmodernity
1995 Richir, Marc, Nouvelles Frontières des Relations Internationales dans l'Après Guerre Froide
1995 Rodrigues, Fernando Carvalho, Ontem, um Anjo Disse-me. Diálogos para o Século XXI
1995 Rosenau, James N. , Thinking Theory Throughly. Coherent Approach to a Incoherent World(com Durfee, Mary)
1995 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Toward a New Common Sense. Law, Science and Politics in the Paradigmatic Transition
1995 Schwartz, Hans Peter, Die neue Weltpolitik(com Kaiser, Karl)
1995 Seidman, Steven, Social Postmodernism. Beyond Identity Politics(com Nicholson, Linda)
1995 Skocpol, Theda, Social Policy in the United States. Future Possibilities in Historical Perspective
1995 Smith, Graham, Federalism. The Multi Ethnic Challenge
1995 Smith, Steve, International Relations Theory Today(com Booth, Ke)
1995 Snow, Donald M., The Contours of Power. An Introduction to Contemporary International Relations(com Brown, Eugen)
1995 Sur, Serge, Relations Internationales
1995 Wallerstein, Immanuel, After Liberalism
1995 Waters, Malcolm, Globalisation,
1996 Benhabib, Seyla Feminist Contentions. A Philosophical Exchange
1996 Benhabib, Seyla The Philosophical Discourses of Modernity, (com Passerin d’Entreves, Maurizio)
1996 Benhabib, Seyla The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt,
1996 Berger, Susan National Diversity and Global Capitalism(com Dore, Ronald)
1996 Bettati, Mario Droit d’Ingérence. Mutation de l’Ordre International
1996 Albrow, Martin, The Global Age,
1996 Alker, Hayward R., Rediscoveries and Reformulations. Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies
1996 Amin, Samir, Les Défis de la Mondialisation,
1996 Ayuso, Miguel Después del Leviathan? Sobre el Estado y su Signo
1996 Barata, Óscar Soares, A Conferência do Cairo sobre População e Desenvolvimento
1996 Booth, Ken International Theory. Positivism and Beyond(com Smith, Steve)
1996 Borja, Stevenson Regionalismo y Poder en América. Los Límites del Neorrealismo
1996 Braman, Sandra Globalization, Communication and Transnational Civil Society(com Sreberny, Anabelle)
1996 Burchill, Scott / Linklater, Andrew,Theories of International Relations
1996 Castells, Manuel, The Information Age. 1. The Rise of Network Society, 2. The Power of Identity, 3. End of Millenium
1996 Colard, Daniel, La Societé Internationale après la Guerre Froide
1996 Colard, Daniel, Les Relations Internationales de 1945 à nos Jours
1996 Dunning, J. R., Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy
1996 Fawcet, Louise, Regionalism in World Politics. Regional Organization and International Order
1996 Ferrer, Alan, História de la Globalización
1996 Finnemore, Martha, National Interests in International Society
1996 Fontoura, Luís, Das Relações Norte-Sul à Cooperação Horizontal
1996 Fossaert, Robert, O Mundo no Século XXI
1996 Galtung, Johan, Peace by Peaceful Means. Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization
1996 Goinhas, Ana Sofia Ferreira, O Papel das Organizações Não Governamentais na Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos
1996 Gray, Colin S., Nuclear Diplomacy and the Special Relationship
1996 Habermas, Jürgen, La Paix Perpétuelle. Le Bicentenaire d’une Idée Kantienne
1996 Hart, Jeffrey A., The Politics of International Economic Relations(com Spero, Joan)
1996 Held, David, Models of Democracy
1996 Hirst, Paul Q., Globalisation in Question. The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance(com Thompson, Grahame, trad. port., Petrópolis,
1996 Höffe, Otfried, Vernunft und Recht
1996 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention
1996 Holsti, Kalevi J. , The State, War, and the State of War
1996 Huntington, Samuel P., The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
1996 Ianni, Octavio, Teorias da Globalização
1996 Katzenstein, Peter J., The Culture of National Security. Norms and Identity in World
1996 Keohane, Robert, Internationalization and Domestic Politics(com Milner, Helen)
1996 Knapp, Manfred, Einführung in die Internationale Politik(com Krell, Gert)
1996 Kofman, Eleonore, Globalisation. Theory and Practice(com Youngs, Gillian)
1996 Krause, J. , Identities in International Relations(com Renwick)
1996 Lafay, G., Comprendre la Mondialisation
1996 Linklater, Andrew, Theories of International Relations
1996 Maltez, José Adelino, Princípios de Ciência Política. Introdução à Teoria Política
1996 Maltez, José Adelino, Tudo pela Europa, Nada Contra a Nação. Doze Reflexões sobre Ser Europeu em Portugal na Era Pós-Maastrichtiana
1996 Manzo, Kathryn A., Creating Boundaries. The Politics of Race and Nation
1996 Marks, Renate, Governance in the European Union
1996 Martin, Hans-Peter, Die Globalisierungfalle(com Schumann, Harald)
1996 Martins, Ives Gandra, Uma Visão do Mundo
1996 Mittelman, James H., Globalization. Critical Reflection
1996 Montbrial, Thierry, Mémoire du Temps Présent
1996 Nicholson, Michael, Causes and Consequences in International Relations. A Conceptual Study
1996 Niedermayer, Oskar, Public Opinion and Internationalized Governance(com Sinnot, Richard)
1996 Nussbaum, Martha C., For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism
1996 Petrella, Ricardo, Le Bien Commun. Eloge de la Solidarité
1996 Ramos, Rui Manuel Moura, Da Comunidade Internacional e do seu Direito. Estudos de Direito Internacional Público e Relações Internacionais
1996 Robinson, William, Promoting Polyarchy. Globalisation, US Intervention and Hegemony
1996 Santos, Victor Marques dos, A Nova Ordem Mundial. O Conceito e a Perspectiva,
1996 Sassen, Saskia, Losing Control ? Sovereignity in an Age of Globalisation
1996 Sellers, M. , The New World OrderSovereignity, Human Rights and Self Determination of People
1996 Shapiro, Michael J., Challenging Boundaries. Global Flows, Territorial Identities(com Alker, Hayward R.)
1996 Shaw, Martin, Civil Society and Media in Global Crises. Representing Distant Violence
1996 Smith, Steve, International Theory. Positivism and Beyond(com Booth, Ken / Zalewski, Marysi)
1996 Spybey, T. , Globalisation and World Society
1996 Strange, Susan, The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy
1996 Tavares, Maria da Conceição, (Des) ajuste Global e Modernização Conservadora(com Fiori, José Luís)
1996 Telo, António José, Portugal e a NATO. O Reencontro da Tradição Atlântica
1996 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Para Abrir as Ciências Sociais. Relatório da Comissão Gulbenkian sobre a Restruturação das Ciências Sociais
1996 Whitehead, Laurence, The International Dimensions of Democratization. Europe and the Americas
1996 Willets, Peter, The Conscience of the World. The Influence of Non Governmental Organizations in the UN System
1996 Woods, Ngaire, Explaining International Relations since 1945
1996 Young, Oran R. , Global Environment. Change and International Governance(com Demko, George J.)
1997 Baylis, John (1946 ) The Globalisation of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations(com Smith, Stev)
1997 Boniface, Pascal Dicionário das Relações Internacionais
1997 Brito, Paulo Alves de Nacionalismo e Nações
1997 Caetano, Isabel ,Ciência e Tecnologia nas Relações Internacionais
1997 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Globalização e outros Temas Contemporâneos
1997 Clark, Ian, Globalisation and Fragmentation, International Relations in the Twentieth Century
1997 Clark, R., The Global Imperative. An Interpretative History of the Spread of Mankind
1997 Cordellier, Serge, Mondialisation. Au Delà des Mythes(com Doutat, Fabienne)
1997 Costa, Manuel Silvestre Araújo,As Armas do Realismo. Filosofia Crítica das Relações Internacionais em Raymond Aron
1997 Cox, Robert W., The New Realism. Perspectives on Multilateralism and World Order
1997 Doyle, Michael W., Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism
1997 Doyle, Michael W.,New Thinking in International Relations Theory(com Ikenberry, J.)
1997 Escudé, Carlos, Foreign Policy Theory in Menem's Argentina
1997 Germainz, R., Globalization and Its Critics
1997 Gray, Colin S., Globalisation and Fragmentation: International Relations in the Twentieth Century
1997 Herman, E. , The Global Media. The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism(com McChesney, R.)
1997 Knutsen, Torbjørn L., A History of International Relations Theory
1997 Lefebvre, Maxime, Le Jeu du Droit et de la Puissance. Précis de Relations
1997 McGrew, Anthony G, The Transformation of Democracy? Globalisation and Territorial Democracy
1997 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, As Relações Internacionais desde 1945
1997 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, La Mondialisation
1997 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Relations Internationales
1997 Morin, Edgar, Une Politique de Civilization(com Nair, Sami)
1997 Mowlana, Hamid, Global Informations and World Communication. New Frontiers in International Relations
1997 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Società Internazionale. Vocabolario e Índice Analítico(com Fábio Armao)
1997 Petrella, Ricardo, Ecueils de la Mondialisation. Urgence d’un Nouveau Contrat Social
1997 Ramonet, Ignacio, Géopolitique du Chaos
1997 Ribeiro, Maria Manuel Inês Nabais,Em Nome do Público. A Opinião Pública e as Relações entre os Estados
1997 Rosenau, James N. , Along the Domestic Foreign Frontier. Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World
1997 Sá, Luís Viana, A Crise das Fronteiras. Estado, Administração Pública e União Europeia
1997 Saraiva, José Flávio Sombra, Relações Internacionais Contemporâneas. Da Construção do Mundo Liberal à Globalização
1997 Sokal, Alan, Les Impostures Intellectuelles(com Bricmont, Jean)
1998 Bonanate, Luigi La Guerra, Rom
1998 Almeida, Paulo Roberto de , Relações Internacionais e Política Externa do Brasil. Dos Descobrimentos à Globalização
1998 Bauman, Zygmunt Globalisation. The Human Consequences
1998 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves Franc-Maçonnerie et Cosmopolitisme au Siècle des Lumières
1998 Booth, Ken Statecraft and Security. The Cold War and Beyond
1998 Boyd-Barett, Oliver The Globalization of News(com Rantanzn, Tehri)
1998 Chacon, Vamireh, O Humanismo Ibérico
1998 Clemens, Walter C., Dynamics of International Relations. Conflict and Mutual Gain in an Age of Global Interdependence
1998 Delmas-Marty, M., Trois Défis pour un Droit Mondial
1998 Doremus, P. W., The Myth of the Global Corporation(com Keller, L. Pauly / Reich, S)
1998 Fernandes, António Horta, O Homo Strategicus ou a Ilusão de uma Razão Estratégica
1998 Fernandes, António José, Relações Internacionais Contemporâneas. Do Mundo da Europa à Europa
1998 Fonseca, Isabel, Da Luz às Luzes. Cultura e Nação
1998 Freitas, Jorge Manuel da Costa,A Escola Geopolítica Brasileira. De Golbery do Couto e Silva a Therezinha de Castro
1998 Gounelle, Max, Relations Internationales
1998 Habermas, Jürgen ,Die postnationale Konstellation
1998 Haesbaert, Rogério, Globalização e Fragmentação do Mundo Contemporâneo
1998 Held, David, Re Imagining Political Community(com Archibugi, D. / Kohler, M)
1998 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , World Disorders. Troubled Peace in the Post Cold War Era
1998 Holton, R. , Globalisation and the Nation State
1998 Keck, Margaret, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics(com Sikkink, Kathryn)
1998 Krasner, Stephen D., International Organization. Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics(com Robert O. Keohane, Robert O. / Peter J. Katzenstein, Peter J.)
1998 Lauren, Paul Gordon, The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen
1998 Maltez, José Adelino, Princípios de Ciência Política. O Problema do Direito
1998 Marques, Viriato Soromenho, O Futuro Frágil. Os Desafios da Crise Global do Ambiente
1998 Masala, Carlo/Roloff, Ralf, Herausforderungen der Realpolitik. Beiträge zur Theoriedebatte in der Internationalen Politik
1998 Merquior, José Guilherme, O Liberalismo Social. Uma Visão Histórica(com Paim, António/ Kujawski, Gilberto de Melo)
1998 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Introduction à la Géopolitique
1998 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, L'Ordre Mondial
1998 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Un Monde d'Ingérences
1998 Nicholson, Michael, International Relations. A Concise Introduction
1998 Nossal, K., The Patterns of World Politics
1998 Oliveira, Flávia Arlanch Martins de,Globalização, Regionalização e Nacionalismo
1998 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Interesse Nazionale e Globalizzazione. I Regimi Democratici nelle Trasformazioni del Sistema Post westfaliano
1998 Ribeiro, Manuel Almeida, A Organização das Nações Unidas
1998 Roloff, Ralf, Herausforderungen der Realpolitik. Beiträge zur Theoriedebatte in der Internationalen Politik(com Masala, Carlo)
1998 Santos, Victor Marques dos, A Humanidade e o seu Património. Reflexões Contextuais sobre Conceptualidade Evolutiva e Dinâmica Operatória em Teoria das Relações Internacionais
1998 Sassen, Saskia, Globalization and Its Discontents
1998 Senarclens, Pierre, La Gouvernance,
1998 Senarclens, Pierre, Mondialisation, Souveraineté et Théories des Relations Internationales
1998 Silva, Agostinho da, Dispersos,
1998 Singer, J. David, Nations at War. A Scientific Study of International Conflict,(com Geller, Daniel S.)
1998 Smouts, Marie Claude, Les Nouvelles Relations Internationales. Pratiques et Théories
1998 Strenger, Irineu, Relações Internacionais
1998 Vasquez, John A., The Power of Power Politics. From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism
1998 Weiss, Linda, State Capacity. Governning Economy in a Global Era
1998 Weiss, Linda, The Myth of the Powerless State
1998 Zalewski, Marysia, The “Man Question” in International Relations(com Jane Parpart)
1999 Bobbio, Norberto Teoria Geral da Política. A Filosofia Política e as Lições dos Clássicos
1999 Albertini, Mário, Una Rivoluzione Pacifica. Dalle Nazioni all’Europa
1999 Attinà, Fulvio, Il Sistema Politico Globale. Introduzione alle Relazioni Internazionali
1999 Badie, Bertrand, Le Monde dans Souverainité. Les États entre Ruse et Responsabilité
1999 Barata, Óscar Soares, O Crescimento da População Mundial e as Migrações Internacionais
1999 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves La République Universelle des Francs-Maçons. De Newton à Metternich
1999 Beck, Ulrich Che cos’è la Globalizzazione. Rischi e Prospettive della Società Planetaria
1999 Clark, Ian, Globalisation and International Relations Theory
1999 Cochran, Molly, Normative Theory in International Relations. A Pragmatic Approach
1999 Creveld, Martin Van, The Rise and Decline of the State
1999 Daillier, P., Vers un Droit Commun de l’Humanité(com Pellet, A.)
1999 Davis, Richard, The Web of Politics. The Internet's Impact on the American Political System
1999 Domingues, Paulo Miguel da Costa,A Ideologia Federalista e os Novos Enquadramentos do Nacionalismo dos Estados Europeus
1999 Escudé, Carlos, Estado del Mundo
1999 Escudé, Carlos, Mercenarios del Fin del Milenio
1999 Falk, Richard A., Predatory Globalisation
1999 Giddens, Anthony, Runaway World. How Globalisation is Reshaping our Lives
1999 Held, David, Global Transformations. Politics, Economics and Culture(com McGrew, Anthony/ Goldblatt, David / Perraton, Jonatho)
1999 Henriques, Mendo Castro, Educação para a Cidadania
1999 Höffe, Otfried, Demokratie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
1999 Huntington, Samuel P., The Lonely Superpower
1999 Hurrel, Andrew, Inequality, Globalisation, and World Politics(com Woods, Ngaire)
1999 Kaldor, Mary, Old and New Wars. Organized Warfare in the Global Era
1999 Knutsen, Torbjørn L., The Rise and Fall of World Orders
1999 Krasner, Stephen D., Sovereignity. Organized Hypocrisy
1999 Maltez, José Adelino, Bem Comum dos Portugueses(com Macedo, Jorge Braga de / Henriques, Mendo Castro)
1999 Marchueta, Maria Regina, Sobre os Nacionalismos Periféricos em Espanha e a sua Projecção Internacional
1999 McGrew, Anthony G, Global Transformations. Politics, Economics and Culture(com Held David/ Goldblatt, David / Perraton, Jonathon)
1999 McSweeny, Bill, Security, Identity and Interests. A Sociology of International
1999 Miguel, Helder T. Ferreira, As Empresas Multinacionais e o seu Controlo pelos Estados
1999 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Droit et Mondialisation
1999 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Governance in a Networked World
1999 Penna, José Osvaldo Meira, Globalização, Regionalização e a Nova Ordem Mundial
1999 Ramonet, Ignacio, A Tirania da Comunicação
1999 Risse Kappen, Thomas, Bringing Transnational Relations Back In. Non State Actors, Domestic Structures and International Institutions
1999 Risse Kappen, Thomas, The Power of Principles: International Human Rights Norms and Domestic Change(com Ropp, Stephen / Sikkink, Kathryn)
1999 Roche, Jean-Jacques, Relations Internationales
1999 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, The Rise of the Virtual State. Wealth and Power in the Coming Century
1999 Ruddick, Sara, Mother Troubles. Rethinking Contemporary Maternal Dillems(com Hanigsberg, Julia)
1999 Sá, Luís Viana, Espaços de Poder e Democracia. Do Global ao Local no Limiar do Século XXI
1999 Sábato, Ernesto, Antes del Fin,
1999 Sachwald, Frédérique, Réseaux contre Nations ? Les Multinationales au XXIe Siècle
1999 Shaw, Martin, Politics in a Globalized World
1999 Shaw, Martin, The Global Revolution and the Twenty First Century. From International Politics to Global Politics
1999 Silva, Agostinho da, Reflexões, Aforismos, Paradoxos
1999 Spiro, David E., The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony. Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets
1999 Thurow, Lester C., Building Wealth: The New Rules for Individuals Nations in a Knowledge Based Economy
1999 Waltz, Kenneth N., "Globalisation and Governance
1999 Wendt, Alexander, Social Theory of International Politics
1999 Wiener, Jarrod, Globalisation and the Harmonization of Law
1999 Young, Oran R. , Governance in World Affairs
1999 Young, Oran R. , The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. Causal Connections and Behavioral Mechanisms
2000 Bettati, Mario Droit Humanitaire
2000 Les Franc-Maçons dans la Cité. Les Cultures Politiques de Franc-Maçonnerie XVIIIe-Xxe Siècles(com Martin, Luis P.)
2000 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie
2000 Buzan, Barry, International Systems in World History Remaking the Study of International Relations(com Little, Richard.)
2000 Charvin, Robert ,Relations Internationales, Droit et Mondialisation. Un Monde à Sens Unique
2000 Cohn, T., Power in the Global Era(com McBride, S. / Wiseman, J.)
2000 Condesso, Fernando dos Reis, A Questão Ambiental e a Intervenção Radica
l2000 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Manual de Direito Internacional Público(com Pereira, Maria da Assunção do Vale)
2000 Donnely, Jack, Realism and International Relations
2000 Forsythe, David P., Human Rights in International Relations
2000 Gallino, Luciano, Globalizzazione e Disreguaglianze
2000 Gazano, Antoine, L’Essentiel des Relations Internationales
2000 Gray, Colin S., Modern Strategy
2000 Held, David, Global Transformation Reader. An Introduction to the Globalisation Debate
2000 Held, David, The Great Globalisation Debate. An Introduction(com McGrew, Anthony)
2000 Jacinto, José Luís de Moura Martins,O Trabalho e as Relações Internacionais
2000 Jackson, Robert H., The Global Covenant. Human Conduct in a World of States
2000 Jarvis, D. S. L., International Relations and the Challenge of Post Modenrism. Defending the Discipline
2000 Krasner, Stephen D., Problematic Sovereignty
2000 Lemke, Christiane, Internationale Beziehungen. Grundkonzepte. Theorien und Problemfelder
2000 Maltez, José Adelino, A Comunidade Mundial, o Projecto Lusíada e a Crise do Político
2000 Maltez, José Adelino, Por uma Europa Radicalmente Europeia
2000 McGrew, Anthony G, Global Transformation Reader. An Introduction to the Globalisation Debate2000 McGrew, Anthony G, The Great Globalisation Debate. An Introduction(com Held, David)
2000 Mittelman, James H., Globalisation Syndrome, Transformation and Resistance
2000 Montbrial, Thierry, Pour Combattre les Pensées Uniques, 2000 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Governance in a Gloablizing World. Visions of Governance for the 21st Century(com Donahue, John D.)
2000 Olson, Mancur, Power and Prosperity. Outgrowing Communist and Communist Dictatorship
2000 Sábato, Ernesto, La Resistencia,
2000 Scholte, Jan Art, Globalisation. A Critical Introduction
2000 Senarclens, Pierre, Mondialisation. Théories, Enjeux et Débats
2000 Shaw, Martin, The Global State. Ideas and Power in the Unfinished Global Revolution
2000 Shinoda, Hideaki, Re Examinating Sovereignty. From Classical Theory to the Global Age
2000 Silva, Lúcio Craveiro da, Ser Português. Ensaios de Cultura Portuguesa
2000 Went, R. , Globalisation, Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses
2000 Zalewski, Marysia, Feminism After Postmodernism. Theorising through Practice
2001 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves Europe des Francs-Maçons (XVIIIe-Xxe Siècles)
2001 Chemillier Gendreau, Monique, Le Droit dans la Mondialisation(com Moullier Boutang, Yan)
2001 Condesso, Fernando dos Reis, Direito do Ambienteer and the Future of World Politics(com Paul, T. V)
2001 Ikenberry, G. J, Teorie e Metodi Nelle Relazioni Internazionali. La Disciplina e la sua Evoluzione(com Parsi, V. E.)
2001 London School of Economics, Global Civil Society 2001
2001 Matos, Rui Paula de, As ONG (D) e a Crise do Estado SoberanoUm Estudo de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
2001 McNamara, Robert Strange, Wilson’s Ghost. Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing and Catastrophes in the 21st Century
2001 Morgenthau, Hans J., Hans J. Morgenthau. An Intellectual Biography.
2001 Oliveira, Odete Maria, Relações Internacionais. Estudos de Introdução
2001 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Lo Sguarda Corto. Critica della Classe Dirigente Italiana(com Lorenzo Ornaghi)
2001 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Teorie e Metodi nelle Relazioni Internazionali. La Disciplina e la sua Evoluzione(com Ikenberry, G. J)
2001 Ramonet, Ignacio, Propagandas Silenciosas. Massas, Televisão, Cinema
2001 Ribeiro, Wagner da Costa, A Ordem Ambiental Internacional
2001 Ribeiro, Wagner da Costa, Relações Internacionais. Cenários para o Século XXI
2001 Roloff, Ralf, Europa, Amerika und Asien zwischen Globalisierung und Regionalisierung
2001 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Globalização. Fatalidade ou Utopia?
2001 Saraiva, Maria Francisca, Governance. Um Caminho para a Segurança Cooperativa
2001 Shaw, Martin, Theory of the Global State. Globality as an Unfinishede Revolution
2002 Booth, Ken Worlds in Collision. Terror and the Future of Global Order
2002 Boucher, David Political Theor
2002 Baptista, António Manuel, O Discurso Pós-Moderno Contra a Ciência. Obscurantismo e Irresponsabilidade
2002 Baylis, John (1946 ) Strategy in the Contemporary World(com Wirtz, James, Cohen, Eliot / Gray, Colin)
2002 Devin, Guillaume, Sociologie des Relations Internationales
2002 Held, David, Globalisation / Anti Globalisation
2002 Held, David, Governing Globalisation. Power, Authority and Global Governance
2002 McGrew, Anthony G, Globalisation / Anti Globalisation
2002 McGrew, Anthony G, Governing Globalisation. Power, Authority and Global Governance
2002 Miranda, Jorge, Curso de Direito Internacional Público
2002 Nye, Joseph S. Jr.,The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone
2002 Simon Belli, Carlo, Breviario di Relazioni Internazionali
2002 Sklair, Leslie ,Globalisation. Capitalism and its Alternatives
2002 Stiglitz, Joseph E., Globalization and Its Discontents
1904 Basdevant, Jules,Les Fondateurs du Droit International
1906 Bruno, José Pereira Sampaio Portugal e a Guerra das Nações
1907 Meinecke, Friedrich, Weltburgertum und National Staat
1914 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, O Problema Colonial e as Tendências da Colonização Portuguesa
1915 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, Estudo sobre a Conferência de Berlim de 1885
1918 Bloch, Ernst Geist der Utopie
1918 Keyserling, Hermann von, L'Avenir de l'Europe
1918 Spengler, Oswald, Untergang des Abendlandes. Umrisse einer Morphologie der Weltgeschichte
1919 Lange, C. F. , Histoire de l’Internationalisme
1919 Ruyssen, Théodore, Les Sources Doctrinales de l’Internationalisme
1920 Ruyssen, Théodore, De la Guerre au Droit
1921 Laski, Harold Joseph, The Foundations of Sovereignity
1923 Gasset, José Ortega Y, El Tema de Nuestro
1923 Redslob, Robert, Histoire des Grands Principes du Droit des Gens
1924 Tagore, Rabindranath, Nationalisme
1925 Spykman, Nicholas J., Social Theory of Georg Simmel
1926 Keyserling, Hermann von, Le Monde qui nait
1928 Keyserling, Hermann von, Das Spectrum Europas
1929 Cortesão, Jaime, Os Factores Democráticos da Formação de Portugal
1929 Gillouin, René, Le Destin de l'Occident
1929 Kohn, Hans, A History of Nationalism in the East
1929 Myrdal, Gunnar, The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory
1929 Sturzo, Luigi, The International Community and the Right of War
1930 Herriot, Édouard, Europe, Paris
1930 Redslob, Robert, Le Principe des Nationalités
1931 Gasset, José Ortega Y, La Rebelión de las Masas
1931 Spengler, Oswald, Der Mensch und die Technik. Bertrag zu einer Philosophie des Lebens
1931 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, Greek Commonwealth
1931 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, The Study of International Relations. An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford in 20 February 1931
1932 Cambray, P. G., The Game of Politics. A Study of the Principles of British Political Strategy
1933 Benda, Julien Discours à la Nation Européenne
1933 Aron, Robert, La Révolution Nécéssaire(com Dandieu, Armand)
1933 Mitrany, David, The Progress of International Government
1933 Spengler, Oswald, Jhare der Entscheidung. Deutschland und die Weltgeschichtliche Entwicklung
1933 Spykman, Nicholas J., “Methods of Approach to the Study of International Politics
1934 Keyserling, Hermann von, La Révolution Mondiale et la Responsabilité de l'Esprit
1934 Reynold, Gonzague de, L'Europe Tragique
1934 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, A Study of History
1935 Aron, Raymond, La Sociologie Allemande Contemporaine
1935 Siegfried, André, La Crise de l'Europe
1936 Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de, Raízes do Brasil,
1936 Maritain, Jacques, L’Humanisme Intégral
1936 Reynold, Gonzague de, Le Portugal
1936 Russell, Frank M., Theories of International Relations
1936 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, O Problema das Fronteiras. Conspecto Geral
1937 Ludendorf, Erich, A Guerra Total
1937 Redslob, Robert, Le Principe du Droit des Gens
1937 Robbins, Lionel, Economic Planning and International Order
1938 Friedrich, Carl J., Foreign Policy in the Making. The Search for a New Balance of
1939 Carr, Edward Hallet, The Twenty Years Crisis.1919 1939. An Introduction to the Study of International Relations
1939 Delos, Joseph Thomas, Vitoria et Suarez. Contribution des Théologiens au Droit International Moderne(com Louis Le Fur e Robert Jacquin)
1939 Waciorski, J., Le Terrorisme Politique
1939 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, The League of Nations and the Rule of Law1918 1935
1939 Zimmern, Alfred Eckhard, The University Teaching of International Relations
1940 Burnham, James, The Managerial Revolution
1940 Carr, Edward Hallet, International Relations since the Peace Treaties
1941 Carr, Edward Hallet, The Future of International Government
1941 Carr, Edward Hallet, The Future of Nations. Independence or Interdependence?
1941 Hazard, Paul, La Crisis de la Conciencia Europea
1941 Reynold, Gonzague de, Qu'est ce que l'Europe?,
1941 Schwarzenberger, Georg, Power Politics. A Study of International Society
1942 Alves, Paulo Durão, A Comunidade Internacional
1942 Spykman, Nicholas J., America's Strategy in World Politics. The United States and the Balance of Power
1942 Wright, Quincy, A Study of War,
1943 Burnham, James, The Machiavellians. Defenders of Freedom
1943 Kelsen, Hans ,Peace Through Law
1943 Reynold, Gonzague de, La Formation de l'Europe
1944 Adler, Mortimer J., How to think about War and Peace
1944 Carr, Edward Hallet, Conditions of Peace
1944 Delos, Joseph Thomas, La Nation
1944 Eaton, Howard O., Federation. The Coming Structure of World Government
1944 Mitrany, David, A Working Peace System. An Argument for the Functional Development of International Organization
1944 Mitrany, David, The Road to Security
1944 Morgenstern, Oskar / Von Neumann, Janos,Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
1944 Polanyi, Karl, The Great Transformation. The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
1944 Röpke, Wilhelm, Civitas Humana,
1944 Spykman, Nicholas J., The Geography of Peace
1945 Amoudruz, Madeleine, Proudhon et l'Europe
1945 Carr, Edward Hallet, Democracy in International Affairs
1945 Dumont Wilden, L., L'Évolution de l'Esprit Européen
1945 Franca, Padre Leonel, A Crise do Mundo Moderno
1945 Freyre, Gilberto ,Sociologia, 2
1945 Hembeden, S. J., Plans for World Peace Through Six Centuries
1945 Hirschman, Albert O., National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade
1945 Ledermann, Lászlo, Les Précurseurs de l’Organisation Internationale
1945 Röpke, Wilhelm, La Communauté Internationale
1946 Brodie, Bernard The Absolute Weapon
1946 Castro, Josué de ,Geografia da Fome
1946 Ellul, Jacques, Fondement Théologique du Droit
1946 Kohn, Hans, The Idea of Nationalism. A Study in its Origins and Background
1946 Morgenthau, Hans J., Man versus Power Politics
1946 Rain, Pierre, Organisation de la Paix en Europe
1946 Rougemont, Denis de, Politique de la Personne
1946 Wight, Martin, Power Politics,
1947 Carr, Edward Hallet, International Relations between the Two World Wars 1919 1939
1947 Lippmann, Walter, The Cold War. A Study in U. S. Foreign Policy
1947 Röpke, Wilhelm, La Crisis Social del Nuestro Tiempo
1947 Rougemont, Denis de, L’Attitude Fédéraliste
1948 Aron, Robert, Principes du Fédéralisme(com Marc, Alexandre)
1948 Freyre, Gilberto, Guerra, Paz e Ciência
1948 Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics Among Nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace
1948 Rougemont, Denis de, L'Europe en Jeu
1948 Siegfried, André, A Propos de l'Organization de l'Europe
1948 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Civilization on Trial
1948 Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics, C
1948 Wright, Quincy, The World Community
1949 Alves, Paulo Durão, A Filosofia Política de Suarez
1949 Boyd, Andrew Western Union. A Study of the Trend towards European Unity
1949 Hutchins, Robert M., St. Thomas and the World State
1949 Maritain, Jacques, Man and the State
1949 Morley, Felix, The Power in the People
1949 Nef, John U., La Route de la Guerre Totale
1949 Prebisch, Raul, El Desarrollo Económico de América Latina y sus Principales Problemas
1949 Renouvin, Pierre, L’Idée de Fédération Européenne dans la Pensée Politique du XXème Siècle
1949 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, As Questões Coloniais
1950 Bonnefous, Édouard L'Idée Européenne et sa Réalisation
1950 Carr, Edward Hallet, Studies on Revolution
1950 Curcio, Carlo, Nazione. Europa. Umanità. Saggi sulla Storia dell'Idea di Nazione e dell Principio di Nazionalità in Italia
1950 Debré, Michel, Projet d'un Pacte pour une Union des États Européens
1950 Delos, Joseph Thomas, La Societé Internationale et les Principes de Droit Publique
1950 Duclos, Pierre, L'Évolution des Rapports Politiques Depuis 1750
1950 Kohn, Hans, The Twentieth Century. A Mid Way Account of the Western World
1950 Ledermann, Lászlo, Fédération Internationale. Idées d’Hier. Possibilités de Demain
1950 Morgenthau, Hans J., Principles of International Politics. Selected Readings(com Thompson, Kenneth W.)
1950 Philip, Olivier, Le Problème de l'Union Européenne
1950 Siegfried, André, L'Âme des Peuples
1950 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, Fundamentos de Derecho Internacional Público
1951 Arendt, Hannah, O Sistema Totalitário
1951 Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, Social Choice and Individual Values
1951 Bouthoul, Gaston Les Guerres. Élements de Polémologie
1951 Carr, Edward Hallet, A Story of Soviet Russia
1951 Carr, Edward Hallet, The New Society
1951 Castro, Josué de ,Geopolítica da Fome
1951 Falk, Richard A., This Endagered Planet. Prospects and Proposals for Human Survival
1951 Herz, John H. , Political Realism and Political Idealism. A Study in Theories and Realities(com Carter, Gwendolen Margaret)
1951 Kennan, George Frost, American Diplomacy. 1900 1950
1951 Morgenthau, Hans J., In Defense of National Interest. A Critical Study of American Foreign Policy
1952 Ashby, W. Ross, Design for a Brain. The Origin of Adaptative Behaviour
1952 Castelo-Branco, Humberto, A Estratégia,
1952 Galbraith, John Kenneth, American Capitalism, the Concept of Countervailing Power
1952 Levi Strauss, Claude, Race et Histoire
1952 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, Oliveira Martins e a Política Colonial
1952 Tchakhotine, Serguei, Le Viol des Foules par la Propagande Politique
1952 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, The World and the West
1952 Voyenne, Bernard, Petite Histoire de l'Idée Européenne
1952 Wiener, Norbert, Cybernetics and Society. The Human Use of Human Beeings,
1953 Contamine, Henry, L'Europe est Derrière Nous
1953 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Nationalism and Social Communication. An Inquiry into the Foundation of Nationality
1953 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, Histoire Diplomatique de 1918 à nos Jours
1953 Renouvin, Pierre, Histoire des Relations Internationales
1953 Strauss, leo ,–Droit Naturel et Histoire
1954 Bloch, Ernst Das Prinzip Höffnung
1954 Bowie, Robert R. Studies in Federalism
1954 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Political Community at the International Level(com W. J. Foltz)
1954 Ellul, Jacques, La Technique ou l’Enjeu du Siècle
1954 Gramsci, Antonio, Quaderni del Carcere1929 1935 L'Ordine Nuovo 1919 1920
1954 Kennan, George Frost, Realities of American Foreign Policy
1954 Manning, C. A. W., The University Teaching of Social Sciences. International Relations
1954 Perroux, François, L’Europe sans Rivages
1954 Puharré, André, Les Projets d'Organisation Européenne d'après le Grand Dessein de Henri IV et de Sully
1954 Redslob, Robert, Le Problème de la Paix
1954 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Guerre et Civilization
1954 Waltz, Kenneth N., Man, the State and the State System in Theories of the Causes of War
1955 Brierly, James L. The Law of the Nations. An Introduction to the International Law
1955 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, Le Phénomène Humain
1955 Claude, Inis Lothar, National Minorities and International Problem
1955 Dias, António Jorge ,Os Elementos Fundamentais da Cultura Portuguesa
1955 Gullick, Edward, Europe’s Classical Balance of Power
1955 Harrison, Horace V., The Study of International Relations
1955 Kohn, Hans, Nationalism. Its Meaning and History
1955 Macmahon, Arthur W., Federalism. Mature and Emergent
1955 Moncada, Luís Cabral de, Será Possível um Verdadeiro Direito Internacional?
1955 Monnet, Jean, Les États Unis de l'Europe ont Commencé. Discours et Allocutions 1952 1954
1955 Sainte Lorette, Lucien de, L'Idée d'Union Fédérale Européenne
1955 Silva, Golbery do Couto e, Planejamento Estratégico
1955 Wright, Quincy, The Study of International Relations
1956 Bertallanfy, Ludwig von General Systems Theory. Foundations, Developments, Applications,
1956 Ashby, W. Ross, An Introduction to Cybernetics
1956 Brzezinski, Zbigniew The Permanent Purge
1956 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy
1956 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Apparition de l’Homme
1956 Haas, Ernest B., Dynamics of International Relations(com Allen S. Whiting)
1956 Kaplan, Morton A., United States Foreign Policy 1945 1955
1956 Mills, C. Wright, The Power Elite
1956 Moreira, Adriano, Política Ultramarina.
1956 Sidjanski, Dusan, Fédéralisme Amphicthyonique
1956 Sprout, Harold e Margaret, Man-Milieu. Relationship Hypothesis in the Context of International Politics
1956 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, An Historian's Approach to Religion
1956 Wolfers, Arnold, The Anglo American Tradition in Foreign Affairs(com Martin, Lawrence)
1957 Baran, Paul, The Political Economy of Growth
1957 Beloff, Max Europa e Europeus,
1957 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, La Vision du Passé
1957 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, Le Milieu Divin
1957 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Direito Internacional Público I. Introdução e Fontes
1957 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Political Communithy and the North Atlantic Area. International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience
1957 Downs, Anthony, An Economic Theory of Democracy
1957 Dyke, Vernon Van, International Politics
1957 Haines, C. Grove, European Integration
1957 Holanda, Sérgio Buarque de, Visão do Paraíso. Os Motivos Edénicos no Descobrimento e Colonização do Brasil
1957 Kaplan, Morton A., Systems and Process in International Politics
1957 Kissinger, Henry, A World Restored. Metternich, Castlereagh, and the Problems of Peace. 1812 1822
1957 Kissinger, Henry, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy
1957 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, The Copernican Revolution
1957 Liska, George, International Equilibrium. A Theoretical Essay on the Politics and Organization of Security
1957 Myrdal, Gunnar, Rich Lands and Poor. The Road to World Prosperity
1957 Osgood, Robert E., Limited War,
1957 Rosas, João Dias, O Movimento Económico Europeu: suas Incidências na Economia Portuguesa
1957 Rougemont, Denis de, L'Aventure Occidentale de l'Homme
1957 Silva, Lúcio Craveiro da, Comunidade Internacional, Comunidade Europeia e Soberania Nacional
1957 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, La Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales como Sociología. Introduccíon al Estudio de las Relaciones Internacionales
1957 Venturi, Franco, Les Idées Cosmopolites en Italie au XVIIème Siècle. Perspectives Européens du Cosmopolitisme au XVIIIème Siècle
1957 Wright, Quincy, Contemporary International Law
1958 Brugmans, Henri Les Origines de la Civilization Européenne
1958 Curcio, Carlo, Europa. Storia di un'Idea
1958 Ebenstein, William, Today’s Isms
1958 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Affluent Society
1958 Gramsci, Antonio, Scritti Giovanili 1914 1918
1958 Haas, Ernest B., The Uniting Europe. Political, Social and Economical Forces. 1950 1957
1958 Moore Jr., Barrington, Political Power and Social Theory
1958 Morgenthau, Hans J., Dilemmas of Politics
1958 Organski, Abramo Fimo Kenneth, World Politics
1958 Perroux, François, La Coexistence Pacifique
1958 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, Genèse et Fondements Spirituels de l’Idée d’une Communauté Universelle. De la civitas maxima stoicienne à la civitas gentium moderne
1959 Brodie, Bernard Strategy in the Missile Age
1959 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Avenir de l’Homme
1959 Herz, John H. , International Politics in the Atomic Age
1959 Marc, Alexandre Lipianski, L’Europe, Terre Décisive
1959 Mills, C. Wright, The Causes of World War Three
1959 Morley, Felix, Freedom and Federalism
1959 Santa Rita, José Gonçalo, A África nas Relações Internacionais depois de 1870
1959 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, Genèse et Structure de la Societé Internationale
1959 Waltz, Kenneth N., Man, the State and War. A Theoretical Analysis
1960 Bendix, Reinhard Max Weber. An Intellectual Portrait
1960 Albertini, Mário, Lo Stato NazionaleL’État National
1960 Allais, Maurice, L'Europe Unie, Route de Prosperité
1960 Almond, Gabriel A., The Politics of Developing Areas(com Coleman, James)
1960 Bell, Daniel The End of Ideology
1960 Dias, António Jorge, Estudos do Carácter Nacional Português
1960 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Liberal Hour
1960 Gasset, José Ortega Y, Una Interpretación de la Historia Universal en torno a Toynbee
1960 Gramsci, Antonio, Sotto la Mole
1960 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Contemporary Theory in International Politics
1960 Jünger, Ernst, Der Weltstaat. Organismus und Organisation
1960 Kedourie, Elie, Nationalism, Lo
1960 Lapie, P. O., Les Trois Communautés: Charbon Acier, Marché Commun, Euratom
1960 Morgenthau, Hans J., The Purpose of American Foreign Policy
1960 Myrdal, Gunnar, Beyond the Welfare State. Economic Planning and Its International Implications
1960 Rapoport, Anatol, Fights, Games and Debates
1960 Rostow, Walt Whitman, The Stages of Economic Growth. A Non Communist Manifesto
1960 Spinelli, Altiero, L'Europa non cade del Cielo
1960 Thompson, Kenneth W., Political Realism and the Crisis of World Politics
1960 Welty, Eberhard, Catecismo SocialA Constituição da Ordem Social
1961 Ardrey, Robert, African Genesis
1961 Brugmans, Henri L'Europe prend le Large
1961 Chabod, Frederico, Storia dell'Idea d'EuropaHistoria de la Ideia de Europa
1961 Etzioni, Amitai, A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations. On Power, Involvement and Their Correlates
1961 Foucault, Michel, Folie et Déraison. Histoire de la Folie à l'Âge Classique
1961 Herz, John H. , The Nation State and the Crisis of World Politics. Essays on International Politics in the Twentieth Century
1961 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , International Systems and International Law
1961 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Théorie et Relations Internationales
1961 Kaplan, Morton A., “Is International Relations a Discipline?
1961 Kaplan, Morton A., The Political Foundations of International Law(com B. Katzenbach)
1961 Kissinger, Henry, The Necessity for Choice. Prospects of American Foreign Policy
1961 Knorr, Klaus, The International System. Theoretical Essays(com Verba, Sidney)
1961 Rosenau, James N. , International Politics and Foreign Policy. A Reader in Research and Theory
1961 Rougemont, Denis de, Vingt- huit Siècles d'Europe. La Conscience Européenne à travers les Textesd'Hésiode à nos Jours
1961 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Nation et Voie Africaine du Socialisme
1962 Boulding, Kenneth Conflict and Defense
1962 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics
1962 Aron, Raymond, Paix et Guerre entre les Nations
1962 Bouthoul, Gaston Sauver la Guerre
1962 Bouthoul, Gaston Le Phénomène GuerresO Fenómeno Guerra
1962 Buchanan, James McGill The Calculus of Consent. Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy
1962 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Énergie Humaine
1962 Claude, Inis Lothar, Power and International Relations,
1962 Ellul, Jacques, Propagandes, Pa
1962 Encontros Internacionais De Genebra,O Espírito Europeu
1962 Galbraith, John Kenneth, Economic Development
1962 Giddens, Anthony, Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber
1962 Habermas, Jürgen ,Strukturwandel der Öfftenlichkeit
1962 Jaguaribe, Hélio, Pensamento Económico e Desenvolvimento Político
1962 Kohn, Hans, The Age of Nationalism. The First Era of Global History
1962 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
1962 McLuhan, Marshall, The Gutenberg Galaxy. The Making of Typographic Man
1962 Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics in the Twentieth Century. The Impasse of American Foreign Policy
1962 Morgenthau, Hans J., The Restoration of American Politics
1962 Padelford, Norman J. , The Dynamics of International Politics(com Lincoln, George A)
1962 Rougemont, Denis de, Les Chances de l'Europe
1962 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin et la Politique Africaine
1962 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, America and the World Revolution
1962 Tullock, Gordon, The Calculus of Consent. Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy(com Bucchanan, James)
1962 Wright, Quincy, Preventing World War III(com Evan, W. M. / Deutsch, M.)
1963 Albertini, Mário, La Politica e Altri Saggi
1963 Albonetti, Achille, Péhistoire des États Unis de l'Europe
1963 Almond, Gabriel A., The Civic Culture. Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations
1963 Art, Robert J., The Use of Force. Military Power and International Politics(com Waltz, Kenneth N.)
1963 Brugmans, Henri Le Fédéralisme Contemporain(com Duclos, Pierr)
1963 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, L’Activation de l’Énergie
1963 Cohen, Saul Bernard, Geography and Politics in a Divided World
1963 Cunha, Paulo Pitta e, O Movimento Político Europeu e as Instituições SupranacionaisBoletim do Ministério da Justiça
1963 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Nation Building(com W. J. Foltz)
1963 Drouin, P., L'Europe du Marché Commun
1963 Duclos, Pierre, Le Fédéralisme Contemporain(com Henri Brugmans)
1963 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, L’Idée d’Europe dans l’Histoire
1963 Foucault, Michel, Naissance de la Clinique. Une Archéologie du Regard Médical
1963 Lindberg, Leon N., The Political Dynamics of European Economic Integration
1963 Lorenz, Konra Zachariae, Das sogenannte Böse zur Naturgeschichte der Agression
1963 Pinder, John, Europe Against De Gaulle
1963 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, Action and Reaction in World Politics. International Systems in Perspective,
1963 Schuman, Robert, Pour l'Europe,
1963 Teitgen, Pierre Henri, Les Étapes de l'Idée Européenne
1963 Waltz, Kenneth N., The Use of Force. Military Power and International Politics(com Art, Robert J.)
1964 Bendix, Reinhard Nation Building and Citizenship. Studies of Our Changing Social Order
1964 Bouthoul, Gaston La Surpopulation dans le Monde
1964 The Role of Theory in International Relations
1964 Albuquerque, Martim de, Portugal e a “jurisdictio imperii”
1964 Barata, Óscar Soares, A Questão Racial. Introdução
1964 Beaufre, André Dissuasion et Stratégie
1964 Brugmans, Henri Trois étapes de la Civilisation Européenne ,
1964 Burnham, James, Suicide of the West. An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism
1964 Claude, Inis Lothar, Swords into Plowshares. The Problems and Prospects of International Organization
1964 Etzioni, Amitai, Modern Organization
1964 Gardiner, Patrick, Teorias da História
1964 Haas, Ernest B., Beyond the Nation State. Functionalism and International Organization
1964 Kennan, George Frost, On Dealing with the Communist World
1964 Kulsk W. W.,Kuhn, Thomas Samuel,International Politics in a Revolutionary Age,
1964 Pfaff, William, The Politcs of Hysteria. The Sources of Twentieth Century Conflict(com Stillman, Edmund)
1964 Prebisch, Raul, Nueva Política Comercial para el Desarrollo
1964 Rapoport, Anatol, Strategy and Conscience
1964 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Liberté, Négritude et Humanisme
1964 Tilly, Charles, The Vendée, Cam
1964 Voyenne, Bernard, Histoire de l’Idée Européenne
1965 Beaufre, André Introduction à la Stratégie
1965 Castro, Josué de ,Sete Palmos de Terra e um Caixão
1965 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, La Place de l’Homme dans la Nature
1965 Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, Science et Christ
1965 Cortesão, Jaime, O Humanismo Universalista dos Portugueses
1965 Cunha, Paulo Pitta e, A Integração Económica da Europa Ocidental
1965 Ellul, Jacques, L’Illusion Politique
1965 Etzioni, Amitai, Political Unification. A Comparative Study of Leaders and Forces
1965 Freund, Julien, Essence du Politique
1965 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The State of War. Essays on the Theory and Practice of International Politics
1965 Kelman, Herbert C., International Behavior
1965 Kissinger, Henry, Problems of National Strategy. A Book of Readings
1965 Kissinger, Henry, The Troubled Partnership
1965 Kohn, Hans, Os Meus Encontros com a História
1965 Lecerf, Jean, Histoire de l'Unité Européenne
1965 Marc, Alexandre Lipianski, L’Europe dans le Monde
1965 Neto, João Baptista Pereira, Geopolítica Tropical
1965 Organski, Abramo Fimo Kenneth, The Stages of Political Development
1965 Pinto, L. M. Teixeira, Cooperação e Coexistência
1965 Siegfried, André, La Suisse ou l'Histoire d'un Peuple Heureux
1965 Singer, J. David, Human Behavior and International Politics
1965 Sprout, Harold e Margaret, The Ecological Perspective in Human Affairs
1966 Beaufre, André Stratégie de l'Action
1966 Bendix, Reinhard Class, Status and Power. Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective
1966 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Fundamentos de uma Política de Subversão Africana
1966 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Geopolítica Chinesa e sua Incidência em África
1966 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics. A Developmental Approach(com Powell, G. Bingham)
1966 Ardrey, Robert, The Territorial Imperative. A Personal Inquiry into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations
1966 Arias, Luís Garcia ,A Transformação das Relações Internacionais no Século XX
1966 Baran, Paul, Monopoly Capital. An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order
1966 Butterfield, H. / Wight, Martin,Diplomatic Investigations. Essays in the Theory of International Politics
1966 Etzioni, Amitai, Studies in Social Change
1966 Foucault, Michel, Les Mots et les Choses. Une Archéologie des Sciences Humaines
1966 Gasset, José Ortega Y, Meditación de Europa
1966 Gramsci, Antonio, Socialismo e Fascismo. L'Ordine Nuovo 1921 - 1922
1966 Haas, Ernest B., Partidos Políticos y Grupos de Pressión en la Integración Europea
1966 Hay, P. H, Federalism and Supranational Organizations. Patterns for New Legal Structures
1966 Herz, John H. , Beginnings of the Cold War
1966 Hinsley, F. H. , Sovereignty, L
1966 Klineberg, Otto, The Human Dimension in International Relations
1966 Knorr, Klaus, On the Uses of Military Power in the Nuclear Age
1966 McClelland, Charles A., Theory and the International System
1966 Merle, Marcel, Pacifisme et Internationalisme XVII XX Siècles
1966 Moore Jr., Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Lord and Peasant in the making of the modern world
1966 Moulin, Léo, La Societé de Demain dans l'Europe d'aujourd'hui
1966 Neumann, Janos Von, Theory of Self Reproducing Automata
1966 Pomeau, R., L’Europe des Lumières. Cosmopolitisme et Unité Européenne au XVIIème Siècle
1966 Rapoport, Anatol, Two Person Game Theory
1966 Wight, Martin, Diplomatic Investigations. Essays in the Theory of International Politics(com Butterfield, H)
1966 Wolfers, Andrew, Discord and Collaboration. Essays in International Politics
1967 Aron, Raymond, Penser la Guerre, Clausewitz
1967 Beaufre, André Bâtir l'Avenir,
1967 Bouthoul, Gaston Sociologia da Política
1967 Burnham, James, The War We are In
1967 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Dependencia y Desarrollo en America Latina, Dependência e Desenvolvimento na América Latina
1967 Castro, Josué de ,Homens e Caranguejos
1967 Frank, André Gunder, Capitalism and Undervelopment in Latin America
1967 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The New Industrial State
1967 Halin, Hubert, L'Europe Unie Objectif Majeur de la Résistance
1967 Hinsley, F. H. , Power and the Pursuit of Peace. Theory and Practice in the History of Relations Between States
1967 Holsti, Kalevi J. , International Politics. A Framework for Analysis
1967 Jouve, Edmond, Le Genéral de Gaulle et la Construction de l'Europe. 1940 1966
1967 Lafont, Robert, La Révolution Régionaliste
1967 Osgood, Robert E., Force, Order and Justice(com Tucker, Robert C.)
1967 Penna, José Osvaldo Meira, Política Externa, Segurança & Defesa
1967 Rosenau, James N. , Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy
1967 Russett, Bruce M., International Regions and the International System
1967 Sédillot, René, Survol de l'Histoire de l'Europe
1967 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques,Le Défi Américain
1967 Silva, Agostinho da, Algumas Considerações sobre o Culto Popular do Espírito Santo
1967 Silva, Golbery do Couto e, Geopolítica do Brasil
1967 Singer, J. David, Quantitative International Politics. Insights and Evidence
1967 Tucker, Robert C., Force, Order and Justice(com Osgood, Robert E. )
1967 Waltz, Kenneth N., Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics
1968 Bendix, Reinhard State and Society
1968 Albuquerque, Martim de, O Poder Político no Renascimento Português,
1968 Buchanan, James McGill The Demand of Supply of Public Goods
1968 Carr, Edward Hallet, Nationalism and After
1968 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Analysis of International Relations
1968 Dias, António Jorge, O Carácter Nacional Português na Presente Conjuntura
1968 Duclos, Pierre, L'Être Fédéraliste
1968 Etzioni, Amitai, The Active Society. A Theory of Societal and Political Process
1968 Freund, Julien, Qu’est ce que la Politique ?
1968 Friedrich, Carl J., Trends of Federalism in Theory and Pratice
1968 Gramsci, Antonio, Note sul Machiaveli, sulla Politica e sullo Stato Moderno
1968 Hay, Denys, Europe. The Emergence of an Idea
1968 Héraud, Guy, Les Principes du Féderalisme et la Féderation Européenne
1968 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Gulliver's Troubles, or the Setting of American Policy
1968 Julien, Claude, L'Empire Américain
1968 Kaplan, Morton A., New Approaches to International Relations
1968 Lory, M. J. , Douze Leçons sur l'Europe. 1914 1947
1968 Luard, Evan, Conflict and Peace in the Modern International System
1968 McLuhan, Marshall, War and Peace in the Global Village
1968 McNamara, Robert Strange, The Essence of Security. Reflections in Office
1968 Meynaud, Jean, Verso l'Europa Unita. Strutture e Compiti dei Gruppi di promozione(com Sidjanski, Dusan)
1968 Moreira, Adriano, Política Internacional
1968 Neto, João Baptista Pereira, A Evolução e Tendências Recentes das Hipóteses Geopolíticas
1968 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., International Regionalism. Readings
1968 Rapoport, Anatol, Clausewitz. On War
1968 Sampson, Anthony, Anatomia da Nova Europa
1968 Walzer, Michael, The Revolution of the Saints. A Study in the Origins of Radical Politics
1968 Young, George K., Finance and World Power
1968 Young, Oran R. , A Systemic Approach to International Politics
1969 Albertini, Mário, L’Idée de Nation
1969 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Le Mouvemnt Afro-Asiatique
1969 Bull, Hedley International Theory. The Case for a Classical Approach
1969 Célerier, Pierre, Géopolitique et Géostratégie
1969 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Die Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen
1969 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Nationalism and its Alternatives
1969 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, Le Drame de l'Europe. 1914 1945
1969 Emmanuel, Arghiri, L’Échange Inégal. Essai sur les Antagonismes dans les Rapports Économiques Internationaux
1969 Foucault, Michel, L'Archéologie du Savoir
1969 Guitard, Odette, Bandoung et le Réveil des Peuples Colonisés
1969 Kaplan, Morton A., Macropolitics. Selected Essays on the Philosophy and Science of Politics,
1969 Knorr, Klaus, Contending Approaches to International Politics(com Rosenau, James N.)
1969 Macmillan, Harold, Tides of Fortune. 1945 1955
1969 Merle, Marcel, Sociologie Politique et Droit Constitutionnel
1969 Moore Jr., Barrington, Injustice. The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt
1969 Morgenthau, Hans J., A New Foreign Policy for the United States
1969 Mueller, John E, Approaches to Measurement in International Relations. A Non Evangelical Survey,
1969 Parsons, Talcott, Politics and Social Structure
1969 Perroux, François, ”Indépendance” de l’Economie Nationale et Interdépendence des Nations
1969 Rosenau, James N. , Contending Approaches to International Politics(com Knorr, K.)
1969 Rosenau, James N. , Linkage Politics. Essays on the Convergence of National and International Systems
1969 Spaak, Paul Henri, Combats Inachevés. De l'Espoir aux Décéptions
1969 Walter, E. V., Terror and Resistance
1970 Bendix, Reinhard Embattled Reason
1970 Bouthoul, Gaston Traité de Polémologie. Sociologie des Guerres
1970 Almond, Gabriel A., Political Development. Essays in Heuristic Theory
1970 Amin, Samir, L’Accumulation à l’Échelle Mondiale
1970 Ardrey, Robert, The Social Contract
1970 Brugmans, Henri L'Idée Européenne. 1920 1970
1970 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Between Two Ages. America’s Role in the Technotronic Era(com Friedrich, Carl Joachim)
1970 Etzioni, Amitai, Comparative Perspectives. Theories and Methods
1970 Etzioni, Amitai, Demonstration Democracy
1970 Forsythe, M., The Theory of International Relations(com Keen Soper, H. M. A. / Savigear, P.)
1970 Graven, Jean, Le Difficile Progrès du Règne de la Justice et de la Paix Internationale par le Droit. Des Origines à la Societé des Nations
1970 Gurr, Ted Robert, Why Men Rebel?
1970 Haas, Ernest B., The Web of Interdependence
1970 Hallstein, Walter, L'Europe Inachevée
1970 Hirschman, Albert O., Exit, Voice, Loyalty
1970 Kristeva, Julia, Le Langage, Cet Inconnu
1970 Lafont, Robert, Décoloniser en France. Les Regions face à l'Europe
1970 Lindberg, Leon N., Europe's Would Be Polity. Patterns of Change in the European Community
1970 Merle, Marcel, La Vie Internationale
1970 Perroux, François, Aliénation et Societé Industrielle
1970 Rapoport, Anatol, N Person Game Theory
1970 Rosenau, James N. , The Adaptation of National Societies. A Theory of Political System Behavior and Transformation
1970 Rougemont, Denis de, Lettre Ouverte aux Européens
1970 Santos, Teotónio dos, Dependencia y Cambio Social
1970 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques,Ciel et Tierre. Manifeste Radical
1970 Tullock, Gordon, Private Wants, Public Needs. An Economic Analysis of the Desirable Scope of Government
1970 Walzer, Michael, Obligation. Essays on Disobedience, War and Citizenship
1970 Xavier, Alberto Pinheiro, Portugal e a Integração Económica Europeia
1971 Bendix, Reinhard Scholarship and Partisanship. Essays on Max Weber
1971 Amin, Samir, L’Afrique de l’Ouest Bloquée. conomie Politique de la Colonisation 1880 1920
1971 Baldwin, David Allen Cosmocorp. The Importance of Beeing Stateless
1971 Bettati, Mario La Souverainité au Xxe Siècle
1971 Brucan, Silviu The Dissolution of Power
1971 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Política e Desenvolvimento em Sociedades Dependentes. Ideologias do Empresariado Industrial Argentino e
1971 Carvalho, Delgado, Relações Internacionais
1971 Earle, Edward Mead, Makers of Modern Strategy. Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler
1971 Ehrlich, Paul R., How to be a Survivor(com Richard L. Harriman)
1971 Ehrlich, Paul R., The Population Bomb
1971 Gramsci, Antonio, La Costruzione del Partito Comunista 1923 - 1926
1971 Keohane, Robert, Transnational Relations and World Politics
1971 Rawls, John, A Theory of Justice
1971 Rosenau, James N. , The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy
1971 Smith, Anthony David, Theories of Nationalism
1971 Soja, Edward W. , The Political Organization of Space
1971 Vernon, Raymond, Sovereignity at Bay. The Multinational Spread of U. S. Enterprises
Binoux, Paul Les Pionniers de l'Europe. L'Europe et le Rapprochement Franco Allemand
Aron, Raymond, Études Politiques. Recueil d’Essais
Beaufre, André La Guerre Révolutionnaire. Les Forces Nouvelles de la Guerre
Beaufre, André Stratégie pour Demain
1972 Brown, Lester R. World without Borders
1972 Brown, Lester R. The Interdependence of Nations
1972 Buchanan, James McGill The Theory of Public Choice. The Political Application of Economics(com Robert Tollison)
1972 Burton, John, World Society, Lo
1972 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Notas sobre Estado e Dependência
1972 Fernandes, Carlos Roma, Portugal e o Mercado Comum(com Álvares, Pedro)
1972 Hermann, Charles F., International Crises
1972 Herz, John H. ,Government and Politics in the Twentieth Century
1972 Meadows, Donella, The Limits to Growth. A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind
1972 Modelski, George, Principles of World Politics
1972 Monnet, Jean, L'Europe Unie, de l'Utopie à la Realité
1972 Moore Jr., Barrington, Reflections of the Causes of Human Misery
1972 Moulin, Léo, L'Aventure Européenne
1972 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Transnational Relations and World Politics
1972 Ribeiro, Darcy, Teoria do Brasil
1972 Rosenau, James N. , Analysis Of International Politics
1972 Singer, J. David, The Wages of War 1816 1965. A Statistical Handbook(com Small, Melvin)
1972 Spiegel, Stephen L., Dominance and Diversity. The International Hierarchy
1972 Virally, Michel, L’Organisation Mondiale
1973 Beitz, Charles R.Peace and War(com Theodore Herman)
1973 Amin, Samir, Le Développement Inégal. Essai sur les Formations Sociales du Capitalisme Périphérique
1973 Amin, Samir, L'Échange Inégal et la Loi de la Valeur
1973 Aron, Raymond, La République Impériale. Les Etats Unis dans le Monde
1973 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, O Modelo Político Brasileiro e Outros Ensaios
1973 Collins, J., Grand Strategy. Principles and Practices
1973 Conquest, Robert, The Great Terror,
1973 Cox, Robert W., The Anatomy of Influence. Decision Making in International Organization(com Jacobson, Harold K.)
1973 Falk, Richard A., Regional Politics and World Order(com Mendlovitz, Saul H)
1973 Galbraith, John Kenneth, Economics and Public Purpose
1973 Giddens, Anthony, The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies
1973 Hinsley, F. H. , Nationalism and the International System
1973 Jones, Gareth Stedman, The History of US Imperialism
1973 Lafer, Celso, Argentina e Brasil no Sistema das Relações Internacionais
1973 Lindbeck, Assar, The National State in an International World Economy
1973 Mann, Michael, Consciousness and Action among the Western Working Class
1973 Medina, Manuel, La Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales
1973 O'Donnel, Guillermo, Dependencia y Autonomia(com Link, Delfina)
1973 Purnell, Robert, The Society of States. An Introduction to International Politics
1973 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, International Relations. Peace or War?
1973 Rosenau, James N. , The Dramas of Politics. An Introduction to the Jobs of Inquiry
1973 Rotelli, Ettore, Dal Regionalismo alla Regione
1973 Smith, Anthony David, The Concept of Social Change
1973 Voyenne, Bernard, Le Fédéralisme de Pierre Joseph Proudhon
1974 Beres, Louis René Reordering the Planet. Constructing Alternative World Future(com Torge, Harry R)
1974 Brugmans, Henri Prophètes et Fondateurs de l'Europe
1974 Albuquerque, Martim de, A Consciência Nacional Portuguesa. Ensaio de História das Ideias Políticas
1974 Albuquerque, Martim de, A Sombra de Maquiavel e a Ética Tradicional Portuguesa
1974 Arrow, Kenneth Joseph, The Limits of Organization
1974 Barnet, Richard J., Global Reach. The Power of Multinational Corporations(com Muller, Ronald E.)
1974 Braillard, Philippe Philosophie et Relations Internationales
1974 Crozier, Brian, A Theory of Conflict
1974 Ehrlich, Paul R., The End of Affluence
1974 Elazar, Daniel J., The Federal Polity
1974 Friedan, Betty, The Feminine Mystique
1974 Giddens, Anthony, Elites and Power in British Society(com Stanworth, P.)
1974 Granel, F., Las Empresas Multinacionales y el Desarrollo
1974 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Decline or Renewal? France since Thirties
1974 Lijphart, Arend, La Théorie des Relations Internationales. Grandes Controverses et Controverses Mineurs
1974 Merle, Marcel, Sociologie des Relations Internationales
1974 Mesarivic, Mihajlo, Stratégie pour Demain(com Pestel, Eduard)
1974 Moreira, Adriano, A Europa em Formação
1974 Puig, Juan Carlos, Régimen de la Comunidad Internacional
1974 Tilly, Charles, An Urban World,
1974 Tilly, Charles, Strikes in France
1974 Truyol y Serra, Antonio, La Sociedade Internacional
1974 Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Modern World System
1974 Watt, Kenneth E. F., The Titanic Effect
1975 Ball, George, Global Companies. The Political Economy of World Business
1975 Buchanan, James McGill The Limits of Liberty. Between Anarchy and Leviathan
1975 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Autoritarismo e Democratização
1975 Cline, Ray Steiner, World Power Assessment. A Calculus of Strategic Drift
1975 Falk, Richard A., A Study of Future Worlds
1975 Foucault, Michel, Surveiller et Punir. Naissance de la Prison
1975 Freyre, Gilberto, Os Brasileiros entre outros Hispanos
1975 Gilpin, Robert, U. S. Power and the Multinational Corporation
1975 Groom, A. J. R., Functionalism. Theory and Practice in International Relations(com Taylor, Paul)
1975 Gurgel, José Alfredo Amaral, Segurança e Democracia
1975 Haas, Ernest B., The Obsolescence of Regional Integration Theory
1975 Haftendorn, Helga, Theorie der Internationalen Politik. Gegenstand und Methode der Internationalen Beziehungen
1975 Isaak, Robert, Individuals and World Politics
1975 Jaguaribe, Hélio, Desenvolvimento Político
1975 Knorr, Klaus, The Power of Nations. The Political Economy of International Relations
1975 Lecerf, Jean, La Communauté en Péril
1975 Lorenz, Konra Zachariae, Três Ensaios sobre o Comportamento Animal e Humano
1975 Manning, C. A. W., The Nature of International Society
1975 Peccei, Aurelio, L’Heure de la Verité
1975 Said, Abdul A. , The New Sovereignities. Multinational Corporations as World Powers(com Simmons, Luiz R)
1975 Senghor, Léopold Sédar, Lusitanidade e Negritudee,
1975 Taylor, Paul, Functionalism. Theory and Practice in International Relations(com Groom, A. J. R.:)
1975 Tilly, Charles, The Formation of National States in Western Europe(com Shorter, Edward)
1975 Tilly, Charles, The Rebellious Century. 1830 1930
1975 Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Capitalist World Economy
1976 Albuquerque, Martim de, A Paz Universal no Pensamento Português
1976 Amin, Samir, La Loi de la Valeur et le Matérialisme Historique
1976 Amin, Samir, L'Impérialisme et le Développement Inégal
1976 Apter, David E. The Multinational Corporation and Social Change(com Goodman, Louis Wolf)
1976 Attinà, Fulvio, I Confliti Internazionali. Analisi e Mizurazione
1976 Bouthoul, Gaston Le Défi de la Guerre. 1740 1974 (com Carrere, René)
1976 Ellul, Jacques, Histoire de la Propagande
1976 Foucault, Michel, Histoire de la Sexualité
1976 Giddens, Anthony, Capitalismo e Moderna Teoria Social
1976 Giddens, Anthony, New Rules of Sociological Method
1976 Jervis, Robert, Perception and Misperception in International Politics
1976 Kahn, Herman, The Year 2 000, N(com Brown, William / Martel, Leon)
1976 Kaplan, Morton A., Formacion del Estado Nacional en América Latina
1976 Lacoste, Yves, La Géographie, ça sert, d'abord, à faire la guerre
1976 Mansbach, Richard W., The Web of World Politics. Non State Actors in the Global System(com Ferguson, Yale H.)
1976 Medina, Manuel, Las Organizaciones Internacionales
1976 Monnet, Jean, Mémoires, Paris,
1976 Moreira, Adriano, A Comunidade Internacional em Mudança
1976 Olson, Mancur, The No Growth Society(com Hans H. Landsberg)
1976 Peccei, Aurelio, La Qualité Humaine
1976 Rosenau, James N. , World Politics. An Introduction
1976 Soares, Fernando Luso, A Comunidade Internacional,
1976 Sullivan, Michael P., International Relations. Theories and Evidence
1976 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Mankind and Mother Earth. A Narrative History of the World
1976 Zinnes, Dina A., Contemporary Research in International Relations. A Perspective and a Critical Appraisal
1977 Amin, Samir, La Nation Arabe, P
1977 Aron, Raymond, Playdoyer pour l’Europe Décadente
1977 Braillard, Philippe Théorie des Relations Internationales
1977 Braillard, Philippe Théorie des Systèmes et Relations Internationales
1977 Buchanan, James McGill Democracy in Deficit. The Political Legacy of Lord Keynes(com R. E. Wagner)
1977 Buchanan, James McGill Freedom in Constitutional Contract
1977 Bull, Hedley The Anarchical Society. A Study of Orde rin World Politics
1977 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, ECO Social Systems and ECO Politics. A Reader on Human and Social Implications of Environmental Management in Developing Countries
1977 Ellul, Jacques, Le Système Technicien
1977 Foucault, Michel, Power/ Knowledge. Selected Interviews and other Writings 1972 1977
1977 Galbraith, John Kenneth, A Era da Incerteza. Uma História das Ideias Económicas e das suas Consequências
1977 Gramsci, Antonio, Escritos Políticos
1977 Keohane, Robert, Power and Interdependence. World Politics in Transition(com Nye, Joseph:)
1977 Knorr, Klaus, Economic Issues and National Security(com Trager, Frank N.)
1977 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, The Essential Tension. Scientific Tradition,
1977 Lafer, Celso, Comércio e Relações Internacionais
1977 Lannou, Maurice Le, Europe, Terre Promise
1977 Laszlo, Ervin, Goals for Mankind
1977 Lindblom, Charles, Politics and Markets. The World’s Political Economic System
1977 MacIntyre, Alasdair, A Short History of Ethics
1977 Mesa, Roberto, Teoría y Práctica de las Relaciones Internacionales
1977 Metz, Johann Baptist, A Fé em História e Sociedade
1977 Meyers, Reinhard, Die Lehre von den Internationalen Beziehungen. Ein entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Überblick
1977 Moscovici, Serge, A Sociedade Contranatura
1977 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Power and Interdependence. World Politics in Transition(com Keohane, Rober)
1977 Parkinson, F., The Philosophy of International Relations
1977 Rougemont, Denis de, L'Avenir est nôtre Affaire
1977 Tilly, Charles, Big Structures, Large Process, Huge Comparison
1977 Vernon, Raymond, Storm Over Multinationals. The Real Issues
1977 Walzer, Michael, Just and Injust Wars. A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations
1977 Wight, Martin, Systems of States
1977 Wilkinson, P., Terrorism and Liberal State
1978 Bendix, Reinhard Kings or People. Power and the Mandate to Rule(com Roth, G.).
1978 The Inner Limits of Mankind, O
1978 Albuquerque, Martim de, Jean Bodin na Península Ibérica. Ensaio de História das Ideias Políticas e de Direito Público
1978 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics. System, Process and Policy
1978 Azevedo, J. Cândido de A Adesão de Portugal à CEE
1978 Badie, Bertrand, Le Développement Politique
1978 Brucan, Silviu The Dialectic of World Politics
1978 Buchanan, James McGill The Economics of Politics
1978 Cassese, António, Pour un Droit des Peuples (com Jouve, Edmond)
1978 Chabot, Jean Luc, L'Idée d'Europe Unie de 1919 à 1939
1978 Choucri, Nazli, Forecasting in International Relations. Theory, Methods, Problems, Prospects(com Robinson, Thomas W)
1978 Donelan, Michael D., The Reason of the States. A Study in International Political Theory
1978 Frank, André Gunder, Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment
1978 Frank, André Gunder, World Accumulation, 1492 1789
1978 Gabor, Dennis, Sortir de l’Ère du Gaspillage(com Columbo, Umbert)
1978 Grosser, Alfred, Les Occidentaux. Les Pays d'Europe et les États Unis depuis la Guerra
1978 Hartman, Frederik A., Relations of Nations
1978 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Primacy or World Order?
1978 Inbergen, Jean, Nord-Sud, du Défi au Dialogue
1978 Jouve, Edmond, Pour un Droit des Peuples(com Cassese, A)
1978 Krasner, Stephen D., Defending the National Interest. Raw Materials Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy
1978 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, Black Body. Theory and the Quantum Descontinuity
1978 Maillet, Pierre, La Costruzione Europea
1978 Montbrial, Thierry, Énérgie. Le Compte à Rebours
1978 Ribeiro, Darcy, O Processo Civilizatório
1978 Rostow, Walt Whitman, The World Economy. History and Prospect
1978 Taylor, Trevor, Approaches and Theory in International Relations
1978 Tilly, Charles, From Mobilization to Revolution(com Tilly, Louise A. / Richard Tilly, Richard)
1978 Tullock, Gordon, Le Marché Politique. Analyse Économique des Processus Politiques
1978 Zorgbibe, Charles, La Construction Politique de l’Europe
1979 Bonanate, Luigi Dimenzioni del Terrorismo Politico
1979 Bonanate, Luigi Politica Internazionale
1979 Booth, Ken Strategy and Ethnocentrism
1979 Albertini, Mário, Il Federalismo. Antologia e Definizioni
1979 Amin, Samir, Classe et Nation. Dans l’Histoire et la Crise Contemporaine
1979 André, Charles L'Europe à la Croisé des Chemins
1979 Beitz, Charles R. Political Theory and International Relations
1979 Bouthoul, Gaston Guerres et Civilisations(com Carrere, René / Annequin, Jean Louis)
1979 Brugmans, Henri L'Europe Vécue,
1979 Castarède, Jean, De l'Europe de la raison à celle du Coeur
1979 Clavel, Jean Claude, L'Europe au Fil des Jours. Les Jeunes Années de la Construction Européenne. 1948 1978(com Collet, Pierr)
1979 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, Tides Among Nations
1979 Elazar, Daniel J., Federalism and European Integration
1979 Evans, G., Dependent Development
1979 Giddens, Anthony, Central Problems in Social Theory
1979 Isaacs, Harold, Power and Identity. Tribalism in World Politics
1979 Jacobson, Harold K., Networks of Interdependence. International Organizations and the Global Political System
1979 Kaplan, Morton A., Towards Professionalism in International Theory. Macrosystem Analysis
1979 Kennan, George Frost, The Decline of Bismarck’s European Order
1979 Kissinger, Henry, The White House Years
1979 Kriegel, Blandine, L'État et les Esclaves. Réflexions pour l'Histoire des États
1979 Levi, Lucio, Verso gli Stati Uniti d'Europa. Analisi dell'Integrazione Europea
1979 Lovelock, James E., Gaia. A NewLook at Life on Earth
1979 Lyotard, Jean-françois, La Condition Postmoderne. Rapport sur le savoir
1979 Macedo, Jorge Borges de, Uma Perspectiva Histórica para a Integração Europeia
1979 Merquior, José Guilherme, The Veil and the Mask
1979 Meyers, Reinhard, Weltpolitik in Grundbegriffen
1979 Morgenthau, Hans J., Human Rights and Foreign Policy
1979 Noell, Émile, Les Rouages de l'Europe. Comment fonctionnent les institutions de la Communauté Européenne
1979 Peccei, Aurelio, The Chasm Ahead
1979 Pedini, Mario, Rapporto sull'Europa. Momenti e Fatti dell'Unificazione
1979 Sanguinetti, Gianfranco, Del Terrorismo e dello Stato. La Teoria e la Pratica del Terrorismo per la Prima Volta Divulgato,
1979 Singer, J. David, The Correlates of War
1979 Skocpol, Theda, State and Social Revolutions. A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China
1979 Smith, Anthony David, National Movements in te 20th Century
1979 Spinelli, Altiero, Il mia Bataglia per un'Europa Diversa
1979 Teitgen, Pierre Henri, Origines, Objectifs et Nature des Communauté Européennes
1979 Tucker, Robert C., The Inequality of Nations
1979 Waltz, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics(com revisão científica e prefácio de Luís Filipe Lobo Fernandes, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2002)
1980 Abi Saab, Georges, Le Concept d’Organisation Internationale
1980 Ashley, Richard K., The Political Economy of War and Peace. The Sino Sovietic Triangle and the Modern Security Problematique
1980 Barney, Gerald O., The Global 2000. Report to the President
1980 Braillard, Philippe Impérialisme(com Senarclens, Pierre)
1980 Brandt, Willy Nord Sud. Un Programme de Survie
1980 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, As Ideias e seu Lugar. Ensaio sobre as Teorias do Desenvolvimento
1980 Chacon, Vamireh, O Humanismo Brasileiro
1980 Cline, Ray Steiner, World Power Trends and U. S. Foreign Policy for the1980s
1980 Débray, Régis, Genèse du Politique
1980 Galtung, Johan, The True Worlds
1980 Gonidec, Pierre François, Politique Comparée du Tiers Monde(com Tran, Van Min)
1980 Guernier, Maurice, Tiers Monde. Trois Quarts du Monde
1980 Gurr, Ted Robert, Handbook of Political Conflict
1980 Merquior, José Guilherme, Rousseau and Weber. Two Studies in the Theory of Legitimacy
1980 Nixon, Richard, The Real War, N
1980 Organski, Abramo Fimo Kenneth, The War Ledger(com Kluger, Jace)
1980 Petrilli, Giuseppe, Il Mattino d'Europa. Scritti e Discorsi. 1959 1979
1980 Puig, Juan Carlos, Doctrinas Internacionales y Autonomia Latinoamericana
1980 Rorty, Richard, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
1980 Rosenau, James N. , The Study of Global Interdependence
1980 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques,Le Défi Mondial
1980 Toffler, Alvin, Futur Shock, No
1980 Toffler, Alvin, The Third Wave,
1980 Voyenne, Bernard, L’Information Aujourd’Hui
1980 Walker, Rob J. B., Political Theory and the Transformation of World Politics
1980 Walzer, Michael, Radical Principles. Reflections of One Unreconstructed Democrat
1981 Albuquerque, Martim de, Primeiro Ensaio sobre a História da Ideia de Europa no Pensamento PortuguêsIn Memoriam de Ruben Andresen Leitão
1981 Alker, Hayward R.,–“Dialectical Foundations of Global Disparities”
1981 Anand, R. P., Cultural Factors in International Relations
1981 Aron, Raymond, Le Spectateur Engagé. Entretiens avec Jean Louis Missaiks et Dominique Wolton
1981 Brugmans, Henri Volti d'Europa. I Momenti Ciave della Storia Europea
1981 Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce The War Trap
1981 Buzan, Barry, Change and the Study of International Relations. The Evaded Dimension(com Jones, Barry)
1981 Débray, Régis, Critique de la Raison Politique ou l’Inconscient Réligieux
1981 Dell'omodarme, Marcello Europa. Mito e Realità del Processo d'Integrazione
1981 Dougherty, James, Contending Theories of International Relations. A Compreensive Survey(com Pfaltzfraff Jr
1981 Dupuy, P. M., Communauté Internationale et Disparités du Développment
1981 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste ,Tout Empire Périra. Une Vision Théorique des Relations Internationales
1981 Ellul, Jacques, La Parole Humiliée
1981 Falk, Richard A., Human Rights and State Sovereignty
1981 Fernandes, António José, A Comunidade Europeia e Portugal. Problemática do Alargamento para o Sul
1981 Ferreira, José Medeiros, Estudos de Estratégia e Relações Internacionais
1981 Fontaine, Pascal, Une Cours sans Retour. Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe
1981 Galbraith, John Kenneth, A Life in Our Times
1981 Geutzkow, Harold ,Simulated International Processes(com Valadez, Joseph J.)
1981 Giarini, Oro, Dialogue sur la Richêsse
1981 Gilpin, Robert, War and Change in World Politics
1981 Gonidec, Pierre François, Relations Internationales
1981 Guerra, Ruy Teixeira, Os Movimentos de Cooperação e Integração Europeia no Pós Guerra e a Participação de Portugal nesses Movimentos(com Freire, António Siqueira / Magalhães, José Calve)
1981 Handel, Michael I., Weak States in the International System
1981 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Duties Beyond Borders: On the Limits and Possibilities of Ethical International Politics
1981 Kaldor, Mary, The Baroque Arsenal
1981 Lebow, Richard Ned, Between Peace and War. The Nature of Individual Crisis
1981 Little, R., Perspectives on World Politics(com Smith, M.)
1981 MacIntyre, Alasdair, After Virtue
1981 Mansbach, Richard W., In Search of Theory. A New Paradigm for Global Politics(com Vasquez, John)
1981 Merle, Marcel, Forces et Enjeux dans les Relations Internationales
1981 Morin, Edgar, Pour Sortir du XXème Siècle
1981 Peccei, Aurelio, Cem Páginas para o Futuro
1981 Perroux, François, Ensaio sobre a Filosofia do Novo Desenvolvimento
1981 Prebisch, Raul, Obras Escogidas
1981 Rugman, Alan M., Inside the Multinationals
1981 Russett, Bruce M., World Politics. The Menu for Choice(com Starr, Harvey)
1981 Silva, Golbery do Couto e, Conjuntura Política Nacional. O Poder Executivo & Geopolítica,
1981 Smith, Anthony David, The Ethnic Revival
1981 Smith, M. , Perspectives on World Politics(com Little, R)
1981 Spero, Joan Edelman, The Politics of International Economic Relations(com Hart, Jeffrey A)
1981 Starr, H. , World Politics. The Menu for Choice(com Russett, B)
1981 Tilly, Charles, As Sociology Meets History
1981 Vasquez, John A., In Search of Theory. A New Paradigm for Global Politics(com Mansbach, R.)
1982 Braillard, Philippe L'Imposture du Club de Rome
1982 Breuilly, John Nationalism and the State
1982 Caminha, João Carlos Gonçalves,Delineamentos da Estratégia
1982 Foucault, Michel, Microfísica do Poder
1982 Gilligan, Carol, In a Different Voice. Psychological Theory and Women's Development
1982 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Une Morale pour les Monstres Froids. Pour une Éthique des Relations Internationales
1982 Huntington, Samuel P., The Strategic Imperative
1982 Kennan, George Frost, The Nuclear Delusion
1982 Kissinger, Henry, Years of Upheaval
1982 Krasner, Stephen D., Plural Causes and Regime Consequences. Regimes As Intervening VariablesInternational Organization
1982 Lipgens, Walter, A History of European Integration
1982 Maghroori, R. / Ramberg, B., Globalism vs. Realism. International Relations Third Debate
1982 Mayall, James, The Community of States
1982 Meadows, Donella, Groping in the Dark. The First Decade of Global Modelling(com Richardson, John / Bruckman, Gerhart)
1982 Memmi, A., Le Racisme. Description, Définition, Traitement
1982 Merquior, José Guilherme, A Natureza do Processo
1982 Moreira, Adriano, Direito Internacional Público
1982 Ohmae, Kenichi, The Mind of the StrategistBusiness Planning for Competitive Advantage
1982 Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations. Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities
1982 Pélassy, Dominique, Sociologie Politique Comparative. Problèmes et Perspectives(com Doggan, Mattei )
1982 Poggee, T, Realising Rawls, Ith
1982 Ramberg, B. , Globalism vs. Realism. International Relations Third Debate(com Maghroori, R)
1982 Rokkan, Stein, The Politics of Territorial Identity. Studies in European Regionalism(com Urwin, Derek)
1982 Rorty, Richard, Consequences of Pragmatism
1982 Sandel, Michael J., Liberalism and the Limits of Justice
1982 Singer, J. David, Resort to Arms. International and Civil Wars 1816 1980(com Small, Melvin)
1982 Thompson, Kenneth W., Principles of International Politics. Selected Readings(com Morgenthau, Hans J.)
1982 Vasquez, John A., The Power of Power Politics. A Critique
1982 Willets, Peter, Pressure Groups in the Global System. The Transnational Relations of Issue Orientated Non Governmental Organisations
1983 Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
1983 Aron, Raymond, Mémoires. 50 Ans de Refléxion Politique
1983 Attinà, Fulvio, La Politica Internazionale Contemporanea (1945 1980)
1983 Buzan, Barry ,Peoples, States and Fear. The National Security Problem in International Relations
1983 Castells, Manuel, The City and Grassroots
1983 Creenshaw, Martha, Terrorism, Legitimacy and Power
1983 Escudé, Carlos, Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos y la Declinación Argentina, 1942 1949
1983 Fritsch Bounazel, Renata, Les Allemands au Coeur de l'Europe(com A. Brigot e J. Cloos)
1983 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Anatomy of Power
1983 Gerbet, Pierre, La Construction de l'Europe
1983 Habermas, Jürgen ,Moralbewusstein und kommunicatives Handeln
1983 Halliday, Fred, The Making of the Second Cold War
1983 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , La Nouvelle Guerre Froide
1983 Krasner, Stephen D., International Regimes
1983 Lipovetski, Gilles, L’Ère du Vide. Essais sur l’Individualisme ContemporainA Era do Vazio. Ensaio sobre o Individualismo Contemporâneo
1983 Merquior, José Guilherme, O Argumento Liberal
1983 Nardin, Terry, Law, Morality and the Relations of States
1983 Prebisch, Raul, Periferia Latinoamericana en el Sistema Global del Capitalismo
1983 Santos, José Loureiro dos, Incursões no Domínio da Estratégia
1983 Smith, Anthony David, State and Nation in the Third World. The Western State and African Nationalism
1983 Spinelli, Altiero, Rapport fait au nom de la Commission institutionelle sur l'avant projet de traité instituant l'Union Européenne
1983 Spinelli, Altiero, Vers l'Union Européenne
1983 Taylor, Paul, The Limits of European Integration
1983 Walzer, Michael, Spheres of Justice. A Defense of Pluralism and Equality
1984 Braillard, Philippe Tiers Monde et Rélations Internationales(com Djalili, Mohammad Reza)
1984 The Expansion of International Society(com Watson, Ada)
1984 Allan, Pierre, Application de la Théorie des Jeux à l’Étude des Relations Internationales(com Marti, Brigitte/ Glazer, Tracy)
1984 Arenal, Celestino del, Introduccíon a las Relaciones Internacionales
1984 Arterton, F. Cristopher, Telecommunicaions Technologies and Political Participation(com Lazarus, Edward H. / Griffen, John / Andres, Monica C.)
1984 Banks, M., Conflict in World Society. A New Perspective on International Relations
1984 Bull, Hedley Intervention in World Politics
1984 Bull, Hedley Justice in International relations
1984 Escudé, Carlos, La Argentina, Paria Internacional?
1984 Giddens, Anthony, The Construction of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration
1984 Glazer, Tracy, Application de la Théorie des Jeux à l’Étude des Relations Internationales(com Allan, Pierre/ Marti, Brigitt)
1984 Held, David, The Idea of Modern State(com McLennon, G. /, Hall, S.)
1984 Höffe, Otfried, Ethik und Politik
1984 Holbraad, C., Middle Powers in International Politics
1984 Kaplan, Morton A., Science, Language and the Human Condition
1984 Kennan, George Frost, The Fateful Alliance
1984 Keohane, Robert, After Hegemony. Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy
1984 Lafer, Celso, O Brasil e a Crise Mundial. Paz, Poder e Política Externa
1984 Marti, Brigitte, Application de la Théorie des Jeux à l’Étude des Relations Internationales(com Allan, Pierre/ Glazer, Trac)
1984 Martins, François, Algumas Reflexões sobre a Organização da Defesa Nacional
1984 Papp, Daniel S., Contemporary International Relations. Frameworks for Understanding
1984 Pélassy, Dominique, How to Compare Nations. Strategies in Comparative Politics(com Doggan, Mattei )
1984 Pelegrino, Carlos Alberto Mota,Uma Ciência Nova; Relações Internacionais
1984 Taylor, Paul, Nonstate Actors in International Politics. From Transregional to Substate Organizations
1984 Walker, Rob J. B., Culture, Ideology and World Order
1984 Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Politics of the World
1984 Watson, Adam, The Expansion of International Society(com Bull, Hedle)
1985 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Blocos Regionais do Terceiro Mundo
1985 Beitz, Charles R. International Ethics(com Cohen, M./ Scanlon, T./ Simmons, A. J.)
1985 Brams, Steven John Rational Politics, Decision, Games and Strategies
1985 Brams, Steven John Superpower Games
1985 Brandão, E. H. Serra As Relações Internacionais antes de Hugo Grotius,
1985 Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce Forecasting Political Events(com Neuman, David / Rabushka, Alvin)
1985 Giddens, Anthony, The Nation State and Violence. Volume Two of a Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism
1985 Groeben, H. Von Der, Combat pour l'Europe. La Construction de la Communauté Européenne de 1958 à 1966
1985 Groom, A. J. R., International Relations. A Handbook of Current Theory(com Light, Margot)
1985 Held, David, Models of Democracy
1985 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , L’Ordre International
1985 Holsti, Kalevi J. , The Dividing Discipline. Hegemony and Diversity in International Theory
1985 Krasner, Stephen D., Structural Conflict. The Third World against Global Liberalism
1985 Lipgens, Walter, Documents on the History of European Integration
1985 Lopes, Carlos, A Transição Histórica na Guiné Bissau. Do Movimento de Libertação Nacional ao Estado
1985 Lutherbacher, Urs, Dynamic Models of International Conflict(com Ward, Michael D)
1985 Merquior, José Guilherme, Foucault ou o Niilismo de Cátedra
1985 Merquior, José Guilherme, Foucault
1985 Mowlana, Hamid, International Flow of Information. A Global Report and Analysis
1985 Ohmae, Kenichi, Triad Power. The Coming Shape of Global Competition
1985 Pujol Davilla, José, Sistema y Poder Geopolítico
1985 Rawls, John, Justice as Fairness. Political not Metaphysical
1985 Skocpol, Theda, Bringing the State Back In(com Evans, Peter / Rueschemeyer, Dietrich)
1985 Smith, Steve, International Relations. British and American Perspectives
1985 Thomas, C. , New States, Sovereignty and Intervention
1985 Wiarda, Howard J., Ethnocentrism in Foreign Policy
1986 Bonanate, Luigi Teoria e Analisi nelle Relazioni Internazionali(com Santoro, C. M; nova ed. de
1986 Brecher, Michael Crisis and Change in World Politics(com James, P.)
1986 Barbé, Esther, La Obra y el Pensamiento de Hans J. Morgenthau
1986 Beck, Ulrich Risk Society. Towards a New Modernity,
1986 Benhabib, Seyla Critique, Norm
1986 Bettati, Mario Les ONG et le Droit International(com Dupuy, P. M)
1986 Buchanan, James McGill Liberty, Market and State
1986 Burgess, Michael, Federalism and Federation
1986 Carvalho, Vergílio de ,Estratégia Global e Subsídios para uma Grandes Estratégia
1986 Cassese, António, Le Droit International dans un Monde Divisé
1986 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, A Ideia de Europa. Raízes Históricas. Evolução. Concretização Actual. Portugal e a Europa
1986 Doyle, Michael W., Empires, Ith
1986 Dupuy, P. M., Les ONG et le Droit International(com Mario Bettati)
1986 Ellis, A., Ethics and International Relations
1986 Freymond, Jacques, La Paix Dangereuse
1986 Frost, M., Towards a Normative Theory of International Relations
1986 Giddens, Anthony, Durkheim on Politics and the State
1986 Gourevitch, Peter, Politics in Hard Times. Comparative Responses to International Economic Crises
1986 Haliday, Fred, The Making of the Second Cold War
1986 Hall, Peter, Governing the Economy. The Politics of State Intervention in Britain and France
1986 Handel, Michael I., Clausewitz and Modern Strategy
1986 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Janus and Minerva
1986 James, Alan, Sovereign Statehood. The Basis of International Society
1986 Keohane, Robert, Neorealism and Its Critics
1986 Kriegel, Blandine ,–Les Droits de l’Homme et le Droit Naturel
1986 Labori, M. , L'Europe des Douze. Une Puissance Mondiale en Devenir?(com Bourdelin, D)
1986 Lyotard, Jean-françois, Le Postmoderne Expliqué aux Enfants,
1986 Mann, Michael, The Sources of Social PowerA History of Power from the Beginning to A. D. 1760
1986 Marjolin, Robert, Le Travail d'une Vie. Mémoires 1911 1986
1986 Merle, Marcel, Les Acteurs dans les Relations Internationales
1986 Merquior, José Guilherme, From Prague to Paris. A Critique of Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Thought
1986 Merquior, José Guilherme, O Marxismo Ocidental
1986 Oliveira, Odete Maria, Relações Internacionais & Globalização. Grandes Desafios
1986 O'Neil, O., Faces of Hunger. An Essay on Poverty, Justice and Development
1986 Porter, Michael, Competition in Global Industries
1986 Porto, Manuel Lopes, Do Acto Único à "Nova Fronteira" para a Europa
1986 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, The Rise of the Trading State, Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World
1986 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, On Modes of Production of Social Power in the Law
1986 Santos, Victor Marques dos, Da Coexistência Pacífica. Elementos sobre as Origens e Evolução do Conceito
1986 Smith, Anthony David, The Ethnic Origins of Nations
1986 Sooros, Marvin, Beyond Sovereignity
1986 Tilly, Charles, The Contentious French. Four Centuries of Popular Struggle
1986 Vasquez, John A., Classics of International Relations
1986 Vincent, R. J., Human Rights and International Relations
1987 Benhabib, Seyla Feminism as Critique. Essays on the Politics of Gender in a Late-Capitalist Societies
1987 Bettati, Mario Le Devoir d’Ingérence. Peut-on les Laissez Mourir ?(com Kouchner, Bernard)
1987 Alexander, Jeffrey, The Micro Macro Link
1987 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Teoria Geral da Estratégia
1987 Arterton, F. Cristopher, Teledemocracy. Can Technology Protect Democracy?
1987 Ashley, Richard K., “The Geopolitics of Geopolitical Space
1987 Badie, Bertrand, Les Deux États. Pouvoir et Societé en Occident et en Terre d’Islam
1987 Bell, Daniel The World and the United States in 2013
1987 Braillard, Philippe Mythe et Realité du Non Alignement
1987 Buzan, Barry, An Introduction to Strategic Studies. Military, Technology and International Relations
1987 Carvalho, Vergílio de ,Cumprir Portugal. Uma Proposta para uma Grande Estratégia
1987 Cox, Robert W., Production, Power and World Order. Social Forces in the Making of History
1987 Der Derian, James, On Diplomacy. A Genealogy of Western Estrangement
1987 Elazar, Daniel J., Exploring Federalism
1987 Escudé, Carlos, Patologia del Nacionalismo. El Caso Argentino
1987 Fleiner Gerster, Thomas, Federalism and Decentralisation
1987 Fritsch Bounazel, Renata, L'Allemagne. Un Enjeu pour l'Europe
1987 Gerbet, Pierre, La Naissance du Marché Commun
1987 Giddens, Anthony, Social Theory and Modern Sociology
1987 Gilpin, Robert, The Political Economy of International Relations
1987 Hobsbawm, Eric J., The Age of Empire 1875 1914
1987 Höffe, Otfried, Justiça Política. Fundamentação de uma Filosofia Crítica do Direito e do Estado
1987 Hoffman, M., Critical Theory and the Inter Paradigm Debate
1987 Huntzinger, Jacques, Introduction aux Relations Internationales
1987 Hutchinson, John, The Dynamics of Cultural Nationalism
1987 Kauppi, Mark V., International Relations Theory. Realism, Pluralism, Globalism and Beyond(com Viotti, Paul R.)
1987 Kennedy, Paul, Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 1945Stratégie et Diplomatie. 1870 1945
1987 Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000
1987 Kipnis, K. / Meyers, D. T., Political Realism and International Morality
1987 Klein, Bradley S., Strategic Discourse and its Alternative
1987 Kouchner, Bernard, Le Devoir d’Ingérence(com Bettati, M.)
1987 Laue, Theodore H. Von, The World Revolution of Westernization. The Twentieth Century in Global Perspective
1987 Lipovetski, Gilles, L’Empire de l’Éphémère. La Mode et son Destin dans les Societés Modernes
1987 Macedo, Jorge Borges de, História Diplomática Portuguesa. Constantes e Linhas de Força. Estudo de Geopolítica
1987 Modelski, George, Long Cycles in World Politics,
1987 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Les Relations Internationales dans le Monde d’Aujourd’hui. Conflits et Interdépendences
1987 Morin, Edgar, Penser l’Europe,
1987 Ohmae, Kenichi, Beyond National Borders
1987 Pélassy, Dominique, Le Moloch en Europe. Étatisation et Corporatisation(com Doggan, Mattei )
1987 Pires, Francisco Lucas, Na Hora Europeia
1987 Prahalad, C. K. , The Multinational Mission. Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision(com Doz, Yves L)
1987 Riker, William H., The Development of American Federalism
1987 Rousseau, M. O., Regionalism and Regional Devolution in Comparative Perspective(com Zariski, R. A)
1987 Sá, Luís Viana, Soberania e Integração na CEE
1987 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Um Discurso sobre as Ciências
1987 Smith, Michael J., Realist Thought from Weber to Kissinger
1987 Vincent, R. J., International Relations Theory. Realism, Pluralism, Globalism and Beyond(com Kauppi, Mark V)
1987 Walker, Rob J. B., Towards a Just World Peace. Perspectives from Social Movements(com Mendlovitz, Saul H.)
1988 Abramson, Jeffrey B., The Electronic Commonwealth. The Impact of New Media Technologies on Democratic Politics(com Cristopher Arterton e Garry R. Orren)
1988 Augelli, Enrico America's Quest for Supremacy and the Third World. A Gramscian Analysis(com Murphy, Craig)
1988 Braillard, Philippe Les Relations Internationales(com Djalili, Mohammad Reza)
1988 Brams, Steven John Games Theory and National Security
1988 Brecher, Michael Crises in the Twentieth Century(com Wildenfeld, Jonathan / Moser, Sheil)
1988 Clark, Ian, Waging War. A Philosophical Introduction
1988 Claude, Inis Lothar, States and the Global System. Politics, Law and Organization
1988 Coudenhove Kalergi, Richard, Pan Europe
1988 Delors, Jacques, 1992. Le Défi. Nouvelles Données Économiques de l'Europe sans Frontières
1988 Etzioni, Amitai, The Moral Dimension. Toward a New Economics
1988 Fontaine, Pascal, Jean Monnet. L'Inspirateur
1988 Frankel, Joseph, International Relations in a Changing World
1988 Galambos, Louis, The Rise of Corporate Commonwealth
1988 Gill, Stephen, The Global Political Economy(com Law, Davi)
1988 Goldstein, Joshua S., Long Cycles. Prosperity and war in the Modern Age
1988 Higgot, Richard A. , New Directions in International Relations? Australian Perspectives
1988 Höffe, Otfried, L’État et la Justice
1988 Hoffman, M., Cosmopolitanism and Normative International Theory
1988 Kaelble, Hartmut, Vers une Societé Européenne. 1880 1980
1988 Lopes, Carlos, Para uma Leitura Sociológica da Guiné Bissau
1988 Lovelock, James E., The Ages of Gaia
1988 MacIntyre, Alasdair, Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
1988 Mann, Michael, States, War and Capitalism
1988 Mény, Yves, Politique Comparée,
1988 Merle, Marcel, L’Église Catholique et les Rélations Internationales depuis da Seconde Guerre Mondiale(com Montclos, C. de)
1988 Mesa, Roberto, Democracia y Política Exterior en España
1988 Modelski, George, Sea Power in Global Politics. 1494 1943(com Thompson, William R)
1988 Modelski, George, Seapower in Global Politics, 1494-1993
1988 Murphy, Craig, America's Quest for Supremacy and the Third World. A Gramscian Analysis(com Augelli, Enrico)
1988 Pearson, Frederic S. , International Relations(com Rochester, J. Martin)
1988 Pearson, Frederic S. , The Global Condition in the Late Twentieth Century(com Rochester, J. Martin)
1988 Rawls, John, The Priority of Right and Ideas of Good
1988 Senarclens, Pierre, La Crise des Nations Unies,
1988 Senarclens, Pierre, Yalta,Paris
1988 Strange, Susan, States and Markets. An Introduction to International Political Economy
1988 Thompson, William R., On Global War. Historical Structural Approaches to World Politics
1988 Walker, Rob J. B., One World, Many Worlds. Struggles for a Just World Peace
1988 Walker, Rob J. B., State Sovereignty, Global Civilization and the Rearticulation of Political Space
1988 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Race, Nation, Classe. Les Identités Ambigues(com Balibar, Étienne )
1988 Walzer, Michael, The Company of Critics. Social Criticism and political Commitment in the Twentieth Century
1988 Wieviorka, Michel, Societés et Terrorismes
1988 Zorgbibe, Charles, Dictionnaire de Politique International
1989 Birch, Anthony W Nationalism and National Integration
1989 Bourdieu, Pierre O Poder Simbólico
1989 Almond, Gabriel A., A Discipline Divided. Schools and Sects in Political Science
1989 Baldwin, David Allen, Paradoxes of Power
1989 Bonanate, Luigi Dopo l’Anarchia. Saggi sul Superamento dell’Imagine Anarchica delle Relazioni Internazionali e sul Rischio di Ricadervi(com Caffarena, A. / Vellano, R.)
1989 Brzezinski, Zbigniew The Grand Failure. The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century
1989 Burgess, Michael, Federalism and the European Union. Political Ideas, Influences and Strategies in the European Community. 1972 1987
1989 Clark, Ian, The Hierarchy of States. Reform and Resistance in the International Order
1989 Couto, Abel Cabral, Elementos de Estratégia. Apontamentos para um Curso
1989 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Global Changes and Theoretical Approaches to World Politics for the 1990s(com Rosenau, James N.)
1989 Der Derian, James, International/Intertextual Relations. Post Modern Readings of World Politics(com Shapiro, Michael J)
1989 Dyer, H. C., The Study of International Relations. The State of Art(com Mangasarian, L)
1989 Fernandes, António José, Portugal face à Política Regional da Comunidade Europeia
1989 Foucault, Michel, De la Gouvernamentalité
1989 Gray, Colin S., The Hierarchy of States
1989 Havel, Vaclav, Essais Politiques
1989 Kegley Jr., Charles W., World Politics. Trend and Transformation(com Wittkopf, Eugene.)
1989 Keohane, Robert, International Institutions and State Power. Essays in International Relations Theory
1989 Lafont, Robert, Lettres de Vienne, à un Ami Européen
1989 Livingstone, J. M., The Internationalization of Business
1989 Lodge, Juliet, The European Community and the Chalenge of the Future
1989 Lopes, Carlos, A Construção da Nação em África. Os exemplos de Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Moçambique e S.Tomé e Principe.Colóquio
1989 Lumeau, René, Le Rêve de Compostelle, vers la Restauration d'une Europe Chrétienne?
1989 McNamara, Robert Strange, Out of Cold. New Thinking for American Foreign and Defense Policy in the 21st Century
1989 Moreira, Adriano, Relações entre as Grandes Potências
1989 Nicholson, Michael, Formal Theories in International Relations
1989 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., International Institutions and State Power. Essays in International Relations Theory
1989 Pfaff, William, Barbarian Sentiments. How the American Century EndsLe Réveil du Vieux Monde. Vers un Nouvel Ordre International
1989 Pirages, Dennis, Global Technopolitics. The International Politics of Technology and Resources
1989 Rorty, Richard, Contingency, Irony and Solidarity
1989 Rosenau, James N. , Global Changes and Theoretical Approaches to World Politics for the1990s(com Czempiel, Ernst Otto)
1989 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Introdução a uma Ciência Pós Moderna
1989 Sedersberg, Peter C., Terrorist Myths. Illusion, Rethoric and Reality
1989 Shapiro, Michael J., International/Intertextual Relations. Post Modern Readings of World Politics(com DerDerian, J)
1989 Soja, Edward W. , Postmoderne Geographies. The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory
1989 Spinelli, Altiero, Diario Europeo:1948 1969
1989 Waever, Ole, Beyond the Beyond of Critical International Theory
1989 Waever, Ole, Tradition and Transgression in International Relations. A Post Ashleyan Position
1989 Williams, H., International Relations in Political Theory
1989 Young, Oran R. , International Cooperation. Building Regimes for Natural Resources and the Environment
1990 Albrow, Martin, Globalisation, Knowledge and Society
1990 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Do Poder do Pequeno Estado. Enquadramento Geopolítico da Hierarquia das Potências
1990 Andreff, Wladimir, Les Multinationales
1990 Ashley, Richard K., “Speaking the Language of Exile. Dissidence in International StudiesInternational Studies Quarterly(com Walker, R. B. J)
1990 Badie, Bertrand, Politique Comparée(com Hermet, Guy)
1990 Braillard, Philippe La Politique de Securité des États Européens Neutres et Non Alignés(com Djalili, Mohammad Reza / Tanner, Fred)
1990 Chay, Jongsuk, Culture and International Relations
1990 Couloumbis, Theodore A. / Wolfe James H.,Introduction to International Relations, Power and Justice
1990 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Direito Internacional Público. Relações Internacionais. Aspectos Fundamentais do seu Regime Jurídico
1990 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Formação e Evolução do Direito Internacional. Os Ventos da Mudança
1990 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Turbulence in World Politics(com Rosenau, James N.)
1990 Domenach, Jean Marie, L'Europe. Le Défi Culturel
1990 Donelan, Michael D., Elements of International Political Theory
1990 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, L’Europe, Histoire de ses Peuples
1990 Ehrlich, Paul R., The Population Explosion(com Ehrlich, Anne)
1990 Feathertone, Mike, Global Culture, Nationalism, Globalisation and Modernity
1990 Franck, Thomas, The Power of Legitimacy among Nations
1990 Giddens, Anthony, The Consequences of Modernity
1990 Gill, Stephen, American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission
1990 Graça, Pedro Borges, A Informação Cultural de Portugal. Introdução ao seu Estudo no Contexto Lusófono e Internacional
1990 Gremion, P., Vents d'Ouest. Vers l'Europedes États de Droit(com Hassner, Pierre)
1990 Haas, Ernest B., When Knowledge is Power. Three Models of Change in International Organizations
1990 Held, David, Political Theory and the Modern State
1990 Hocking, B. , World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations(com Smith, M.)
1990 Höffe, Otfried, Kategorische Rechtsprinzipien. Kontrapunkt der Moderne,
1990 Kegley Jr., Charles W., International Terrorism. Characteristics, Causes, Controls
1990 Lessa, Almerindo, Leituras do Homem
1990 Lessa, Almerindo, Leituras do Tempo
1990 Linklater, Andrew ,–Beyond Realism and Marxism. Critical Theory and International Relations
1990 Linklater, Andrew, Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations
1990 Macedo, Jorge Borges de, Portugal na Nova Distribuição das Forças Europeias
1990 Maillard, Pierre, De Gaulle et l'Allemagne. Le Rêve Inachevé
1990 Mayall, James, Nationalism and International Society
1990 Miller, Lynn H., Global Order. Values and Power in International Politics
1990 Minc, Alain, La Vengeance des Nations
1990 Molden, Otto, Die europaische Nation. Die neue Supermacht vom Atlantik bis zur Ukraine
1990 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, La Politique Internationale
1990 Moreira, Adriano, Teoria das Relações Internacionais
1990 Morgenthau, Hans J., Escritos sobre Política Internacional
1990 Morin, Edgar, Introduction à la Pensée Complexe
1990 Mueller, John E, Retreat from Domsday. The Obsoloscence of Major War
1990 North, Robert C., War, Peace, Survival. Global Politics and Conceptual Synthesis
1990 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Bound to Lead. The Changing Nature of American Power
1990 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Soft Power,
1990 Ohmae, Kenichi, The Borderless World: Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy
1990 Pinder, John, Federal Union, the Pioneers. A History of Federal Union(com Mayne, Richard)
1990 Pomian, Krzystof, L'Europe et ses Nations
1990 Pool, Ithiel Sola, Technologies without Boundaries. On Telecommunications in a Global Age
1990 Porter, Michael, The Competitive Advantage of Nations
1990 Rodrigues, Fernando Carvalho, A Nova AliançaFuturo
1990 Rosenau, James N. , Turbulence in World Politics. A Theory of Change and Continuity
1990 Ruddick, Sara, Maternal Thinking. Towards a Politics of Peace
1990 Singer, J. David, Measuring the Correlates of War(com Diehl, Paul)
1990 Skinner, Quentin, The Return of Grand Theory in the Human Sciences
1990 Smith, Michael J., World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations(com Hocking, B.)
1990 Taguieff, Pierre André, La Force du Préjugé. Essai sur le Racisme et ses Doubles
1990 Tilly, Charles, Coercion, Capital and European States. AD 990 1992
1990 Toffler, Alvin, Powershift, Nov
1990 Tovias, Alfred, Foreign Economic Relations of the European Community. The Impact of Spaind and Portugal
1990 Walker, Rob J. B., Contending Sovereignties. Redefining Political Community(com Mendlovitz, Saul H.)
1990 White, Stephen K. , Political Theory and Postmodernism
1991 Bergner, Jeffrey T. The New Superpowers. German, Japan, the United States and the New World Order
1991 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Conceito de Pequeno Estado
1991 Arenal, Celestino del, El Derecho al Desarrollo ou el Desarrollo de los Derechos
1991 Baylis, John , (1946 ) Makers of Nuclear (com Smith, Steve)
1991 Booth, Ken New Thinking about Strategy and International Security
1991 Buzan, Barry ,Peoples, States and Fear. An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Coldwar Era
1991 Calduch Cervera, Rafael, Relaciones Internacionales
1991 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Caminhos para um Novo Milénio
1991 Carrillo Salcedo, J. A., El Derecho Internacional en Perspectiva Histórica
1991 Cazeneuve, Jean ,La Societé de l’Ubiquité
1991 Cotteret, Jean-Marie, Gouverner c’est Paraître. Réflexions sur la Communication Politique
1991 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Governance without Government(com Rosenau, James N.)
1991 Dalby, Simon, Rethinking Security. Ambiguities in Policy and Theory
1991 Dreyfus, Michel, L'Europe des Socialistes
1991 Dumont, René, Un Monde Intolérable
1991 Duroselle, Jean Baptiste, Introduction à l’Histoire des Relations Internationales(com Renouvin, Pierre)
1991 Elazar, Daniel J., Federal Systems of the World. A Handbook
1991 Fernandes, António José, Relações Internacionais. Factos, Teorias, Organização
1991 Frieden, A., International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth(com Lake, David A)
1991 Gondick, Lev, Teaching World Politics. Contending Pedagogies for a New World(com Weisband, Edward)
1991 Groom, A. J. R., International Relations Then and Now. Origins and Trends in Interpretation(com Olson, Willia)
1991 Held, David, Political Theory Today
1991 Higgot, Richard A. , International Relations. Global and Australian Perspectives on a Envolving Discipline(com Richardson, J. L.)
1991 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Duties beyond Borders. On the Limits and Possibilities of Ethical International Politics
1991 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , Rousseau and International Relations
1991 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The New European Community. Decisionmaking and Institutional Change
1991 Holsti, Kalevi J. , Peace and War. Armed Conflicts and International Order, 1648 1989
1991 Hurwitz, Leon, The State of European Community. Policies, Institutions and Debates in the Transition Years(com Lequesne, Christin)
1991 Jackson, Robert H., Quasi States. Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World
1991 Kaldor, Mary, Europe from Below
1991 Kegley Jr., Charles W., The Long Postwar Peace
1991 Kennedy, Paul, Grand Strategies in War and Peace
1991 Keohane, Robert, The New European Community. Decision Making and Institutional Change(com Hoffman, Stanle)
1991 King, Alexander, The First Global Revolution. A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome(com Schneider, Bertrand)
1991 Klare, Michael T., World Security. Trends and Challenges at Century’s End(com Thomas, Daniel C)
1991 Kuttner, Robert, The End of Laissez Faire. National Purpose and the Global Economy After the Cold War
1991 Lafer, Celso, Ensaios Liberais,
1991 Lafont, Robert, Nous, Peuple Européen. Petite Histoire de la Maison Commune à l'Usage de ses Anciens et Nouveaux Habitans
1991 Lake, David A., International Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth(com Frieden, A)
1991 Lovelock, James E., Gaia. A Prática Científica da Medicina Planetária,
1991 Macneil, Jim, Beyond Interdependence. The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology(com Winsemius, Peter / Yakushiji, Taizo)
1991 Maltez, José Adelino, Ensaio sobre o Problema do Estado
1991 Maltez, José Adelino, Sobre a Estratégia Cultural Portuguesa. Elementos para uma Reflexão
1991 Merquior, José Guilherme, Algumas Considerações sobre os Liberalismos Contemporâneos
1991 Merquior, José Guilherme, Liberalism, Old and New
1991 Moisi, Dominique, Le Nouveau Continent. Plaidoyer pour une EuropeRenaissante(com Rupnik, Jacques)
1991 Morin, Edgar, Un Nouveau Commencement
1991 Murphy, Craig, The New International Political Economy(com Tooze, Roger)
1991 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Global Cooperation after the Cold War. A Reassessment of Trilateralism. A Task Force Report to the Trilateral Commission(com Kurt Biedenkopf, Motoo Shiina e Bernard Wood)
1991 Olson, William Clinton, International Relations. Then and Now. Origins and Trends in Interpretation(com Groom, A. J. R.)
1991 Olson, William Clinton, The Theory and Practice of International Relations
1991 Pinder, John, European Community. The Building of a Union
1991 Prate, Alain, Quelle Europe?, P
1991 Prebisch, Raul, Obras. 1919 194
1991 Ravenal, E., Beyond the Balance of Power. The Future of International Order
1991 Reich, Robert B., The Work of Nations
1991 Renouvin, Pierre, Introduction à l’Histoire des Relations Internationales(com Duroselle, Jean Baptiste)
1991 Rorty, Richard, Objectivity, Relativism and Truth
1991 Rosenau, James N. , Governance without Government(com Czempiel, Ernst Otto
1991 Sassen, Saskia, The Global City. New York, London, Tokyo
1991 Schmidt, C., Penser la Guerre, Penser l’Économie
1991 Schwartz, Hans Peter, The Art of the Long View. Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World
1991 Shaw, Martin, Post Military Society
1991 Sklair, Leslie, Sociology of the Global System
1991 Smith, Anthony David, National Identity
1991 Strange, Susan, Rival States, Rival Firms. Competition for World Market Shares(com Stopford, John / Henley, John S)
1991 Thomas, Daniel C., World Security Trends and Challenges at Century’s End
1991 Thüne, Wolfgang, A Pátria como Categoria Sociopolítica e Geopolítica
1991 Uri, Pierre, Penser pour l'Action. Un Fondateur de l'Europe
1991 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Geopolitics and Geoculture. Essays on the Changing World System
1991 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Unthinking Social Science. The Limits of Nineteenth Century Paradigms
1991 Wight, Martin, International Theory. The Three Traditions
1992 Benhabib, Seyla Situating the Self. Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics
1992 Blake, David H. The Politics of Global Economic Relations
1992 Bourlanges, Jean Louis Le Diable est il Européen?
1992 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Agenda para a Paz
1992 Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce War and Reason(com Lalman, David)Hugo Grotius and International Relations
1992 Allan, Pierre, The End of Cold War. Evaluating Theories of International Relations(com Goldman, Kjel)
1992 Andrade, Luís M. Vieira, Neutralidade Colaborante. O Caso de Portugal na Segunda Guerra Mundial,
1992 Badie, Bertrand, L’État Importé. L’Occidentalisation de l’Ordre Politique
1992 Badie, Bertrand, Le Retournement du Monde. Sociologie de la Scène Internationale
1992 Baylis, John (1946 ) Dilemmas of World Politics. International Issues in a Changing World(com N. J. Rengger)
1992 Beigbeder, Y. Le Rôle International des Organisations Non Gouvernamentales
1992 Camilleri, J. A., The End of Sovereignty? The Politics of a Shrinking and Fragmenting World(com Falk, J.)
1992 Campbell, David, Writing Security. United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity
1992 Cervo, Amado Luiz, História da Política Exterior do Brasil(com Bueno, Clodoald)
1992 Cohen Tanugi, Laurent, L'Europe en Danger
1992 Cotta, Alain, Pour l'Europe, Contre Maastricht
1992 Croisat, Maurice, Le Fédéralisme dans les Démocraties Contemporaines
1992 Débray, Régis, Vie et Mort de l'Image. Une Histoire du Regard en Occident
1992 Delors, Jacques, Le Nouveau Concept Européen,
1992 Der Derian, James, Antidiplomacy. Spies, Terror, Speed and War
1992 Dicken, Peter, Global Shift. The Internationalization of Economic Activity
1992 Draí, Raphael, Instabilités Européennes. Recomposition ou Décomposition?(com Thuan, Cao Huy)
1992 Dumoulin, Michel, L'Idée Européenne dans l'Entre Deux Guerres(com Stelandre, Y.)
1992 Ekins, P. , A New World Order. Grassroots Movements for Global Change
1992 Emmerij, Louis, Norte-Sul. A Granada Descavilhada
1992 Escudé, Carlos, Realismo Periférico
1992 Evans, G., The Dictionary of World Politics(com Newnham, J.)
1992 Falk, J., The End of Sovereignty? The Politics of a Shrinking and Fragmenting World(com Camilleri, J. A)
1992 Faye, Jean Pierre, L'Europe Une, les Philosophes et l'Europe
1992 Gaddis, John Lewis, The United States and the End of Cold War. Implications, Reconsiderations, Provocations
1992 Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Culture of Consentment
1992 Galtung, Johan, Global Glasnot. Toward a New World Information and Communication Order(com Vincent, Richard c.)
1992 Gandillac, Maurice de, Genèse de la Modernité. Les Douze Siècles où se Fit Nôtre Europe
1992 Giddens, Anthony, Modernity and Self Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age
1992 Giesen, Klaus Gerd, L’Èthique des Relations Internationales. Les Théories Anglo Américaines Contemporaines
1992 Goldman, Kjell, The End of Cold War. Evaluating Theories of International Relations(com Allan, Pierre)
1992 Grafstein, Robert, Institutional Realism. Social and Political Constraints on Rational Actors
1992 Greenfeld, Liah, Nationalism. Five Roads to Modernity
1992 Griffin, Keith, Globalisation and the Development in the Post Cold War Era(com Khan, Azizur R)
1992 Handel, Michael I., Masters of War
1992 Henriques, Mendo Castro, A Filosofia Civil de Eric Voegelin
1992 Hobsbawm, Eric J., Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Programme, Myth and RealityNations et Nationalisme depuis 1780
1992 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , After the Cold War
1992 Jouve, Edmond, Relations Internationales
1992 Kauppi, Mark V., The Global Philosophers. World Politics in Western Thought(com Viotti, Paul R.)
1992 Koslovski, Peter, Imaginer l'Europe
1992 Labouz, Marie Françoise, Les Accords de Maatricht et la Constitution de l'Union Européenne
1992 Laqueur, Walter, Europe in Our Time
1992 Lefebvre, Maxime, La Genèse du Nouvel Ordre Mondial. De L'Invasion de l'Afghanistan à l'Effondrement du Communisme
1992 Lellouche, Pierre, Le Nouveau Monde. De l’Ordre de Yalta au Désordre des Nations
1992 Lenoble, Jacques, L'Europe au Soir du Siècle. Identité et Démocratie(com Dewandre, Nicol)
1992 Lorenz, Konra Zachariae, Oito Pecados Mortais da Civilização
1992 Lourenço, Eduardo, Nós e a Europa ou as Duas Razões
1992 Martin, Lisa, Coercive Cooperation
1992 McGrew, Anthony G, Global Politics. Globalisation and the Nation State(com Lewis, Paul G.)
1992 Meadows, Donella, Beyond the Limits Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future(com Meadows, Dennis / Randers, Jorgen,
1992 Mesa, Roberto, La Nueva Sociedad Internacional
1992 Millon Delsol, Chantal, L'État Subsidiaire. Ingérence et Non Ingérence de l'État. Le Principe de la Subsidarité aux Fondements de l'Histoire Européenne
1992 Milward, A. S., The European Rescue of Nation State
1992 Monteiro, Fernando Amaro, O Islão, o Poder e a Guerra. Moçambique, 1964 1974
1992 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Problèmes Stratégiques Contemporains
1992 Morris, Aldon / Mueller, Carol,Frontiers in Social Movement Theory
1992 Nardin, Terry, Traditions of International Ethics
1992 Newnham, J. , The Dictionary of World Politics
1992 O’Brien, Richard, Global Financial Integration. The End of the Geography
1992 Panebianco, Angelo, Relazioni Internazionali
1992 Pélassy, Dominique, Qui Gouverne en Europe?
1992 Peterson, Spike, Gendered States. Feminist (Re)Visions of International Relations Theory
1992 Pires, Francisco Lucas, Europa,
1992 Ra’anan, Uri, State and Nation in Multi Ethnic Societies. The Breakup of Multinational States
1992 Ribeiro, Darcy, A Fundação do Brasil
1992 Robertson, Roland, Globalisation. Social Theory and Global Culture
1992 Rosenau, Pauline, Post Modernism and the Social Sciences
1992 Sandholtz, Wayne, The Highest Stakes. The Economic Foundations of the Next Security System
1992 Senarclens, Pierre, La Politique Internationale,
1992 Sidjanski, Dusan, L'Avenir Fédéraliste de l'Europe. La Communauté Européenne, des Origines au Traité de Maastricht
1992 Smith, Steve, Explaining and Understanding International Relations(com Hollis, Marti)
1992 Snow, Donald M., Distant Thunder. Third World Conflict and the New International Order
1992 Thompson, J., Justice and World Order. A Philosophical Inquiry
1992 Tilly, Charles, European Revolutions. 1492-1992
1992 Touraine, Alain, Critique de la Modernité
1992 Ward, Michael D., The New Geopolitics
1992 Warner, D. , An Ethic of Responsibility in International Relations
1992 Watson, Adam, Diplomacy. The Dialogue Between States
1992 Watson, Adam, The Evolution of International Society
1993 Baldwin, David Allen, Neorealism and Neoliberalism. The Contemporary Debate
1993 Brown, Chris International Relations Theory. New Normative Approaches
1993 Brzezinski, Zbigniew Out of Control. Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century
1993 Buchanan, David Europe. L'Étrange Superpuissance
1993 Burgess, Michael, Comparative Federalism and Federation(com A. G. Gagon)
1993 Buzan, Barry, The Logic of Anarchy. From Neorealism to Structural Realism(com Jones, C./ Little, Richard.)
1993 Cafruny, Alan W., The State of the European Community. The Maastricht Debates and Beyon(com Rosenthal, Glenda G.)
1993 Campbell, David, Politics Without Principle. Sovereignty, Ethics and the Narratives of the Gulf War
1993 Campbell, David, The Political Subject of Violence(com Dillon, Michae)
1993 Cashman, Greg, What Causes War ? An Introduction to Theories of International Conflict
1993 Compagnon, Antoine, L'Esprit de l'Europe(com Seebacher, Jacque)
1993 Corm, G., Le Nouveau Désordre Économique Mondial
1993 Couloubaritsis, Lambros / Leeuw, Marc De / Noel, Emile / Sterckx,Aux Sources de l'Identité Européenne
1993 Czempiel, Ernst Otto, Weltpolitik im Umbruch
1993 Débray, Régis, L’État Seducteur. Les Révolution Médiologiques du Pouvoir
1993 Donnely, Jack, International Human Rights
1993 Drucker, Peter F., Post Capitalistic Society
1993 Elkins, Stanley, The Age of Federalism. The Early American Republic (1788-1800)(com McKitrick, Eric)
1993 Falk, Richard A., The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace(com Johanson, Robert C. / Kim, Samuel S.)
1993 Fernandes, Luís Filipe Lobo, Transnacionalismo e Estado. A Política Externa Soviética em Transição (1985 1987)
1993 Figueiredo, Eurico de, Angústia Ecológica e o Futuro
1993 Gill, Stephen, Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations
1993 Goldstein, Judith, Ideas, Interests and American Trade Policy
1993 Grieco, Joseph M., Cooperation among Nations. Europe, America, and Non Tariff Barriers to Trade
1993 Guéhenno, Jean Marie, La Fin de la Démocraatie
1993 Held, David, Prospects for Democracy. North, South, East, West
1993 Huntington, Samuel P., The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century
1993 Jackson, Robert H., States in a Changing World. A Contemporary Analysis(com James, Alan)
1993 James, Alan, States in a Changing World. A Contemporary Analysis(com Jackson, Robert H.)
1993 Jeffery, Charlie, Federalism, Unification and European Integration(com Sturm, Rolan)
1993 Jones, Ch., The Logic of Anarchy. Neorealism to Structural Realism(com Buzan, Bert / Little, R)
1993 Kennedy, Paul, Preparing for the Twenty First Century
1993 Kern, Anne Brigitte, Terra Pátria(com Morin, Edgar)
1993 Krieger, Joel, The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World
1993 Kristeva, Julia, Nations Without Nationalism
1993 Lafont, Robert, La Nation, l'État, les Régions. Reflexions pour un Fin de Siècle et un Commencement d'Europe
1993 Lewis, David W. P. , The Road to Europe. History, Institutions and Prospects of European Integration. 1945 1993
1993 Little, R., The Logic of Anarchy. From Neorealism to Structural Realism(com Buzan, B. Jones, C)
1993 Lloyd, Alexis, L'Europe en Chantier(com Winkler, Antoine)
1993 Maltez, José Adelino, O Imperial Comunismo. Ensaio sobre Alguns dos Meandros de um Paraíso que não houve em Dois Grandes Estados Continentais
1993 Maritain, Jacques, L'Europe et l'Idée Fédérale
1993 Martins, Guilherme d'Oliveira, O Enigma Europeu. Ensaios e Reflexões
1993 Mény, Yves, Les Politiques du Mimétisme International
1993 Mény, Yves, Politique Comparée. Les Démocraties
1993 Merle, Marcel, Les Relations Internationales à l’Épreuve de la Science Politique. Mélanges Marcel Merle
1993 Millon Delsol, Chantal, Le Principe de la Subsidiarité
1993 Minc, Alain, Le Nouveau Moyen Âge
1993 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, La Mondialisation. Vers la Fin des Frontières ?
1993 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Les Institutions Européennes
1993 Morin, Edgar, Terre Patrie, Par(com Kern, Anne Brigitte)
1993 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, Pandaemonium. Ethnicity in International Politics
1993 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Understanding International Conflicts. An Introduction to Theory and History
1993 Pfaff, William, The Wrath of Nations. Civilization and the Furies of Nationalism
1993 Philippart, Eric, Nationalismes et Frontières dans la Nouvelle Europe. L’Impact Croisé
1993 Ramonet, Ignacio, Lágonie de la Culture
1993 Rawls, John, Justice et Démocratie
1993 Rawls, John, Political Liberalism
1993 Rawls, John, The Law of PeoplesOn Human Rights. The Oxford Amnesty Leectures
1993 Rittberger, Volker, Regime Theory and International Relations(com Mayer, Peter)
1993 Rosenau, James N. , Global Voices. Dialogues in International Relations
1993 Rothgeb Jr., John M., Defining Power. Influence and Force in the Contemporary International Systemt la Globalisation. Alliances et Accords dans l’Industrie
1993 Scholte, Jan Art, International Relations of Social Change
1993 Senarclens, Pierre, De Yalta au Rideau de Fer. Les Grandes Puissances et les Origines de la Guerre Froide,
1993 Skocpol, Theda, Protecting Soldiers and Mothers. The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States
1993 Teixeira, António Fernando Dias,A Natureza das Comunidades Europeias
1993 Teló, Mario, Tra Nazione ed Europa
1993 Toffler, Alvin, War And Anti War
1993 Vasquez, John A., The War Puzzle
1993 Walker, Rob J. B., Inside/Outside. International Relations as Political Theory
1993 Weiss, Pierre, Relations Internationales. Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial
1993 Wolton, Dominique, La Dernière Utopie. Naissance de l'Europe Démocratique
1993 Zorgbibe, Charles, Histoire de la Construction Européenne
1994 Bonanate, Luigi Guerra e Pace
1994 Almeida, Políbio Valente, Ensaios de Geopolítica
1994 Amin, Samir, L’Éthnie à l’Assaut des Nations(com Vansy, Joseph)
1994 Attali, Jacques Europe (s), Par
1994 Barnet, Richard J., Global Dreams. The New World Order of the Imperial Corporation(com Cavanagh, John)
1994 Bourjol, Maurice Intercomunalité et Union Européenne
1994 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros Agenda para o Desenvolvimento
1994 Castells, Manuel, Technopoles of the World. The Making of Twenty-First-Century Industrial Complexes(com Hall, Peter)
1994 Cline, Ray Steiner, The Power of Nations in tne 1990s. A Strategic Assessment
1994 Collet, André, Histoire de la Stratégie Militaire depuis 1945
1994 Delors, Jacques, L'Unité d'un Homme
1994 Devigne, Robert, Recasting Conservatism. Oakeshott, Strauss and the Response to Postmodernism
1994 Dewitt, David, Building a New Global Order. Emerging Trends in International Security(com Haglund, David)
1994 Dinan, Desmond, Ever Closer Union? An Introduction to the European Community
1994 Duverger, Maurice, Europe des Hommes
1994 Fernandes, António José, A União Europeia de Maastricht. Federação, Confederação, ou Comunidade de Estados?
1994 Fernandes, Florestan ,Democracia e Desenvolvimento. A Transformação da Periferia e o Capitalismo Monopolista da Era Atual
1994 George, Jim, Discourses of Global Politics. A Critical (Re)Introduction to International Relations
1994 Gils, Barry, Transcending the State Global Divided. A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations(com Palan, Ronen P)
1994 Girard, Michel, Les Individus dans la Politique International
1994 Girault, René, Identité et Conscience Européennes au XXe Siècle
1994 Groom, A. J. R., Contemporary International Relations. A Guide to Theory
1994 Guigou, Élisabeth, Pour les Européens
1994 Haliday, Fred, Rethinking International Relations
1994 Hauss, Charles, Comparative Politics. Domestic Response to Global Changes
1994 Houtart, F. , L'Autre Davos. Globalization des Résistances et des Luttes(com F. Polet)
1994 Ianni, Octavio, A Sociedade Glo
1994 Kissinger, Henry, Diplomacy, No
1994 Knock, Thomas J., To End All Wars. Woodrow Wilson and the Quest for a New World Order
1994 Kriegel, Blandine, Kant et l'Idée de République UniverselleLa Politique de la Raison
1994 Le Bras Chopard, Armelle, La Guerre. Théories et Idéologis
1994 Light, M., Contemporary International Relations. A Guide to Theory(com Groom, A. J. R.)
1994 Martins, Manuel Gonçalves, Relações Internacionais. Reflexões
1994 Medeiros, Eduardo Raposo de, Economia Internacional
1994 Meyers, Reinhard, Begriff und Problem des Friedens
1994 Meyers, Reinhard, Politikwissenschaft III. Internationale Politik(com Olaf Tauras e Jurgen Beller)
1994 Morin, Edgar, La Complexité Humaine
1994 Murphy, Craig, International Organization and International Change. Global Governance since 1850
1994 Nelsen, Brenten F. , The European Union. Readings on the Theory and Pratice of European Integration
1994 Nierop, T. , Systems and Regions in Global Politics. An Empirical Study of Diplomacy. International Organization and Trade 1950 1991
1994 Ortega, Andrés, La Razón de Europa
1994 Ortiz, Renato, Mundialização e Cultura
1994 Palan, Ronen P., Transcending the State Global Divided. A Neostructuralist Agenda in International Relations(com Gils, Barr)
1994 Palomares Lerma, Gustavo, Teoría y Concepto de las Relaciones Internacionales. Relaciones Internacionales I
1994 Pinto, Maria do Céu Pinho Ferreira,Islão, Fundamentalismo e Revolução Iraniana
1994 Pitch, Robert, L'Identité Européenne. Analyses et propositions pour le Renforcement d'une Europe Pluraliste
1994 Praxedes, Walter, O Mercosul e a Sociedade Global(com Piletti, Nelson)
1994 Randall, Stephen J., Federalism and the New World Order(com Gibbins, Roge)
1994 Roche, Jean-Jacques, Théorie des Relations Internationales
1994 Rodrigues, Fernando Carvalho, As Novas Tecnologias, o Futuro dos Impérios e os Quatro Cavaleiros do Apocalipse
1994 Rosenberg, Justin, The Empire of Civil Society
1994 Rougemont, Denis de, Dictionnaire Internationale du Fédéralisme
1994 Rummel, R. J., Death by Government
1994 Sá, Luís Viana, As Regiões, a Europa e a Coesão Económica e Social
1994 Sabourin, Paul, L'État Nation face aux Europes
1994 Sachwald, Frédérique, Les Défis de la Mondialisation. Innovation et Concurrence
1994 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Pelas Mãos de Alice. O Social e o Político na Pós Modernidade
1994 Sassen, Saskia, Cities in a Global Economy
1994 Seidman, Steven, Postmodern Turn. New Perspectives in Social Theory
1994 Shaw, Martin, Global Society and International Relations
1994 Simai, Mihaly, The Future of Global Governance. Managing Risk and Change in the International System
1994 Sjolander, Claire Turenne, Critical Reflections on International Relations(com Cox, Wayne S.)
1994 Skocpol, Theda, Social Revolutions in the Modern World
1994 Smith, Anthony David, Nationalism(com John Hutchinson)
1994 Spruyt, Hendrik, Sovereign State and Its Competitors
1994 Toulemont, Robert , La Construction Européenne. Histoire, Acquis, Perspectives
1994 Walzer, Michael, Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad
1994 Young, Oran R. , International Governance. Protecting the Environment in a Stateless Society
1994 Zartman, I. William, International Multilateral Negotiation. Approaches to the Management of Complexity
1994 Zorgbibe, Charles, Les Relations Internationales
1995 Bispo, António de Jesus, Simulação de Conflitos
1995 Alesina, Alberto, On the Number and Size of Nations(com Spolaore, Enrico)
1995 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics Today. A World View,
1995 Almond, Gabriel A., Comparative Politics. A Theoretical Framework
1995 Andreff, Wladimir, Les Multinationales Globales
1995 Art, Robert J., International Politics. Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues(com Jervis, Robert)
1995 Badie, Bertrand, La Fin des Territoires. Essai sur le Désordre International et sur l’Utilité Sociale du Respect
1995 Barbé, Esther, Relaciones Internacionales
1995 Bartelson, Jens, A Genealogy of Sovereignity
1995 Baun, Michael J., The New European Union. The Maastricht Treaty and European Union After the Cold War
1995 Booth, Ken International Relations Theory Today(com Smith, Stev)
1995 Brown, Eugene The Contours of Power. An Introduction to Contemporary International Relations(com Snow, Donald )
1995 Camilleri, J. A.,The State in Transition. Reimagining Political Space(com Jarvis, Anthony P. / Paolini, Albert J.)
1995 Chayes, Abraham, The New Sovereignty, Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements. (com Chayes, Antonia Handlker)
1995 Chemillier Gendreau, Monique, Humanité et Souverainités. Essai sur la Fonction du Droit International
1995 Commission on Global Governance,Our Global Neighborhood. The Report of the Commission on Global Governance
1995 Der Derian, James, International Theory: Critical Investigations
1995 Drucker, Peter F., Managing in a Time of Great Change
1995 Duverger, Maurice, L'Europe dans tous ses Etats
1995 Escudé, Carlos, El Realismo de los Estados Débiles
1995 Etzioni, Amitai, Rights and the Common Good. The Communitarian Perspective
1995 Falk, Richard A., On Human Governance. Towards a New Global Politics
1995 Fawcet, Louise, The Resurgence of Regionalism in World Politics(com Hurrel, Andrew)
1995 Giddens, Anthony, Beyond Left and Right. The Future of Radical Politics
1995 Giddens, Anthony, Politics, Sociology and Social Theory. Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Though
1995 Goldstein, Joshua S., International Relations
1995 Hastedt, G. , One World, Many Voices. Global Perspectives on Political Issues
1995 Held, David, Democracy and Global Order. From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance
1995 Hobsbawm, Eric J., The Age of Extremes. A History of the World. 1914 1991
1995 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The European Sisiphus. Essays on Europe 1964 1994
1995 Holm, Hans Henrik, Whose World Order? Uneven Globalisation and the End of Cold War(com Sorensen, Geor)
1995 Hurrel, Andrew, The Resurgence of Regionalism in World Politics(com Fawcet, Louise)
1995 Hutchings, Kimberley, Cosmopolitan Citizenship(com Dannreuther, Roland)
1995 Jean, Carlo, Geopolitica, Roma
1995 Jervis, Robert, International Politics. Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues(com Art, Robert J)
1995 Kaiser, Karl, Die neue Weltpolitik(com Schwarz, Hans Pete)
1995 Keating, M., Regions in the European Community(com Jones, B.)
1995 Kegley Jr., Charles W., Controversies in International Relations Theory. Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge
1995 Keohane, Robert, Local Commons and Global Interdependence. Heterogeneity and Cooperation in Two Domains(com Ostrom, Elinor)
1995 Kratochwil, Friedrich, The Return of Culture and Identity in International Relations Theory(com Lapid, Yosef)
1995 Lafer, Celso, Desafios. Ética e Política
1995 Lessa, Almerindo, No Tempo do Meu Espaço, no Espaço do Meu Tempo
1995 Lodge, George, Managing Globalization in the Age of Interdependence
1995 Lyons, Gene M., Byeond Westphalia? State Sovereignty and International Intervention(com Mastanduno, Michael)
1995 Martins, Manuel Gonçalves, Relações Internacionais. Política Internacional
1995 McCormick, John, The European Union. Politics and Policies
1995 McNamara, Robert Strange, In Retrospect. The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam(com Brian Van Den Mark)
1995 Merle, Marcel, Bilan des Relations Internationales Contemporaines
1995 Neufeld, Mark, The Restructuring of International Relations Theory
1995 O’Gorman, The End of the State. The Rise of Regional Economics
1995 Ohmae, Kenichi, The End of the Nation State. The Rise of Regional Economies
1995 Petras, J. , Empire or Republic? American Global Power and Domestic Decay(com Morley, M.)
1995 Petrella, Ricardo ,Les Nouveaux Maîtres du Monde
1995 Pires, Francisco Lucas, Portugal e o Futuro da União Europeia. Sobre a Revisão dos Tratados em 1996
1995 Pureza, José Manuel, O Património Comum da Humanidade. Rumo a um Direito Internacional da Solidariedade?
1995 Rennger, N. J., Political Theory, Modernity and Postmodernity
1995 Richir, Marc, Nouvelles Frontières des Relations Internationales dans l'Après Guerre Froide
1995 Rodrigues, Fernando Carvalho, Ontem, um Anjo Disse-me. Diálogos para o Século XXI
1995 Rosenau, James N. , Thinking Theory Throughly. Coherent Approach to a Incoherent World(com Durfee, Mary)
1995 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Toward a New Common Sense. Law, Science and Politics in the Paradigmatic Transition
1995 Schwartz, Hans Peter, Die neue Weltpolitik(com Kaiser, Karl)
1995 Seidman, Steven, Social Postmodernism. Beyond Identity Politics(com Nicholson, Linda)
1995 Skocpol, Theda, Social Policy in the United States. Future Possibilities in Historical Perspective
1995 Smith, Graham, Federalism. The Multi Ethnic Challenge
1995 Smith, Steve, International Relations Theory Today(com Booth, Ke)
1995 Snow, Donald M., The Contours of Power. An Introduction to Contemporary International Relations(com Brown, Eugen)
1995 Sur, Serge, Relations Internationales
1995 Wallerstein, Immanuel, After Liberalism
1995 Waters, Malcolm, Globalisation,
1996 Benhabib, Seyla Feminist Contentions. A Philosophical Exchange
1996 Benhabib, Seyla The Philosophical Discourses of Modernity, (com Passerin d’Entreves, Maurizio)
1996 Benhabib, Seyla The Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt,
1996 Berger, Susan National Diversity and Global Capitalism(com Dore, Ronald)
1996 Bettati, Mario Droit d’Ingérence. Mutation de l’Ordre International
1996 Albrow, Martin, The Global Age,
1996 Alker, Hayward R., Rediscoveries and Reformulations. Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies
1996 Amin, Samir, Les Défis de la Mondialisation,
1996 Ayuso, Miguel Después del Leviathan? Sobre el Estado y su Signo
1996 Barata, Óscar Soares, A Conferência do Cairo sobre População e Desenvolvimento
1996 Booth, Ken International Theory. Positivism and Beyond(com Smith, Steve)
1996 Borja, Stevenson Regionalismo y Poder en América. Los Límites del Neorrealismo
1996 Braman, Sandra Globalization, Communication and Transnational Civil Society(com Sreberny, Anabelle)
1996 Burchill, Scott / Linklater, Andrew,Theories of International Relations
1996 Castells, Manuel, The Information Age. 1. The Rise of Network Society, 2. The Power of Identity, 3. End of Millenium
1996 Colard, Daniel, La Societé Internationale après la Guerre Froide
1996 Colard, Daniel, Les Relations Internationales de 1945 à nos Jours
1996 Dunning, J. R., Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy
1996 Fawcet, Louise, Regionalism in World Politics. Regional Organization and International Order
1996 Ferrer, Alan, História de la Globalización
1996 Finnemore, Martha, National Interests in International Society
1996 Fontoura, Luís, Das Relações Norte-Sul à Cooperação Horizontal
1996 Fossaert, Robert, O Mundo no Século XXI
1996 Galtung, Johan, Peace by Peaceful Means. Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization
1996 Goinhas, Ana Sofia Ferreira, O Papel das Organizações Não Governamentais na Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos
1996 Gray, Colin S., Nuclear Diplomacy and the Special Relationship
1996 Habermas, Jürgen, La Paix Perpétuelle. Le Bicentenaire d’une Idée Kantienne
1996 Hart, Jeffrey A., The Politics of International Economic Relations(com Spero, Joan)
1996 Held, David, Models of Democracy
1996 Hirst, Paul Q., Globalisation in Question. The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance(com Thompson, Grahame, trad. port., Petrópolis,
1996 Höffe, Otfried, Vernunft und Recht
1996 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , The Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention
1996 Holsti, Kalevi J. , The State, War, and the State of War
1996 Huntington, Samuel P., The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
1996 Ianni, Octavio, Teorias da Globalização
1996 Katzenstein, Peter J., The Culture of National Security. Norms and Identity in World
1996 Keohane, Robert, Internationalization and Domestic Politics(com Milner, Helen)
1996 Knapp, Manfred, Einführung in die Internationale Politik(com Krell, Gert)
1996 Kofman, Eleonore, Globalisation. Theory and Practice(com Youngs, Gillian)
1996 Krause, J. , Identities in International Relations(com Renwick)
1996 Lafay, G., Comprendre la Mondialisation
1996 Linklater, Andrew, Theories of International Relations
1996 Maltez, José Adelino, Princípios de Ciência Política. Introdução à Teoria Política
1996 Maltez, José Adelino, Tudo pela Europa, Nada Contra a Nação. Doze Reflexões sobre Ser Europeu em Portugal na Era Pós-Maastrichtiana
1996 Manzo, Kathryn A., Creating Boundaries. The Politics of Race and Nation
1996 Marks, Renate, Governance in the European Union
1996 Martin, Hans-Peter, Die Globalisierungfalle(com Schumann, Harald)
1996 Martins, Ives Gandra, Uma Visão do Mundo
1996 Mittelman, James H., Globalization. Critical Reflection
1996 Montbrial, Thierry, Mémoire du Temps Présent
1996 Nicholson, Michael, Causes and Consequences in International Relations. A Conceptual Study
1996 Niedermayer, Oskar, Public Opinion and Internationalized Governance(com Sinnot, Richard)
1996 Nussbaum, Martha C., For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism
1996 Petrella, Ricardo, Le Bien Commun. Eloge de la Solidarité
1996 Ramos, Rui Manuel Moura, Da Comunidade Internacional e do seu Direito. Estudos de Direito Internacional Público e Relações Internacionais
1996 Robinson, William, Promoting Polyarchy. Globalisation, US Intervention and Hegemony
1996 Santos, Victor Marques dos, A Nova Ordem Mundial. O Conceito e a Perspectiva,
1996 Sassen, Saskia, Losing Control ? Sovereignity in an Age of Globalisation
1996 Sellers, M. , The New World OrderSovereignity, Human Rights and Self Determination of People
1996 Shapiro, Michael J., Challenging Boundaries. Global Flows, Territorial Identities(com Alker, Hayward R.)
1996 Shaw, Martin, Civil Society and Media in Global Crises. Representing Distant Violence
1996 Smith, Steve, International Theory. Positivism and Beyond(com Booth, Ken / Zalewski, Marysi)
1996 Spybey, T. , Globalisation and World Society
1996 Strange, Susan, The Retreat of the State: The Diffusion of Power in the World Economy
1996 Tavares, Maria da Conceição, (Des) ajuste Global e Modernização Conservadora(com Fiori, José Luís)
1996 Telo, António José, Portugal e a NATO. O Reencontro da Tradição Atlântica
1996 Wallerstein, Immanuel, Para Abrir as Ciências Sociais. Relatório da Comissão Gulbenkian sobre a Restruturação das Ciências Sociais
1996 Whitehead, Laurence, The International Dimensions of Democratization. Europe and the Americas
1996 Willets, Peter, The Conscience of the World. The Influence of Non Governmental Organizations in the UN System
1996 Woods, Ngaire, Explaining International Relations since 1945
1996 Young, Oran R. , Global Environment. Change and International Governance(com Demko, George J.)
1997 Baylis, John (1946 ) The Globalisation of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations(com Smith, Stev)
1997 Boniface, Pascal Dicionário das Relações Internacionais
1997 Brito, Paulo Alves de Nacionalismo e Nações
1997 Caetano, Isabel ,Ciência e Tecnologia nas Relações Internacionais
1997 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, Globalização e outros Temas Contemporâneos
1997 Clark, Ian, Globalisation and Fragmentation, International Relations in the Twentieth Century
1997 Clark, R., The Global Imperative. An Interpretative History of the Spread of Mankind
1997 Cordellier, Serge, Mondialisation. Au Delà des Mythes(com Doutat, Fabienne)
1997 Costa, Manuel Silvestre Araújo,As Armas do Realismo. Filosofia Crítica das Relações Internacionais em Raymond Aron
1997 Cox, Robert W., The New Realism. Perspectives on Multilateralism and World Order
1997 Doyle, Michael W., Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism
1997 Doyle, Michael W.,New Thinking in International Relations Theory(com Ikenberry, J.)
1997 Escudé, Carlos, Foreign Policy Theory in Menem's Argentina
1997 Germainz, R., Globalization and Its Critics
1997 Gray, Colin S., Globalisation and Fragmentation: International Relations in the Twentieth Century
1997 Herman, E. , The Global Media. The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism(com McChesney, R.)
1997 Knutsen, Torbjørn L., A History of International Relations Theory
1997 Lefebvre, Maxime, Le Jeu du Droit et de la Puissance. Précis de Relations
1997 McGrew, Anthony G, The Transformation of Democracy? Globalisation and Territorial Democracy
1997 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, As Relações Internacionais desde 1945
1997 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, La Mondialisation
1997 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Relations Internationales
1997 Morin, Edgar, Une Politique de Civilization(com Nair, Sami)
1997 Mowlana, Hamid, Global Informations and World Communication. New Frontiers in International Relations
1997 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Società Internazionale. Vocabolario e Índice Analítico(com Fábio Armao)
1997 Petrella, Ricardo, Ecueils de la Mondialisation. Urgence d’un Nouveau Contrat Social
1997 Ramonet, Ignacio, Géopolitique du Chaos
1997 Ribeiro, Maria Manuel Inês Nabais,Em Nome do Público. A Opinião Pública e as Relações entre os Estados
1997 Rosenau, James N. , Along the Domestic Foreign Frontier. Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World
1997 Sá, Luís Viana, A Crise das Fronteiras. Estado, Administração Pública e União Europeia
1997 Saraiva, José Flávio Sombra, Relações Internacionais Contemporâneas. Da Construção do Mundo Liberal à Globalização
1997 Sokal, Alan, Les Impostures Intellectuelles(com Bricmont, Jean)
1998 Bonanate, Luigi La Guerra, Rom
1998 Almeida, Paulo Roberto de , Relações Internacionais e Política Externa do Brasil. Dos Descobrimentos à Globalização
1998 Bauman, Zygmunt Globalisation. The Human Consequences
1998 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves Franc-Maçonnerie et Cosmopolitisme au Siècle des Lumières
1998 Booth, Ken Statecraft and Security. The Cold War and Beyond
1998 Boyd-Barett, Oliver The Globalization of News(com Rantanzn, Tehri)
1998 Chacon, Vamireh, O Humanismo Ibérico
1998 Clemens, Walter C., Dynamics of International Relations. Conflict and Mutual Gain in an Age of Global Interdependence
1998 Delmas-Marty, M., Trois Défis pour un Droit Mondial
1998 Doremus, P. W., The Myth of the Global Corporation(com Keller, L. Pauly / Reich, S)
1998 Fernandes, António Horta, O Homo Strategicus ou a Ilusão de uma Razão Estratégica
1998 Fernandes, António José, Relações Internacionais Contemporâneas. Do Mundo da Europa à Europa
1998 Fonseca, Isabel, Da Luz às Luzes. Cultura e Nação
1998 Freitas, Jorge Manuel da Costa,A Escola Geopolítica Brasileira. De Golbery do Couto e Silva a Therezinha de Castro
1998 Gounelle, Max, Relations Internationales
1998 Habermas, Jürgen ,Die postnationale Konstellation
1998 Haesbaert, Rogério, Globalização e Fragmentação do Mundo Contemporâneo
1998 Held, David, Re Imagining Political Community(com Archibugi, D. / Kohler, M)
1998 Hoffmann, Stanley H. , World Disorders. Troubled Peace in the Post Cold War Era
1998 Holton, R. , Globalisation and the Nation State
1998 Keck, Margaret, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics(com Sikkink, Kathryn)
1998 Krasner, Stephen D., International Organization. Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics(com Robert O. Keohane, Robert O. / Peter J. Katzenstein, Peter J.)
1998 Lauren, Paul Gordon, The Evolution of International Human Rights: Visions Seen
1998 Maltez, José Adelino, Princípios de Ciência Política. O Problema do Direito
1998 Marques, Viriato Soromenho, O Futuro Frágil. Os Desafios da Crise Global do Ambiente
1998 Masala, Carlo/Roloff, Ralf, Herausforderungen der Realpolitik. Beiträge zur Theoriedebatte in der Internationalen Politik
1998 Merquior, José Guilherme, O Liberalismo Social. Uma Visão Histórica(com Paim, António/ Kujawski, Gilberto de Melo)
1998 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Introduction à la Géopolitique
1998 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, L'Ordre Mondial
1998 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Un Monde d'Ingérences
1998 Nicholson, Michael, International Relations. A Concise Introduction
1998 Nossal, K., The Patterns of World Politics
1998 Oliveira, Flávia Arlanch Martins de,Globalização, Regionalização e Nacionalismo
1998 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Interesse Nazionale e Globalizzazione. I Regimi Democratici nelle Trasformazioni del Sistema Post westfaliano
1998 Ribeiro, Manuel Almeida, A Organização das Nações Unidas
1998 Roloff, Ralf, Herausforderungen der Realpolitik. Beiträge zur Theoriedebatte in der Internationalen Politik(com Masala, Carlo)
1998 Santos, Victor Marques dos, A Humanidade e o seu Património. Reflexões Contextuais sobre Conceptualidade Evolutiva e Dinâmica Operatória em Teoria das Relações Internacionais
1998 Sassen, Saskia, Globalization and Its Discontents
1998 Senarclens, Pierre, La Gouvernance,
1998 Senarclens, Pierre, Mondialisation, Souveraineté et Théories des Relations Internationales
1998 Silva, Agostinho da, Dispersos,
1998 Singer, J. David, Nations at War. A Scientific Study of International Conflict,(com Geller, Daniel S.)
1998 Smouts, Marie Claude, Les Nouvelles Relations Internationales. Pratiques et Théories
1998 Strenger, Irineu, Relações Internacionais
1998 Vasquez, John A., The Power of Power Politics. From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism
1998 Weiss, Linda, State Capacity. Governning Economy in a Global Era
1998 Weiss, Linda, The Myth of the Powerless State
1998 Zalewski, Marysia, The “Man Question” in International Relations(com Jane Parpart)
1999 Bobbio, Norberto Teoria Geral da Política. A Filosofia Política e as Lições dos Clássicos
1999 Albertini, Mário, Una Rivoluzione Pacifica. Dalle Nazioni all’Europa
1999 Attinà, Fulvio, Il Sistema Politico Globale. Introduzione alle Relazioni Internazionali
1999 Badie, Bertrand, Le Monde dans Souverainité. Les États entre Ruse et Responsabilité
1999 Barata, Óscar Soares, O Crescimento da População Mundial e as Migrações Internacionais
1999 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves La République Universelle des Francs-Maçons. De Newton à Metternich
1999 Beck, Ulrich Che cos’è la Globalizzazione. Rischi e Prospettive della Società Planetaria
1999 Clark, Ian, Globalisation and International Relations Theory
1999 Cochran, Molly, Normative Theory in International Relations. A Pragmatic Approach
1999 Creveld, Martin Van, The Rise and Decline of the State
1999 Daillier, P., Vers un Droit Commun de l’Humanité(com Pellet, A.)
1999 Davis, Richard, The Web of Politics. The Internet's Impact on the American Political System
1999 Domingues, Paulo Miguel da Costa,A Ideologia Federalista e os Novos Enquadramentos do Nacionalismo dos Estados Europeus
1999 Escudé, Carlos, Estado del Mundo
1999 Escudé, Carlos, Mercenarios del Fin del Milenio
1999 Falk, Richard A., Predatory Globalisation
1999 Giddens, Anthony, Runaway World. How Globalisation is Reshaping our Lives
1999 Held, David, Global Transformations. Politics, Economics and Culture(com McGrew, Anthony/ Goldblatt, David / Perraton, Jonatho)
1999 Henriques, Mendo Castro, Educação para a Cidadania
1999 Höffe, Otfried, Demokratie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
1999 Huntington, Samuel P., The Lonely Superpower
1999 Hurrel, Andrew, Inequality, Globalisation, and World Politics(com Woods, Ngaire)
1999 Kaldor, Mary, Old and New Wars. Organized Warfare in the Global Era
1999 Knutsen, Torbjørn L., The Rise and Fall of World Orders
1999 Krasner, Stephen D., Sovereignity. Organized Hypocrisy
1999 Maltez, José Adelino, Bem Comum dos Portugueses(com Macedo, Jorge Braga de / Henriques, Mendo Castro)
1999 Marchueta, Maria Regina, Sobre os Nacionalismos Periféricos em Espanha e a sua Projecção Internacional
1999 McGrew, Anthony G, Global Transformations. Politics, Economics and Culture(com Held David/ Goldblatt, David / Perraton, Jonathon)
1999 McSweeny, Bill, Security, Identity and Interests. A Sociology of International
1999 Miguel, Helder T. Ferreira, As Empresas Multinacionais e o seu Controlo pelos Estados
1999 Moreau Defarges, Philippe, Droit et Mondialisation
1999 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Governance in a Networked World
1999 Penna, José Osvaldo Meira, Globalização, Regionalização e a Nova Ordem Mundial
1999 Ramonet, Ignacio, A Tirania da Comunicação
1999 Risse Kappen, Thomas, Bringing Transnational Relations Back In. Non State Actors, Domestic Structures and International Institutions
1999 Risse Kappen, Thomas, The Power of Principles: International Human Rights Norms and Domestic Change(com Ropp, Stephen / Sikkink, Kathryn)
1999 Roche, Jean-Jacques, Relations Internationales
1999 Rosecrance, Richard Newton, The Rise of the Virtual State. Wealth and Power in the Coming Century
1999 Ruddick, Sara, Mother Troubles. Rethinking Contemporary Maternal Dillems(com Hanigsberg, Julia)
1999 Sá, Luís Viana, Espaços de Poder e Democracia. Do Global ao Local no Limiar do Século XXI
1999 Sábato, Ernesto, Antes del Fin,
1999 Sachwald, Frédérique, Réseaux contre Nations ? Les Multinationales au XXIe Siècle
1999 Shaw, Martin, Politics in a Globalized World
1999 Shaw, Martin, The Global Revolution and the Twenty First Century. From International Politics to Global Politics
1999 Silva, Agostinho da, Reflexões, Aforismos, Paradoxos
1999 Spiro, David E., The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony. Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets
1999 Thurow, Lester C., Building Wealth: The New Rules for Individuals Nations in a Knowledge Based Economy
1999 Waltz, Kenneth N., "Globalisation and Governance
1999 Wendt, Alexander, Social Theory of International Politics
1999 Wiener, Jarrod, Globalisation and the Harmonization of Law
1999 Young, Oran R. , Governance in World Affairs
1999 Young, Oran R. , The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. Causal Connections and Behavioral Mechanisms
2000 Bettati, Mario Droit Humanitaire
2000 Les Franc-Maçons dans la Cité. Les Cultures Politiques de Franc-Maçonnerie XVIIIe-Xxe Siècles(com Martin, Luis P.)
2000 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie
2000 Buzan, Barry, International Systems in World History Remaking the Study of International Relations(com Little, Richard.)
2000 Charvin, Robert ,Relations Internationales, Droit et Mondialisation. Un Monde à Sens Unique
2000 Cohn, T., Power in the Global Era(com McBride, S. / Wiseman, J.)
2000 Condesso, Fernando dos Reis, A Questão Ambiental e a Intervenção Radica
l2000 Cunha, Joaquim da Silva, Manual de Direito Internacional Público(com Pereira, Maria da Assunção do Vale)
2000 Donnely, Jack, Realism and International Relations
2000 Forsythe, David P., Human Rights in International Relations
2000 Gallino, Luciano, Globalizzazione e Disreguaglianze
2000 Gazano, Antoine, L’Essentiel des Relations Internationales
2000 Gray, Colin S., Modern Strategy
2000 Held, David, Global Transformation Reader. An Introduction to the Globalisation Debate
2000 Held, David, The Great Globalisation Debate. An Introduction(com McGrew, Anthony)
2000 Jacinto, José Luís de Moura Martins,O Trabalho e as Relações Internacionais
2000 Jackson, Robert H., The Global Covenant. Human Conduct in a World of States
2000 Jarvis, D. S. L., International Relations and the Challenge of Post Modenrism. Defending the Discipline
2000 Krasner, Stephen D., Problematic Sovereignty
2000 Lemke, Christiane, Internationale Beziehungen. Grundkonzepte. Theorien und Problemfelder
2000 Maltez, José Adelino, A Comunidade Mundial, o Projecto Lusíada e a Crise do Político
2000 Maltez, José Adelino, Por uma Europa Radicalmente Europeia
2000 McGrew, Anthony G, Global Transformation Reader. An Introduction to the Globalisation Debate2000 McGrew, Anthony G, The Great Globalisation Debate. An Introduction(com Held, David)
2000 Mittelman, James H., Globalisation Syndrome, Transformation and Resistance
2000 Montbrial, Thierry, Pour Combattre les Pensées Uniques, 2000 Nye, Joseph S. Jr., Governance in a Gloablizing World. Visions of Governance for the 21st Century(com Donahue, John D.)
2000 Olson, Mancur, Power and Prosperity. Outgrowing Communist and Communist Dictatorship
2000 Sábato, Ernesto, La Resistencia,
2000 Scholte, Jan Art, Globalisation. A Critical Introduction
2000 Senarclens, Pierre, Mondialisation. Théories, Enjeux et Débats
2000 Shaw, Martin, The Global State. Ideas and Power in the Unfinished Global Revolution
2000 Shinoda, Hideaki, Re Examinating Sovereignty. From Classical Theory to the Global Age
2000 Silva, Lúcio Craveiro da, Ser Português. Ensaios de Cultura Portuguesa
2000 Went, R. , Globalisation, Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses
2000 Zalewski, Marysia, Feminism After Postmodernism. Theorising through Practice
2001 Beaurepaire, Pierre-Yves Europe des Francs-Maçons (XVIIIe-Xxe Siècles)
2001 Chemillier Gendreau, Monique, Le Droit dans la Mondialisation(com Moullier Boutang, Yan)
2001 Condesso, Fernando dos Reis, Direito do Ambienteer and the Future of World Politics(com Paul, T. V)
2001 Ikenberry, G. J, Teorie e Metodi Nelle Relazioni Internazionali. La Disciplina e la sua Evoluzione(com Parsi, V. E.)
2001 London School of Economics, Global Civil Society 2001
2001 Matos, Rui Paula de, As ONG (D) e a Crise do Estado SoberanoUm Estudo de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
2001 McNamara, Robert Strange, Wilson’s Ghost. Reducing the Risk of Conflict, Killing and Catastrophes in the 21st Century
2001 Morgenthau, Hans J., Hans J. Morgenthau. An Intellectual Biography.
2001 Oliveira, Odete Maria, Relações Internacionais. Estudos de Introdução
2001 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Lo Sguarda Corto. Critica della Classe Dirigente Italiana(com Lorenzo Ornaghi)
2001 Parsi, Vittorio Emanuele, Teorie e Metodi nelle Relazioni Internazionali. La Disciplina e la sua Evoluzione(com Ikenberry, G. J)
2001 Ramonet, Ignacio, Propagandas Silenciosas. Massas, Televisão, Cinema
2001 Ribeiro, Wagner da Costa, A Ordem Ambiental Internacional
2001 Ribeiro, Wagner da Costa, Relações Internacionais. Cenários para o Século XXI
2001 Roloff, Ralf, Europa, Amerika und Asien zwischen Globalisierung und Regionalisierung
2001 Santos, Boaventura Sousa, Globalização. Fatalidade ou Utopia?
2001 Saraiva, Maria Francisca, Governance. Um Caminho para a Segurança Cooperativa
2001 Shaw, Martin, Theory of the Global State. Globality as an Unfinishede Revolution
2002 Booth, Ken Worlds in Collision. Terror and the Future of Global Order
2002 Boucher, David Political Theor
2002 Baptista, António Manuel, O Discurso Pós-Moderno Contra a Ciência. Obscurantismo e Irresponsabilidade
2002 Baylis, John (1946 ) Strategy in the Contemporary World(com Wirtz, James, Cohen, Eliot / Gray, Colin)
2002 Devin, Guillaume, Sociologie des Relations Internationales
2002 Held, David, Globalisation / Anti Globalisation
2002 Held, David, Governing Globalisation. Power, Authority and Global Governance
2002 McGrew, Anthony G, Globalisation / Anti Globalisation
2002 McGrew, Anthony G, Governing Globalisation. Power, Authority and Global Governance
2002 Miranda, Jorge, Curso de Direito Internacional Público
2002 Nye, Joseph S. Jr.,The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone
2002 Simon Belli, Carlo, Breviario di Relazioni Internazionali
2002 Sklair, Leslie ,Globalisation. Capitalism and its Alternatives
2002 Stiglitz, Joseph E., Globalization and Its Discontents